What a worst less person he is! A fat slob! Convicted felon the Republicans back felons look at his cabinet picks 9 of them are felon! We can not truth the Trump administration at all hopefully there is a few good Republicans with balls that will protect our democracy!
Its rare to see an albino fuckstick in its native habitat. Duplicitous,cowardly and vicious they usually camouflage themselves by smearing themselves in their own excrement which most find repulsive but curiously appears attractive to other lower forms of life. { David Attenborough voice )
Is it cute or woke that our Alpha Dog Strong Man Leader has Man Boobs, wears makeup & colors his hair to Poof his pear shape?
Not that there's ANYTHING wrong with that!
What do you think the result of the election would have been if this was the image of the 🍊 🤡 the media put out there? And yes I'm looking at you MSNBC & CNN?
Humpty Dumpty has been used to demonstrate the second law of thermodynamics. The law describes a process known as entropy, a measure of the number of specific ways in which a system may be arranged, often taken to be a measure of "disorder". The higher the entropy, the higher the disorder.
I have avoided watching any videos with Drumpf in them as I can’t stand him like the rest of y’all. But holy PIG he has put on about 50lbs since he left office last time.
That bastard never shuts his trap. Never hated someone so much in my life. Now we got to listen to how he’s an expert on everything under the sun. Makes me wanna puke!
Which is somehow an improvement whether you like the sick bastard or not.
I wonder if he is a bit over the top on the scale and might be a bit more-so than Christie, the guy he fat-shame memed.
Not that there's ANYTHING wrong with that!
And by girth, I mean his belt region.
Is everyone a Republican?
Fuck Trump.
Incredible how age stopped being a concern once Biden dropped out.