This is what the messaging always needs to be. Don’t get caught up in whether Trump CAN do these things. The message should be that Trump doing these things helps Elon Musk and hurts working people.
With respect, who would take notice? Who would that help? If you read the last line of the post it sets out what they’re doing tomorrow, which seems a much more constructive path than turning up and sitting behind a desk.
For anyone wondering why Trump/Musk care so much about the FTC, it handles antitrust reviews, which means leverage over major corporations and their CEO’s.
Ummm.. like no one saw this coming? The administration is cleaning house. There’s no pushback, and judges orders are being refused. WHEN do we as a country shut it all down and protest? When?
1/2 If "no vote" was a candidate, it would have won the last election. I don't understand why people in the US think that politicians should fight for them, when so many of us don't even bother to drop a ballot in the mailbox. We train the politicians to do nothing by allowing them to do nothing.
2/2 Politicians should be more afraid of us than they are of Trump. If we actually voted, they would understand we are paying attention, & we won't vote for anyone who's trying to screw us over. We have the country we deserve, so we have to stop deserving this treatment. The GOP is our enemy. Vote.
Saying “he fired me” gives an impression of regular firing.
We are a Russian province now