United States only 1.87% of earth’s surface area but has the vast majority of alien spacecraft sightings. Thats called #globalleadership, UFOs just sense we’re the winners, the big dawgs
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The aliens are gambling with each other on sports, but only in the US. Like sorry but cricket just doesn't have intergalactic appeal the way basketball does.
I think this is even more evidence in favor of the “this is military aircraft.” There’s decades and decades of precedent, and our insane military budget would explain the proliferation of sitings here.
You've hopefully factored in that ~80% of the surface area is essentially uninhabited (ocean, desert, etc.)
Aside from that, of the many possible explanations for skewed numbers for this factoid—and you may find this hard to conceptualize—leadership ain't top of my list.
And with only 4% of the worlds population the U.S. has 25% of the worlds incarcerated prisoners thanks to Senator Biden's Omnibus Crime bill implemented in 1994.
America also has the vastest majority of certifiable nutters running free and who keep voting for people they see on the television - there just might be a connection between these phenomenas 🤔
Maybe they sense we have the dumbest and most easily conned population?
Besides, what alien civilization is so technologically advanced it mastered intergalactic travel yet so simple it gets caught spying on an inferior species with simple gadgets?
This was an old Bill Hicks bit. "Why are UFOs always seen in places like Fife, Alabama? Maybe these are not the super-advanced beings we think they are."
"Don't you want to see Paris?"
"Naw, we just had a long trip, we gonna kick back and whittle some. Enter our mothership in the tractor pull later. Whoop!"
If humans are fascinated by the most bizarre biological phenomena don't it make sense that aliens would be as well? And for that reason: USA No. 1. I absolutely understand why they're here studying us. We appear the be the most extreme--at both this moment and throughout history.
A few years ago, someone saying this sort of thing would be an obvious parody account ... but now?
Many Americans believe that Australia is not real, so ...
It seems a little suspicious to me that now everyone effectively carries a good quality film camera around with them all the time that alien pics and monsters have ceased.
Well, some people reckon the vast majority of alien spacecraft sightings are directly linked to a globally significant concentration of dimwits and rednecks mistaking every other streetlight for a UFO.
I suspect it’s more like going to the supermarket . Looking at meat, picking one up, deciding it’s too fatty, putting it back, choosing the next one, taking it home to be stew… we’re not even the butcher deli, we’re the discount fridge in plastic with the gross styrofoam with padding in the back.
Do “aliens” ever land in Blue states? Or, do they only land in States which have the most unintelligent people? Red State people, please wake up. Your ignorance is damaging the entire Country.
Or, perhaps, the ‘vast majority of alien spacecraft sightings’ in the #USA reflects the cultural obsession with extraterrestrial phenomena, the influence of #Hollywood sci-fi narratives, and a penchant for sensationalism, rather than evidence of global leadership.
After all, if #UFOs were truly seeking ‘winners,’ wouldn’t they focus on nations excelling in sustainability, equality, or innovation rather than relying on self-proclaimed titles? Huh?
Maybe they want to study the brains of the uneducated that vote against their own interest because they have a Hispanic landscaper
(Also, realistically, there has to be some bias in recording)
Interstellar 2014
Meaning that in most nations most sightings go unreported
Aside from that, of the many possible explanations for skewed numbers for this factoid—and you may find this hard to conceptualize—leadership ain't top of my list.
You can only tell people "I feel your pain" so many times while pissing on them from the second story roof before they get REALLY angry.
The Democratic Party abandoned and betrayed the working class. We owe them nothing. Time to organize and unionize and start a new party.
Get rid of #flouride. Add more #Prozac to the water supply.
Besides, what alien civilization is so technologically advanced it mastered intergalactic travel yet so simple it gets caught spying on an inferior species with simple gadgets?
"Naw, we just had a long trip, we gonna kick back and whittle some. Enter our mothership in the tractor pull later. Whoop!"
"Well, then forgive me."
Many Americans believe that Australia is not real, so ...
It's difficult to choose a meaningful metric, as higher density leads to less visible skies, which is probably a big cause of this.
There's a pretty suggestive link between industrialization and being surprised by stars.
Well go figure.