Should have said, “were raised and/or raised our kids on” bc I can tell who has watched the Minions way too many times with their own kids and apparently nothing else 🫠
Let's go a bit farther back in time to Fantasia? And Robin Hood - I watch it annually to have a laugh. And then Sleeping Beauty because I know it by heart. If you want a real throwback, let's dig out Silly Symphonies.
While acknowledging the issues with Pocahontas, it still has an interesting message about people and nature. "You think I'm an ignorant savage" and "you think the only people who are people are the people who look and think like you" were formative to many growing up as lessons that shape the 1/
Thought processes we have today. Just like Fern Gully and the Lorax, all three have a secondary message that humans are not above nature but a part of it. I understand the use of the character of Pocahontas is problematic, but to throw away the whole post's point is where history repeats itself.
Loved Bug’s Life… then experienced the attraction at the Animal Kingdom in Disney World. I can guarantee that place genuinely traumatized the next generation. Wanna know what it’s like for spiders to spit webs at you, or get punched in the back with a stinger, IN THE DARK? That’s where you went.
My little brother watched A Bug's Life in school a few years ago and I think it did more to radicalize him than anything I've said. Should be required viewing in econ classes across America imo😅
My kids are currently obsessed with the Lorax and my daughter has begged me to get another tree this year which means I will have 9 on my property and I LOVE it!
I never missed the Bugs Bunny/Roadrunner show as a kid; yet I've never gone thru with an attempt to drop an anvil, from an elevated position, onto someone's head.
Minions exist circa 2010.
FernGully (1992), Pocahontas (1995), A Bug’s Life (1998).
The Lorax bridges the worlds but the book was from 1971.
But I Toooooooootally got the Fern Gully vibe when watching it.
Crysta wasn’t like one of my first major crushes. Totally. Completely. Mmhmm!
Did not spark in my mind an attraction to brave and kind women. No way.