This may be a stupid question or idea - but does anyone think there could be legal grounds to bring a class action suit against Musky, who has all our personal information without any formal authorization? Chime in, especially if you are a lawyer!
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NOT STUPID!!! Violations of the Privacy Act has consequences! It includes large fines and in some cases, incarceration. The ACLU has several cases against this administration! Take care!
What relief would it seek? I don't think anyone can (yet) prove money damages. I suppose the class might ask that Musk return or destroy all the data, though.
What about calling CpS on the guy who traipses around with his toddler as a human shield? If I were that kid's mom, I'd be talking to them and my lawyers as well.
I'm not a lawyer but probably not. Trump has said he authorized Musk. The Supreme Court seems to have given Trump and therefore his appointees the ok to do what they please. I doubt Trump and his band of evil oligarchs and henchmen will be punished in any way by the courts. I can only wish.
He violated his oath to protect the Constitution, esp. separation of powers (Articles I, II, III). The Supreme Court can interpret, not overrule, the Constitution. Their power derives from it. A justice who claims one branch can overrule the other two declares his or her own illegitimacy.
Then, force them to declare their own illegitimacy. If they rule that he can overrule the Constitution, then they delegitimize their own authority. Maybe then we can finally clean house. The Republican party is a criminal organization.
I know you are being realistic, and maybe I am not. I'm probably too angry to be rational right now. But, honestly, the handwriting is on the wall. I don't see a clear way out of this mess except to go through it.
SCOTUS? Aren't they supposed to uphold the law? I know 6 are Republican judges, 3 of those are trmp appointees, but SURELY TO GOD their allegiance is to the LAW and nothing or nobody else? Do they not care about their careers and how they will go down in history, or their country?
This seems like something could be done. Musky is just a citizen, not even a Cabinet member, taking our data for his personal benefit. I'm not a lawyer, but if some law firm is listening, count me in for a class action suit!
I tried that here in Florida when it first happened. I literally started calling all lawyers, and I couldn't get past the secretary. They labeled me a crackpot. I live in a ruby red state. Maybe a lawyer group from a blue state will consider it. Let me know I'll sign up.
“Our tax dollars paid for it” is WE PAID. I was leery of the Muskrat when SpaceX showed up in Hawthorne, CA and when mobile friends started using Starlink. Where did he get his money, I wondered? Well, I found out. it’s us. We are f—ked.
Im confident after the Zelensky debacle in America…… it’s an opening to crack American dominance and the world sees it. Enemies of course & now our betrayed allies. Trump/MAGA/Republicans our importance to the world is gone these idiots have shit the bed it’s going yo take decades to recover.
thank heavens till your courts are not caged, as is happening in my country on the opposite side of the globe ruled by the photocopy of your emperor.
Of course, I reckon, there will still be a few judges (and bureaucrats) with a spine in your country to stand up, not so sure about mine.
I believe that the state Attorney General’s should be looking into this. So far it’s been them or the Governors who have been involved in lawsuits against Trump and his administration.
I am actually astonished that there have been NO suits against him since this started in November. At least, not that I have heard. Why not? It's all incredibly illegal. How is giving an unelected foreign national access to American private information an "official act" of a President?
Not a lawyer, but a class action is a civil action/tort claim ("persons" sue) vs. cases that are criminal ("the people of ___" via DA or AG sues). If we show actual damages, we can sue, but right now seems like we'd need criminal proceedings, not civil. is that anywhere close?
I have been saying this for 1.5 months the first weekend he broke into our stuff. We all should have a giant civil cases. Or a bunch of small ones to clog the system up
We put this exact question out there. But in our minds it’d have to be a Class Action suit against the present occupant of the WH, Elmo, the administration & the entire complicit GOP for neglecting their duties as elected officials.
And we’re wondering where charges are for crimes against humanity
Absolutely. We don't even know the full scale of what has been done or compromised. Dust has to settle. I read they were feeding social security information into AI. SUPER dangerous and illegal.
But I don't remember where I read it nor did I verify. Don't quote me
Not a lawyer, but wondering if our representatives, most of whom are lawyers, can file on our behalf, or on behalf of their districts or governments or whatever.
I’m uncertain, but am confident a trusted law firm might be able to answer your question. It brings up a follow-up question for me. What if we all independently filed Protective Orders against Elon? 🤔 That would keep him from having access to our info, wouldn’t it? Now I need to find a lawyer lol
I know, but it's gonna take us regular people rising up to male sure. But I do absolutely appreciate all the lawsuits and judges holding the line. And especially those like .
That was a class action against Musk for taxpayers, federal employees and those receiving benefits should compensated for DOGE's access to their personal and financial data.
We need more lawsuits for the other crimes against us.
OK but here’s the thing: Trump defrauded banks, was convicted of rape, 100% incited a riot to try and stay in power past the end of his term (AKA treason), kept documents of the highest level of top secret at his residences - was caught on film at the airport transporting them… nothing was done.
Yesterday I viewed a lawyer on tik tok explaining how all of these people being layer off can file tort’s for damages. It’s a civil action and rewards against musk could be large due to his wealth. I’ll try to find it.
I have another legal question: how does anybody follow the edicts of a private citizen who has no authority? How is this happening? Who's turning off the $$? Please pardon my ignorance on this. I simply do not understand.
💯 but we have a government and Justice Department that are all a bunch of criminals at this point or cowards When is enough enough America ???? When we over turn the government?
A fucking felon/rapist is running the Country !
Men don’t rape for sex they rape for power !!!
Nearly every American has actual cause to file lawsuits on trump musk administration
Because of the lies and thievery we can already prove
You ain’t gotta be a lawyer to know that.
Definitely legal grounds. I’m sure there are already class action lawsuits in the works. The problem is that (barring early settlement which I don’t see happening with Musk) these cases can drag on for many years. And the vast majority of funds collected will go to lawyers. Injunctions are better.
Everyone needs to go to SSA and download their file. Do it for everything. Let’s flood them with so many requests it overwhelms them. We should do that now. It is way cheaper than a lawsuit in the short term.
DO NOT FILE A CLASS ACTION!! Instead, file millions of individual suits. Make him motion to consolidate over and over and over. At even a nominal $2k per suit, a million suits is $2B. If it costs him much more, we can bankrupt him, just to make him file appearances and motions in every case.
Unless you REALLY want to see the suit through, (& I don’t recommend that for reasons) you don’t even need an attorney. We need someone to draft a template suit: fill in the blanks with your details, but then it’s just file suit at the court house. For about $150, you can really fuck up Elmo’s day.
The damage done is that it undermines our entire legal system by striking at its heart: the United States Constitution. It damages our country's ability to exist.
I say bring criminal charges against him and the Felon. It is illegal for Trump to appoint anyone to circumvent the Constitution.
He violated the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances (international treaty that disarmed Ukraine of its nuclear arsenal in exchange for protection) and violated our treaty with NATO. He made sure a clear instance of aiding and abetting a known enemy who invaded a sworn ally was televised.
If anyone is American but living in Europe/UK and has been affected you may have grounds because of GPDR privacy legislation? Worth asking a legal person.
I think you are on to something. Have you noticed how Trump's lawyers, when asked by judges in court whether Musk is calling the shots, all deny it? That's because they have immunity (as the government) and Musk doesn't (as a private person).
Great question, House of Rep. Mr. Raskin is working on a lawsuit on behalf of American people because the use of computers and a privacy act.
There is a petition to impeach to sign and petition with hyper links documenting written information. Hope you sign. Thank you.
Hi, my petition is to urge Congress (R) to impeach. I hope you will sign mine and the others to help remove him and the other criminals. The Substack has hyper links to give credit where information was used. Thanks for stopping by.
While I am a member of AARP I find their support of senior issues to be tepid at best. They should be fighting tooth and nail for the retention and expansion of Medicare!
If you could prove that he has it that’s a HIPAA violation a law that was put in to effect in the 90s during the bush of administration. You cannot share private information of any person in this country without written consent, but I’m not a lawyer.
Awesome idea. However, don't we have to show some tangible harm to have standing? I wonder if the gut-wrenching anxiety of a Nazi having my data counts?
I'm wondering if there's a way to start a parallel government with all the unemployed ex fed employees... move it over and starve out trmp's plan. He's not even half way there so what's he gonna do? Take half and call it good? I don't think you can live in MarALago while surrounded by your "marks"
You might find the lawyer but where you going to find a court that will honestly prosecute. We're in the end of days now. The naive belief in American Justice and in the American system died January 20th.
It would end up with Scotus, who would find that musk was acting on a presidential order. Under their prior ruling that would make it legal. Litigation, with a corrupt Scotus, is pointless.
Trump gave him permission but he is not an elected official and thus not privy to our PII without our permission. Perhaps we can sue trump as well for violating privacy laws.
You might have to wait until people have been damaged in a quantifiable amount. As in, a bad guy wrecked people's credit and they can prove it's a foreseeable result of President Mush recklessly copying their financial info
True, but that’s the agent’s job. How is capturing all our SS info anyone’s job? Who has it? How’s it being used? Who is overseeing this - and don’t say rump - he is totally clueless.
Unplug.. you sound hysterical and clueless.
Want to get scared. Think about all the people who see your medical records from admission to billing. All your information. Minimal background check...
It's more than feasible. It takes people stepping up to do it. Everyone wants someone else to do the hard thing. Mark Elias has told us over and over we're on our own.
Here’s this. Deactivated my X account in Nov. Was still up last week, I posted take this down or my lawyer will. It’s gone. I’d like to see how many of you are still up there after leaving bc he needs the ad revenue? There’s a suit there for sure…
I read after deleting it’s still there for 30 days then they delete it to give you time in case you want to come back. I saw tht yesterday when I deleted mine & was mad when I read that only cuz I saw a post saying THEYRE going thru posts to see who uses what language. Dnt know if it’s true or not
Right, but I deactivated in Nov and by Feb 27 it’s still there? No, he’s using the numbers to keep the rep of the site up so advertisers really don’t know how many of us are gone.
I think that when we suffer harm due to leaks of our personal information we will have grounds to sue. Of course they will then claim that he is a government employee and therefore has qualified immunity from liability.
That is not a stupid question. I have wondered why we never received a letter informing us there may have been a breach and our private information had been compromised. I have received that type of letter before.
That's not a dumb question. That is actually a good one and it is already being investigated on its legality cuz I would definitely join the class action lawsuit. I want him broke and penniless and put in jail for treason
From what I've been following that wouldn't be successful as the claim would have to demonstrate actual harm, not potential harm. A similar case was already denied on those grounds by Judge Chutkan.
Doesn’t emotional harm derive from worrying over an unauthorized person having the information? They’ve got your info, without consent, & you *don’t know* what they’re going to do with it. Up here I believe it’s addressed in the charter of rights and freedoms. The people have rights around privacy.
I agree, but a Federal judge has already knocked that opinion down. To sum up her decision, she said restraining orders can't be issued for maybes and what ifs. Actual harm must demonstrated first.
Partially. It could also be physical harm as well. Google Michael Popok or Legal AF. He's part of the Meidas Touch Network. He's great at breaking it all down.
Thanks. But that looks like it is just Medicaid info. Says about sharing medical info to state agencies. And only penalizes private agencies that violate.
I’m not sure it applies but I think we should try anything. This whole thing is a big violation.
They no longer recognize laws that they don’t agree with,or agencies they don’t like or court orders that go against them.Judges have been handing out orders for them to stop what they’re doing but they’re ignoring them.I fear this is going to ignite a bloody war.
Me, either! Before he took office I looked at some of the protections the republic has in place from start until now and... pretty shaky stuff. It's as though someone didn't WANT it secure. I know that, as far back as Nixon, Cheney wanted to make a president nearly all powerful... did it!
I do not like Putin. I do not want to be part of Russia.
The GOP does not follow US laws. Isn't it time for all GOOD people in Congress regardless of Party to band together PHYSICALLY and just say NO? DISRUPT CONGRESS. MAKE A STAND. trump and his lapdogs must be impeached and tried for treason.
Unfortunately, there's not a lot of good left in one particular party that is aiding and abetting this and they hold the majority. It wouldn't take many so called Republicans to cross the aisle but none of them have the cajones. They are scared and indoctrinated, but no longer good.
That's why we need EVERY one including Capitol police and staffers to shut them down. Sure they'll sic proud boys again but without them, from orange guy on down are all cowards.
I think we have to start getting arrested. Do it nicely, never give a cop a hard time so they don't WANT but have to do the thing. Lawyers need to donate time and effort to get us back out but... what choices have we got?
Cutting NIH research has affected millions already. Those of us who suffer from incurable conditions the NIH was researching are in despair. I’ve had to up my antidepressants (that rfk wants to take away) so I don’t unalive myself.
We know real harm has been and is being done - they fired ALL the Inspectors General weeks ago. Duh. A pack of wolves will kill the guard dog to eat ur sheep, Dude. Guess who the sheep are?
I heard a question once, and it referred to strength of character and self-awareness. There’s 3 kinds of people in the world; there are wolves, they need no explanation. There are sheep, we know their nature as well. And 3rd there are the guard dogs that stand between. Where does your nature lie?
Yes there is. There is a specific law for this for Social Security. And the HIPAA violations are a big deal too. In civil court, the award could possibly wipe Musk and Trump out, as this affects every single adult and child, and if he released the information into AI, the ramifications are huge. NAA
P.S. His distancing is too late. His X posts and letters and threats are enough to win the case, but they better move their asses on proving the data was copied, though for sure it was as they stood up a server.
Or hum, how about the sudden credit card fraud I experienced right after this crap started and whoever trying to rent a Penske truck for 950 bucks on my cc.
The sleepless nights from worrying about my personal data and who's hands is it in and what's going to happen to me without my social security has got to be worth looking into. It's not right. After this, I want to see more safeguards put in place to further protect us.
I suppose it might depend on the state where the suit is brought but there are stiff fines for data breaches of our information when held by corporations. We may not be able to sue Musk for the breach but we may be able to sue the government agency that allowed it.
Absolutely. I asked something similar of my Democratic Senators and Congressional representative (Michigan) 2 weeks ago. All I've heard back so far is crickets. I'm looking at YOU, Senators Slotkin and Peters, as well as Representative Stevens! Governor Whitmer lost my respect last November.
It seems that all the people or organizations that can actually make a difference are silent when we ask for help. With the exemption of the talking heads that have all diverted to name calling. Sorry.... just a little frustrated tonight
I've been asking this too. There must be about 1000000 things we could do a class action for against both him and trump. I think the key is to sue civilly so we can go after their personal money because it's all they care about.
Right but... who are we suing? trmp for giving permission which is not his to grant? Msk (we have no idea what he's done with it, if he copied it, is that theft?). Congress? for being completely useless jellyfish when we need them most???
Congressmen, Senators and the courts don't seem to realize soon in MAGA land they will be irrelevant.
What Musk is doing is illegal and absolutely Unconstitutional.
He has no official authority and no security clearance. Why is he allowed to break the law, just because Trump wants him to?
Thank you for trying.
Come on attorneys!! Do your thing!
How do we start something like that?
Of course, I reckon, there will still be a few judges (and bureaucrats) with a spine in your country to stand up, not so sure about mine.
Keep the energy going.
Now, to find an attorney that will like your case enough to work it.
And we’re wondering where charges are for crimes against humanity
But I don't remember where I read it nor did I verify. Don't quote me
Let's do this!
We need more lawsuits for the other crimes against us.
We might all have something to say about our data too.
Can we really trust America with our data anymore?
I have another legal question: how does anybody follow the edicts of a private citizen who has no authority? How is this happening? Who's turning off the $$? Please pardon my ignorance on this. I simply do not understand.
A fucking felon/rapist is running the Country !
Men don’t rape for sex they rape for power !!!
Because of the lies and thievery we can already prove
You ain’t gotta be a lawyer to know that.
He needs to be charged & arrested in federal court & his assets seized so he cannot pay off any judge or jury.
You have a right to make that request right now.
I say bring criminal charges against him and the Felon. It is illegal for Trump to appoint anyone to circumvent the Constitution.
I'm talking about the crime of high treason. That is what is happening here.
There is a petition to impeach to sign and petition with hyper links documenting written information. Hope you sign. Thank you.
Thank you.
What they are doing is illegal and Unconstitutional.
(Not a lawyer, but I play one on BlueSky)
see the responses to this!!
miraculous win for the people
all musk wealth relinquished as restitution
(…a plea down from treason)
shares become a major holding of a sovereign wealth fund that funds UBI through dividends
No one voted for musk or gave him permission to view our PII.
They have same clearance and more. Please get out of this circle ⭕️ jerk mentality
Want to get scared. Think about all the people who see your medical records from admission to billing. All your information. Minimal background check...
The should be able to answer your question, right ACLU?
Feren Balance.
I’m not sure it applies but I think we should try anything. This whole thing is a big violation.
The GOP does not follow US laws. Isn't it time for all GOOD people in Congress regardless of Party to band together PHYSICALLY and just say NO? DISRUPT CONGRESS. MAKE A STAND. trump and his lapdogs must be impeached and tried for treason.
Don't let these a**holes take any more from you than they already have. They are truly awful human beings & most of us see that.
There have been many foolish & cruel cuts but cutting this type of research is one of the worst.
I saw there are pro-science protests planned.
Also, it is very hard for them to justify cutting medical research.
I'm interested in this question too. And, I'm not alone. Many people have asked this question.
This is exactly why Musk's attorneys are distancing him from DOGE now.
It seems to me that someone not actually authorized to see and have access to my private information IS harm.
But what do I know.
Worse, his sycophants (BigBalls et al) also have all that data .
Your thoughts ?
I believe anybody can file a complaint with the state that license them.
Permissions Trump cannot allow without Congress involved.
...BY LAW.