Don't hold all of Colorado responsible for the same bunch of idiots that elected Boebert. You can say the same DISTRICT, which is rural and has a majority of magats, but Colorado is solid blue and if all the voters had a say this fuckhead would have never seen the inside of the state capitol.
You said "Same state that 'elected'...... so it sounds like a broad brush. We're very sensitive here in Colorado that Boebert's the wart on our ass we can't get rid of and now this prick comes along and makes us look like a bunch of magat hillbillies. I assure you the majority here are solid blue.
And thanks for supporting Adam. He should have won as he worked his butt off campaigning in his district. I'm afraid there are too many magats there now.
Any population centers in Colotado are solid blue. We codified gay rights, women's right to choose, and rejected Trump as a whole this election.
We have clowns in rural districts. When they're not jerking people off in public, they do it on Twitter, but their fans are mainly out of state.
I sometimes wonder about the voting equipment, in several states….. nobody ever takes a closer look. We just take results as presented.
I’m not into conspiracy, I just have legit questions. In this computer age everything seems to be possible .
I luv following intelligent ppl. Thank you for truths. I was mostly correct when I posted he prbly wasn’t even old enough to know the difference between good and evil then He’s a putz.
This guy is 7th day adventist. Not to work on Sabbath, no drugs or alcohol. Staunch believers of the Bible. Does the bible promote celebration of someone’s death and insulting them? Typical MAGA. Business is Oxford Strategies LLC. Open Secrets says it’s a lobbying firm. surprise.
he’s a prick
What is the Bsky page. Republicans against Trumpism, lmfao thats so funny. Tbf, you have the right to be against something, but i think its funny because its on this platform.
And tell this illiterate intellectual that it's spelt ..champagne!
Ordinarily, fellow Republicans would admonish a dink like this, but there are no Republicans anymore. Sorry....forgot!
Who in hell is this eel? What a perverse soul. I could guarantee if I was one of his constituents, I'd be at his office first thing in the morning. And he wouldn't appreciate that! What a complete & utter creep as a human let alone politician.
The main reason why someone would post this is to get attention. Today it’s the best way to be seen and to be assured of replies. Nasty replies, positive, it doesn’t matter. “No one will play with me! Someone play with me!”
Imagine, knowing that you could never measure up to the standard of such a great man as Mr.Carter that you have to tear him down upon his death in order to try to boost your own ego. How sad and desperate one must be.
I had to look it up. It is true, and he apologized. Which I don't believe he is sorry for saying it, he said it to look like he's not a ahole. (Imo he's definitely an ahole)
When you search "Matt Soper apologizes"...multiple things come up. Apparently he's an idiot a lot.
This is absolutely disgusting but even he can’t deny Carter is a true Christian called home by God. Wait until Dump reunites with Rush and Lucifer for an eternal circle jerk.
It’s clear this guy is a moron. Can’t spell and has no clue about President Jimmy Carter, his actual Presidency or anything he did after he was in office. Coloradans should get rid of this twit asap.
What he doesn’t realize is that when he dies there will be nothing…no posts…no commentary and no opinions. He’s an absolute nobody that no one outside his district has ever heard of. What a sad POS. In fact, I’ve already forgotten his name.
Wow! He is literally talking about the last president that was in office before Reagan put the country into the trickle down hole that has created what we have now. Oligarchs and the rest of us. I hope this man gets calls and thousands of letters from real Americans
Soper was born in 1984. He was NOT Even ALIVE when Carter was President!!!! I bet his parents were not even married when Carter was President. So how the fuck would Soper know what Carter did?
Reagan was far worse than Carter.
Dubya was worse than both of them.
Decades of lead in the air and water supply, a critically underfunded mental healthcare system, unfettered access to weaponry but limited access to education, I mean take your pick that's only 3 of God knows how many reasons why.
Yep, and Reagan shut down mental institutions that put the patients on the streets, (who multiplied)and his buddies turned the buildings into for-profit prisons. I clearly remember that.
It’s bad enough he’s a vile excuse for a human being (who was apparently educated in some alternate universe).. but he’s apparently also still trying to master his own first language & can’t spell for sh*t. By now he should know to just keep his mouth shut & avoid any attention. Zero self awareness.
You could have enjoyed your champagne without sniping at a dead man who can't respond. You could have quietly celebrated in your home without causing pain to the adult children of this patriarch. Carter was more of a mensch than you could ever hope to be.
Y'know, this is one great example of unnecessary assholery. A family just lost their patriarch, a country just lost a patriarch. No matter what you thought of his Presidency, his post-Presidency was spent uplifting Americans. There was no need to snipe a dead man who can't respond-real chickenshit
“To increase human and social services, Carter created the Department of Education, bolstered the Social Security system, and appointed record numbers of women. He succeeded in obtaining ratification of the Panama Canal treaties.1/
2/Carter was a decent president.
“Building upon the work of predecessors, he established full diplomatic relations with China & completed negotiation of the SALT II nuclear limitation treaty with the Soviet Union. He reoriented U.S. foreign policy towards an emphasis on human rights.” And more.
Now we've got another Trumphole in the same part of the state who stalked and attacked a Pacific Islander TV journalist: “Are you even a U.S. citizen? This is Trump’s America now!"
I bet this guy couldn’t recall 5 things that happened during Carter’s presidency. Also his style of writing reads totally like a Trump post. Don’t you think? #Scumbag #Asshole
A guy who supports a convicted felon and rapist who botched the Covid response so thousands needlessly died. The guy who forcibly separated kids from parents at the border, and sent the federal deficit through the roof to give his rich buddies another tax cut says what?
Everyday Americans are overwhelmed with trying to survive and so much gets by us. They keep us on the verge of drowning in our own lives so we don’t see the truth. Now that I am older and more settled with no small children at home I have TIME and I see much clearer what goes on. Now I’m pissed.
Spoken like a true trumpanzee MAGgAt cult member. Even in death divisive bitter immature evil and a total unequivocal lack of decency integrity conprehention or empathy. This is EXACTLY what MAGgA is and always will be. Vile
I’m convinced that the GOP spends a lot of their time making horrid posts like it’s a contest - each worse than the one before.
I’m certain this man sees himself as a good christian.
Never served a day in the military, let alone on submarines.
He's 40, President Carter was out of office, 4 years before he was born
He has no dog in the fight other than his blatant stupidity.
What a bag of shit you elected in that district of Colorado!
BTW, even though we don't live there, we strongly supported Adam Frisch. Just like we did Gen Harris in GA and many others. #TrueBlue all the way.
We have clowns in rural districts. When they're not jerking people off in public, they do it on Twitter, but their fans are mainly out of state.
I’m not into conspiracy, I just have legit questions. In this computer age everything seems to be possible .
he’s a prick
Ordinarily, fellow Republicans would admonish a dink like this, but there are no Republicans anymore. Sorry....forgot!
a) learn to spell champagne
b) buying yourself one of the most expensive drinks available isn't the "that will show them" you think it is
With these scum!
And so! Expressive!
That being said, it hurts my heart to see this. 😕
When you search "Matt Soper apologizes"...multiple things come up. Apparently he's an idiot a lot.
They were always shite but this is just evil.
I wait .....
So… what how can I ensure that I get my 15 minutes of relevancy but stay true to who I am?
Oh I know, I’ll attack the most beloved person in politics. Win win!
Reagan was far worse than Carter.
Dubya was worse than both of them.
C'mon, precision-targeted meteor!
He is a vile little attention whore.
Political dung beetle.
Of course he’s trash.
If he was a decent person he’d be a Democrat like President Carter.
“Building upon the work of predecessors, he established full diplomatic relations with China & completed negotiation of the SALT II nuclear limitation treaty with the Soviet Union. He reoriented U.S. foreign policy towards an emphasis on human rights.” And more.
tRump was the worst President in the History of the USA.
I’m certain this man sees himself as a good christian.