This thread is bad faith dog vomit and not even really worth responding to but it’s so funny to me when guys who post 9000 times a day use “online” as a pejorative. Buddy, we’re all “online”.
Reposted from
David Roberts
What this made clear (if it wasn't already) is that online leftists don't really have an ideology so much as an *identity*. The identity is: you shit on "libs," you interpret literally everything as "neoliberalism," you find some reason why whatever Dem is in power is the Worst Ever.
Which is it, op-ed boy?
Biden sucked, Kamala sucked, the whole Democratic Party suck and they’re about to lose the same left-wing voters. They’re the ones that stayed at home
And he projects that grudge on online leftists since some of them (Chapo) are also former SA posters.
Bernie was the only one - who i can recall - going on media to talk about the need to expand Medicare, etc
he pissed away his entire governing window on that shitty infrastructure law!
if genocide isn't your red line, you don't have one