Hi, I just bought a T-shirt, but I didn’t put the shipping address in. The shipping address is the same as the billing address. Confirmation #6RKTMZKRX I sent you an email.
Correction, Dem "men" have no balls. The Democrat WOMEN have all the balls. The ones making all the noise are the women like AOC and Crockett. While the "men" like fkn Schumer are just bending forward, lubing up and waiting for the MAGA dildo to ream them.
What I detest most about the current going ons is ….
These same people tell us we are in a time of unparalleled disruption and threat to our democracy
And they want to play nice in not taking strong action
Which begs the question WTF exactly is YOUR plan ?
Follow the money......He got paid.......its not hard to find, yet the national news outlets are playing dumb? There's nothing new there. The oligarchy wins again.
Chuck isn’t a wartime consigliere that is needed right now in Democratic leadership. He’s too cautious & the time for cautiousness is over. All bets are off & the Democrats need to be on the offensive at all times. Our democracy is at stake. Don’t give an inch.
What is the plan? What do Dems think? They’ll get better deal after Trump rightfully blaming them for the shutdown? They’ll get crushed politically every single day. And, for what? A better deal they’ll never get from republicans? What’s the plan?
Thought I would not have to say this, but this is BULL SHIT!! If this is Schumer idea of taking the fight to them, we don’t need to see what working across the isle looks like! Needs to step aside and give the helm to someone who knows how to fight back!! Chucky needs to go!!
100% - Shame on you @schumer.senate.gov You know the main contributors to your campaign are public, right? It’s pretty obvious you’re dragging your feet to appease them. Toss in a little complacency & systemic governmental laissez-faire and we have your thought process for voting Yes. Disgraceful.
Fuck Chuck. (pass it on) Also, Gillibrand - can Al Franken please move back to NYC and primary the fuck out of her traitor ass? Perfect justice for a perfect asshole.
Chuck Schumer begins a book tour this week.
-Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
-Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC
-Thurs 3/20, 7pm at the Weizman, DC
-Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
-Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
show up and call these venues!
"#XRP will make you a multi-millionaire."
Meanwhile, don't forget to claim your FLR token if you are an XRP holder to increase your holdings and It's a good source of liquidity to buy more Xrp.
The Dems are cowards. They don’t trust the voters to understand what is happening. They didn’t trust the convention to choose a candidate. Now, I don’t trust them.
Did Schumer bend over when he kissed the ring or just kneel in front of his orange king? Clearly, the Democratic Party is not going to save us from this current sh*tshow. The Dems need to fix their party and revitalize it, starting with replacing leadership with persons of conviction and courage!
What do you expect the Democrats to do? The American voters threw them out of EVERY political branch of government and now you’re blaming them for MAGA having the power it has? Anyone else would have just left, so shut up unless you have anything productive to add!
Schumer might as well send the Democrat Senators home until the Fall. The GOP isn't going to let them do anything. Even the tv stations aren't going to want to hear from them.
Moral problems aside it's just bad strategy. Democrats keep trying to appeal to conservatives in a hopeless effort to siphon Republican voters, when being an actual resistance party would appeal to more nonvoters, who are a larger and easier to sway demographic.
Oh how we need to replace Chuck… get a younger person with some backbone. So angry with him the Democratic Party, needs new leadership, someone please step up who has smarts, no fear of trump, can lead us in a new direction. There are millions of us pleading for a leader
And if you want to run against this ass then @runforsomething.net
Also the new DNC is starting town halls in red districts and working to get new people running for seats all over https://democrats.org/peoples-town...
Use any measure you can to get these assholes out! Also boycott his book cus fuck him
Oh thank Gawd! I was worried that he and his colleagues might take the auction paddles out of their asses and do something good for their constituents. But, they pulled it off at the last minute and continued to do literally nothing.
He needs to go. What a sellout! The Democrats try to smother AOC and Bernie Sanders. The Democrat establishment has no courage. And the new chairman of the party sends out questionnaires asking what we think. It's simple. FIGHT!
The better comparison is actually to Franz von Papen, who was not the leader of an invaded country and was actually a supposedly rival politician within the same system who would rather work with the nazis than the left
Living with paraplegia means daily challenges. I'm raising funds for an enclosed mobility scooter to boost my independence and improve my quality of life. Every donation truly matters. Your support means the world to me. More details on my GoFundMe. Donating or sharing is great. https://gofund.me/0af928df
Any Senate Democrats that Vote Yes to pass The House GOP Bill & liar Racist Felon Criminal Dictator Trump need to Vote out, because they are not real Democrats & do not care What their Supporters & Voters need & want, Fuck Them, Specialty the liar scare hypocrite Chuck Schumer!
You know that's a gem of truth. Democrats are so impossibly good at combating the threats from within that the Republicans always rant about but casually enjoy abiding and taking the now (citizens united) legal bribes from.
I hope Schumer can be convinced. Heʻs commiting political suicide here, even if he has the best intentions -- this is not the time to compromise, compromise is appeasement.
Yes, I think I am. Keep up the hard-hitting journalism @theonion.com.
This current political world is putting satire and irony to the guillotine.
These same people tell us we are in a time of unparalleled disruption and threat to our democracy
And they want to play nice in not taking strong action
Which begs the question WTF exactly is YOUR plan ?
Painfully accurate!
-Mon 3/17 7pm Central Library, Baltimore
-Wed 3/19 Politics & Prose, DC
-Thurs 3/20, 7pm at the Weizman, DC
-Sunday 3/23 · 3pm Moss Theatre Santa Monica, CA
-Mon 4/21 MJCCA Atlanta 7:30PM
show up and call these venues!
Meanwhile, don't forget to claim your FLR token if you are an XRP holder to increase your holdings and It's a good source of liquidity to buy more Xrp.
a) The stupidest pol to be senate min leader
b) more worried about his stock portfolio than his constituents
Note: The largest Fed employee union is against the CR
Chuck *Schumer 202) 224-6542
* Fetterman 202-224-4254
* Catherine Cortez970-565-8454
* Schatz of Hawaii 202-224-3934
* Durbin 202-224-2152
*Gillibrand 202-224-4451
*Peters of Michigan 313-226-6020
*Hassan 603-622-2204
*Shaheen 202-224-2841
*King of Maine 202-224-5344
I was joking then, but I think about it every time we slip further to that future.
The world truly is stranger than fiction.
"What a shitty hill to die on."
Way. To. Go. 🙄
Also the new DNC is starting town halls in red districts and working to get new people running for seats all over https://democrats.org/peoples-town...
Use any measure you can to get these assholes out! Also boycott his book cus fuck him
That is NOT Leadership, when you stop the Democrats from fighting with Trump.
Trump will NEVER keep his word, so you can’t make a deal with someone like him.
Historical reminder - capital has always sided with fascism.
Buckle up.