The gorillas Bondi is hiring now are 'temps' from Craig's List & out of work mercenaries. I bet their credentialing is a curious stack of LIES. "US Deputy-Marshalls" my A$$. 🤨
Trump just heroically saved America by gutting the Department of Education, because nothing says “smart policy” like firing experts, axing civil rights, and letting Elon’s bots run the classroom. Bravo, genius.
The DOE manages a huge number of student loans through the FSA. So students won’t have to repay their loans now that the DOE has been dismantled, right?
Well, he put a WWE star’s wife who has never taught or has any idea what she is doing in charge of it. They are just there to follow instructions and dismantle it until the courts catch up in about a month. Then they’ll start giving excuses and not complying. That seems to be the theme.
Yes, they want to put on the act of competing with China while we’re gutting higher education and research. They are constantly logically inconsistent. Meanwhile, China is steamrolling ahead in research.
They want slaves they don't care about competing with China, that rhetoric is just red meat for the masses to chew on.
That's why they are cutting so many jobs and creating an unemployment crisis. What's bad for the worker is great for ownership. More unemployment = lower wages.
Mao Zedong once launched the "Cultural Revolution" in China for the sake of dictatorship.
He closed all university education, arrested teachers, and sent junior high school students and above to the countryside for labor reform.
Praising someone with a 6th grade reading level, 7th grade speaking level, 6th grade science level, and 5th grade history level dismantling our education system is…I don’t know the word.
Makes perfect sense to destroy the Department of Education instead of just fixing it…
This is horrible, and it will hurt so many people. Hurt them back by freezing the money.
DOE controls student loans, and they will be privatized. This is about money. If your loan is transferred, dispute it with the credit bureau. The burden will be on them to prove the debt is legit.
funny how almost all these grifting elites have higher education degrees themselves, they could do so much good by using that money to make it easier for their followers to be educated but it would make them see the truth about these liars!
Who is going to impeach him?! The DNC work for the same billionaires & millionaires that are flourishing from all of this..
He isn't getting impeached. The democratic establishments plan is to sit back & watch as we suffer, so we go running back into their arms, begging them to take the gov back.
Pawpaw Dementia is STILL the juvenile delinquent who always wanted to torch the school house. Now, the old psychopath is just a MOB BOSS ordering POLITICAL ARSON. 🤬
😎 Yep. It's "hollowing out the melons while they're still in the store." Somebody's gonna be disappointed & pissed. 🤔 So, somebody needs a cop at the door who can spot the melon mutilators coming & going. 🤨 I saw a shopper wearing an ankle monitor in Kroger yesterday. 😳
thank you
Start the clock
But people will still dismantle it even though Congress didn’t vote on it
People must resist
They can’t even sit on that thought and think critically about the fallout and implications of this decision
It means we will further & further behind
That's why they are cutting so many jobs and creating an unemployment crisis. What's bad for the worker is great for ownership. More unemployment = lower wages.
Mao Zedong once launched the "Cultural Revolution" in China for the sake of dictatorship.
He closed all university education, arrested teachers, and sent junior high school students and above to the countryside for labor reform.
- Miguel de Unamuno
No wonder the maga cult wants to eliminate the ED and never travel to «non-white» countries
Makes perfect sense to destroy the Department of Education instead of just fixing it…
DOE controls student loans, and they will be privatized. This is about money. If your loan is transferred, dispute it with the credit bureau. The burden will be on them to prove the debt is legit.
He isn't getting impeached. The democratic establishments plan is to sit back & watch as we suffer, so we go running back into their arms, begging them to take the gov back.