The culture wars, the race wars, the gender wars...all smoke screens for the war they don't want you to fight.
The class wars.
The class wars.
~Direct quote from Warren Buffet during interview with the NY Times dated Nov. 26, 2006
Win the class war, and we win the rest. We must protect as many as we can, in whatever way we can, while we struggle.
Leave none behind.
Let none be forgotten.
And because of Elon and the Oligarchs taking over….Cap The Rich as well. Earnings over one billion must go to pay for all services like Social Security.
Dept. of Agriculture
Dept of the Interior
Nat'l Labor Relations
US Equal Employment
US Securities Exchange
Trade Commission
Department of Justice
Dept of Transportation
Dept of Labor
US Dept of Agriculture
US Dept of Transportation
Dept. of the Interior
US Dept of Energy
Dept of State
Dept of COmmerce
Dept of Veterans Affairs
Dept of Defense
Dept of Homeland Security
And BTW, I love a good Bulwark podcast but those 40ish hosts need to revisit their inherited Saint Ronnie worship.
strawmanning and creating the 'Woke' wars.
And yet people still haven’t caught on to who the true enemy is.
And I’m happy for you that you escaped the south. My dumbazz intentionally stayed here to try to save these people from themselves. You know how mothers tell their kids to “make good choices?” Clearly, that good choices thing didn’t work out for me. 😆
I sincerely doubt insurance company executives expected people to cheer for the assassin & fail to feel sympathy for the criminal CEO. But here we are. And I’m here for it! 💙
Welcome to the good place!
While russia remains influential we will never cooperate for real climate action
Even Teddy would have EASILY gotten a third term had he broke tradition like FDR eventually did
After FDR I'm sure special interests had a fit over the new deal and straight into neo liberalism we went
Economic populism rhetoric shamed as "socialism"
You didn't do the reading, we can tell!
Yes: horizontal war instead of vertical contest
It's just around the corner.
Predatory Capitalism destroys the middle class that holds up society.
Fascism takes hold.
it's not like these issues have no substance in them after all? If your trans, sure you can find SOME solace in the class war idea, but... its not like the phobes are going to stop attacking us!
Everyone thinks they don't live in a classed Society.
Got news for them they do instead of titles classing you it is now the riches you can rake in.
True wealth is the memories your create with those you love and your friends as you touch the lives of others.
Yeah, those delusional creeps.
Money does not buy support. Feels buys support, and sadly they did not court the feels.
From the most climate-sustainable economy to the smallest ✂️ poor/rich, 🇩🇰 are at the top in every category in 🇪🇺.
Those who are high-performing have high taxes.
Those who can walk have to earn their living.
Those who join have to integrate.
Education begins in kindergarten at 1.
🧔🏻&👩🏻, 🧒🏻&👧🏻 are equal
No taxes to the government for a day. No utilities for a day. No groceries for a day. No gas for a day. NOTHING all on the same day. Protest spending any money. If they don't get it, we do it again on another day, then again, and again.
Republicans the masters of double speak and misdirection.
Get as wealthy as possible?
Climb the ladder socially?
And the proletariats throw stones and publish take-downs and publicize protests?
How can that be done with tightfisted legislators?
Make America GREEDY Again!
Distraction while they implement business practices that hurt the people, embezzle taxpayer dollars for their billionaires and undermine fair competition. Congrats Corp America. You backed a lower tax-rate & it's going to destroy the free market you rely on.
Every 50 years, we've enhanced Liberty - 1970s - 18-year-olds vote, 1920s - women's suffrage, 1870s - racial equality.
We can't ignore the propaganda, we have to overcome it. Find ways to convince white working people that the bosses are the problem, not immigrants, etc.
And we can't stop fighting for racial equality, right? Or gender equality? Because even if it's intended as a distraction, those are real losses.
The class war is the one not many are paying attention to!
A gun.
The reason the rich fund the talking heads behind these "wars" is to keep the "dumb, panicky, dangerous animals" chasing each other and not noticing how fucked everything is and who fucked it.
Less for us, more for them. They call it a reduction in spending.
Medicare, Social Security,
Head Start.
the Death Squad stage, eventually,
esp when you’re dealing with
American Arch Reactionaries.
This is what history
tells us. Comms will become
very important, should we reach
such dire straits.
Feels surreal to me.
It's been the real fight for millenias.
It was back in 2006 that Warren Buffett told the NYT "There's class warfare, all right, but it's my class, the rich class, that's making war, and we're winning.”
― Lyndon B. Johnson
BUT, the important word is WAR.
Male run America seems destined to always be involved in some kind of war.
Men make war.
We need more women = less aggressive & competitive.
I don’t think there will be any investigation.
There should be. Dump 100% cheated.
Now, if millions mobilized and started a general strike shutting down commerce that would be the tipping point.
This is just a blip.
A nothing.
I suspect Hurricane Helen impacted this year's vote more than the price of eggs did.