Really enjoying the PM giving me stereotypical parenting tips. I’m actually troubled by the number of head knocks my kids got during a ‘healthy sporting focused’ childhood and hoping nothing serious will come of it
Social media are much better ways to discover new music and art than risking time and money to go in person. All the musicians I pay to go and hear advertise events on the socials with previews that you can't get elsewhere
“Every parent” - like many of the academics contributing to the government responses criticising this bill aren’t parents. And once again dismissing the expertise of people who don’t have children, whether by choice or not, who can still be experts in this field. Incredibly disappointing.
Fitness apps like Strava would be subject to this ill-thought out ban. Because rather than log a five kay run, the kidz are playing Fortnite and using Discord
I didn’t play sport until I was made to. I hated sport and still have no interest in it. Taking social media away from kids won’t magically make them want to play.
For the record- I despised team sports as a kid.
Nasty. Bitchy.
But I did play D & D, read loads and rode either a bike or one of the horses everywhere.
Our 3 sons all played sport, soccer. Training 2-3 times per week and weekend games. Afterwards they would come home and play Fortnite with their team mates. It's not an either/or Prime Minister.
Jocks that only jock? That's going to lead us off a proverbial cliff quick-smart.
Good luck convincing professional sports stars that their time aiming for 100% completion on Red Dead Redemption was a waste of time.
This bullshit is trying to take us back to the 70’s. I was forced to “go outside and play”, and just read my book under a tree. Why do people think competitive sport is the cure-all for everything?
I'm going to push back against that type of thinking because I've seen parents who definitely didn't raise their kids well, government intervention when parents fail is not a bad thing.
Not fully appreciating the risks of something is part of the human condition and a good reason for government intervention.
50 years ago there were still infants placed in the back seat on an older child’s lap. I disagree with the legislation but this line of “don’t tell me how to parent” is old
Intervening into the parenting choices for the whole country unnecessarily is bad.
I would also say that the arguments the government have put forward are disingenuous. At best they're based in ignorance.
Hmmm, yes. I see it now. If only parents that give their kids smartphones and allow them social media apps could have their children removed from them to be placed with right thinking families that prioritise traditional values like corporal punishment.
Plenty once they experience Little Johnny now annoying the shit out of them and begging for attention while they fumble through their latest ID verification due to an automod determination they could be a kid based on the inane and incoherent crap they just posted whilst drunk to Facebook.
Please explain to all Australians Mr Prime Minister how much sport costs the average family, let alone those living either week to week or those in poverty?
What a load of old codds!!!!
Do you know how much this costs for families?
Besides the State Govt of SA seems more interested in adult events such as Liv Golf, AFL Unite Round & Vailo Adelaide 500 into which they sunk $20M 🤷♀️🙄
Honestly? Fuck playing sports. Why does everything in this fucking country have to be some sort of heavily regulated fucking competition? Every vaguely enjoyable activity regimented and ruled? We don't want to protect kids, we just want them to be compliant little drones without independent thought.
You can go back to the dawn of time on this - kids shouldn't read books. They shouldn't listen to the radio. They shouldn't watch TV. They shouldn't play video games....reminds me of an old Victorian-era cartoon "Go and see what junior's doing, and tell him he mustn't."
How many families cannot afford for their children to play sport. It’s f cking expensive. Many remote, children with a disability don’t have friends outside of online communities. Puppet Albo needs to stop spending so much time with Murdochs.
The Australian Government needs to get kids off social media so they can go play sports.
Kids can't afford to play because the Australian Government funds fossil fuels, not kids in school.
#AusPol #SocialMedia
Around the corner from us is a public primary school When my kids were younger we went to the school grounds to kick a ball, play cricket, shoot basketball/netball. The grounds are now fenced off. Lots of housing blocks are being subdivided with no outdoor space to play.
Why does our national identity in 2024 still have to be Anzacs and cricket cliches? Pretty sure we could have a cracking arts and culture scene if someone decided to fund it properly… might keep the kiddies off their phones too 🙄
This is so disingenuous! If he really cared about kids he would limit access to R rated sited like porn hub, ban sports betting adds on tv and radio and sponsorship of sports clubs. This is about supporting Murdoch and his ailing media empire.
My son is autistic... he doesn't play sport, nor does he want to
I monitor his social media usage
Perhaps Mat and Kelly O'Brien should have done that
But now they want to stop OUR kids!!!
Again... government overreach into our families and homes
This is NOT what anyone voted for!!!
Too bad kids in Australia can’t safely walk or ride alone to their local park to play sports with their friends. For example, every roundabouts is a danger to those who walk as Australia still gives priority to cars at every intersection.
But social media is stopping kids being active and healthy.
As a kid I hated sport, but I rode my bike everywhere and there was a wild field behind our apartment block where we played, built cubbies and ran around. There are far too few places where kids can just do their own thing, mess around, build stuff.
I was a first pick 1946 boomer with a depth that is one of finesse & elegance. Early-picked, raised by and survived traditional parenting. Aged in various cellars for 78 years & whose waistcoat is now marked with intense dark fruits with savory spice and cigar notes.
If Albo serious believes that taking away social media is going to make kids suddenly go and do all those things - if they don’t already - he’s even stupider than I thought.
Wow, so more of Albo saying “Australian parents are bad at raising their children - we will intervene to do better job of it”. The department was even more direct in saying this yesterday in the inquiry.
The problem today is that many of the places we played as children have now been developed. Parents are time poor, kids no longer ride bikes to school, they are taken from home to school and collected after. The only way many can socialise is via technology and the government wants to name it.
As the father of geeky kids, I can report that they have experienced more toxic behavior on the sports field than on social media, and not just from the other kids.
The cranky message about being too much on their phone is peak boomer, but these investments are good things and it's great to give more people the opportunity, space and infrastructure to enjoy sport and art
And check the relative costs of participating in soccer, basketball, cricket etc and you’ll see why cricket is dying and AFL is dominated by private schools
Also the kids that enjoy a sport, have the skills for it, have facilities nearby and families that can afford it and can give up their weekends for it, will join a sports club regardless of social media ban. They're already doing that. This ban isn't going to help kids who don't have all the above.
Anyone else find Albanese's tone admonishing, patronising, peevish, and snarky. As if schools weren't already running team sports and music lessons. That's why they have gyms and ovals, or would have if public schools were funded properly. And don't kids get any say about their leisure time?
My grandson has time for baseball, refereeing baseball and soccer (and learning golf)
I thought the idea was to not expose kids to porn and bullying.
As a kid, I was terrible at sport. Utterly awful. Just had no idea what was going on. Always last picked. The last thing I wanted to do was embarrass myself every weekend. I *like* sport, but I can't *play* sport.
This is just more of Australia's ridiculous love affair with sport above all.
Geez, when did we want advice from Albanese on how to live our lives - talk about patronising overreach. Albanese, BFF of Kyle Sandilands lecturing people on choices. 😡
Albo has such a poor opinion of our kids and parents he can’t imagine they can walk, talk and chew gum at the same time. Such a narrow minded view of what it means to be a kid. The idea that kids who spend time on Social Media don’t play sport or play a musical instrument for instance is bollocks.
Where are the music clubs?
Where are the bands for people to join?
Where are the art clubs?
Writing clubs?
Sport isn’t the end it’s a small part.
Where is the help to join these?
And for those kids who don’t like or aren’t equipped physically to play sport a big fuck you from “Albo”.
Kids sport where the vulnerable not only have to deal with their peers taunts but the taunts of their peers parents & friends.
Does this out of touch pm realise that participating in community sports costs money, something which in this current cost of living crisis is not easily afforded by most parents.
My kids use social media to work out where to meet for their next game of football or basketball AND it's how their employers communicate with them to let them know their next shift. This ban is so stupid.
I hated sports in school, and school sports day was the one day my mum let me wag school. Guess that makes her a bad parent or something. Albo’s a wet fart.
If he was TRULY worried about kids not engaging in sports, music, art, etc. then he'd FREAKIN' FUND THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS BETTER!! Most kids go to public schools, but very few public schools can AFFORD to have proper sports, arts, or music departments! They are UNDERFUNDED.
Well that sums it up brilliantly. They have no idea what it costs to have kids involved in sport etc. There is a cost living problem, everyone is saying it will be at the forefront of the next election, & this is the answer. Get in the real world, or get some real world ppl in Parliament.
Gods, its such a Boomer response to this issue. As we progress with the online world, kids will be *expected* to have considerable exp with online communications even before they start work.
Also, I just want to add, is that the sports which give people head injuries? Exposure to dodgy coaches?
So do we have the space to play sports? Many council grounds are already oversubscribed.
And then there's the cost.
Let me choose how I parent my kid (who does play sport and also does online gaming with friends)
Many public schools have stopped some sports programs because the can’t afford the buses to take the kids to other schools for competitions. He could start by better funding public schools rather than this Murdoch inspired rubbish.
His faction have had their turn so he will be spilled after the next election one way or another. Minority government with Plubasek is probably best option
My son was playing sports and broke his toe. Cannot play for 4-6 weeks. Social media might have been a good way to stay connected with team mates or for him to pursue other interests like editing the silly gaming videos he puts on YouTube.
What does he think team sports Reg’n fees are nowadays compared to: 10, 20, 30, 40+ without even considering uniforms & equipment, in a CoL era? School sports are expensive enough.
I agree. There's also the slight issue of having multiple children with different activities, whether you are in a regional area etc. Not to mention some kids are not sporty types.
He has NFI about families or kids' lives. His statements are about as realistic as John Howard's 'white picket fence' fantasy.
Nasty. Bitchy.
But I did play D & D, read loads and rode either a bike or one of the horses everywhere.
Good luck convincing professional sports stars that their time aiming for 100% completion on Red Dead Redemption was a waste of time.
Speaking of which. Where is Lenny?
That’s what I call parenting!
Because they're not just intervening where parents have "failed".
50 years ago there were still infants placed in the back seat on an older child’s lap. I disagree with the legislation but this line of “don’t tell me how to parent” is old
I would also say that the arguments the government have put forward are disingenuous. At best they're based in ignorance.
One size doesn't fit all
Tell that to kids today and they won’t believe yer.
Do you know how much this costs for families?
Besides the State Govt of SA seems more interested in adult events such as Liv Golf, AFL Unite Round & Vailo Adelaide 500 into which they sunk $20M 🤷♀️🙄
Kids can't afford to play because the Australian Government funds fossil fuels, not kids in school.
#AusPol #SocialMedia
No investment/allocation of free open space. No ability for outside practice.
An "everyman" proving he's nobody's man
I'd hoped that you wouldn't stoop to RW #Popularism
but you have embraced it.
Less SM = more sport?
OOH sports are too expensive for many.
SM is a lifeline for isolated kids.
Seriously, sack your advisors.
I monitor his social media usage
Perhaps Mat and Kelly O'Brien should have done that
But now they want to stop OUR kids!!!
Again... government overreach into our families and homes
This is NOT what anyone voted for!!!
But social media is stopping kids being active and healthy.
Not sure if they really care about our kids at all
He assumes every kid has a safe place to play outside. They don't
Also confirming his government's attitude towards kids with a disability.
I was a first pick 1946 boomer with a depth that is one of finesse & elegance. Early-picked, raised by and survived traditional parenting. Aged in various cellars for 78 years & whose waistcoat is now marked with intense dark fruits with savory spice and cigar notes.
Maybe there's some placebos in that truck?!
I once followed that demand. Arm in a sling for a bit when the homemade billycart didn't take the chicane in the back paddock all that efficiently.
I thought the idea was to not expose kids to porn and bullying.
This is just more of Australia's ridiculous love affair with sport above all.
* sarcasm font
Plus, so many teens are on social media AND play sports...
Where are the bands for people to join?
Where are the art clubs?
Writing clubs?
Sport isn’t the end it’s a small part.
Where is the help to join these?
Kids sport where the vulnerable not only have to deal with their peers taunts but the taunts of their peers parents & friends.
… right?
Also, I just want to add, is that the sports which give people head injuries? Exposure to dodgy coaches?
And then there's the cost.
Let me choose how I parent my kid (who does play sport and also does online gaming with friends)
With many working second jobs on the weekend they can't drive kids to away games.