Just occurred to me.
We are, JFC, living in the world of Heinlein's I WILL FEAR NO EVIL.
Why, God, why, did You have to drop us into what's almost certainly his worst book?
We are, JFC, living in the world of Heinlein's I WILL FEAR NO EVIL.
Why, God, why, did You have to drop us into what's almost certainly his worst book?
Could be subversive, or could be an obey-in-advance travesty. Seems kind of unnecessary anyway 🫤
James Michener's SPACE predicted how we would get here. (The last chapter is strangely prescient.) And TITAN is where we're going. I truly expect a state to outlaw the teaching of the Copernican system by the end of the decade.
No matter what, you can't say RAH didn't warn us this might be coming. There are so many hints in the Future History stories.
I long for the days when I thought The Crazy Years were the wost it would get.
There certainly seems to be a lot of shameless motherfuckers in the government now.
"The night was warm... No, humid... No, hot... No, warm..,"
(The correct answer is "The night was sultry..")
Though, i will say, the math bits at the end are interesting.
It's wild to me though that he predicted Twitch streams back in 1938. Even when I read it 20 years ago we still weren't there yet.
I wonder how the current Christo-fascists would regard THAT form of sex-change...
This word only exists in one novel, and before M*sk Ai was exclusively used by people who either read it, or are familiar with it.
You never connected the dots?
Different people find different things in the same books
Provocative art must make itself obsolete over time. If the whole book was relevant today, we'd be back in the 50ties
Rand didn't have a chance.
And her followers.
I really should revisit The Moon is a Harsh Mistress sometime. Or maybe I shouldn't?
Instead he's realized he's not going to make it to Mars, so we get the 2012 remake instead. :(
Most libertarians fail to notice the most consistent values Heinlein promoted - the man absolutely despised selfishness and hated charlatans like Trump and Musk.
My Mom introduced me to SF ages ago. I remember as a teen reading that serialized. Mom said the story was interesting but she thought he was being paid by the word. Before anyone knew, & don't know if we would have found out.
But man, Friday was way worse.
I assume we’re ignoring the later “Bob really thought his mom was hot” canon?
(RAH was a giant and the field of course owes him a lot but boy some of it aged poorly.)
How is that "Great Experiment" going?
Heroes were fired and repressed, villains rewarded and posing as heroes.
Norman Osborn, the Iron Patriot:
People pointing out his past and ongoing crimes were painted as hysterical loons. His regime always managed to "both sides" every issue.
I was thinking about Jubal today, in fact.
Still, there are far too many dystopian echoes in literature to our current situation.
I wanna play. Would you like to play? ZOOOOOM!!!
https://Pslweb.org by and for the people, not the billionaires.
A movement that doesn't rely on elections. The duopoly doesn't care about any of us. It is better to be a part of a grassroots bottom-up revolutionary movement that cares instead of trying to make the duopoly care.
I can't believe you are doing this to us . . . are there any Cliff Notes for it???
And *even then* I thought the characters were over the top in mammary fixation.
Also, several of them wrote pron too, as it was fast & paid well?
Then there was Sail Beyond The Sunset.
"That went to places I should've anticipated and stopped before I got there..."
I know *so many* men of my age and a bit older who thought Heinlein's attitudes on sex and gender were "proven to work"...
but yeah, I can see how the social milieu matches up
Project 2025 WANTS to be the Scudder Interregnum but hasn’t achieved it yet
I am wondering if we’re on track for Friday, though
*Campbell had the idea of a weapon that could be tuned to kill specific races and wanted Heinlein to write it. Heinlein saw opportunity to make it a roman a clef.
I really appreciate your insights & comments about the community. This is one of my favorite parts of social media.
RAH’s work really did effect my thinking
Things took a nosedive for the dumbest possible option after that.
We're lucky it was only weasels. I can't imagine how bad things would be right now if it had been a goose that got in there!