Lol. This is what the swasticar was missing.
The Hitler endorsement.
The Hitler endorsement.
*Ugly* exploding Nazi toasters.
A little cleaning of the gene pool is in order.
The entry level price of a Tesla 3 in the US is $ 42,500 and of a Tesla Y is $ 45,000.
They are still the best EVs you can buy, definitely not “exploding Nazi toasters”.
Oh, I forgot, this is not about the truth but getting likes and agreements.
My thinking about Elon is below.
Oh, don't forget the oil industry, another EO, no American can drive an EV.
1.) Trump has never had a driver's license
2.) He doesn't know how to drive.
3.) Stick shift? haha 🤣😂🤣
No way. No how.
in my lifetime. Only the left were buying these cars and he's comprehensively fucked them off - what did he actually think would happen?
But do you think Agent Orange might try to make it so?
The price is not the issue here.
If you think Tesla, you think Musk. If one goes down, the other will follow. This is his weakness and now he's feeling it.
The downfall will be epic.
Show that orange felon he's making it worse
Find a protest near you:
Trump has never had a dog.
He’s never shopped for his own groceries.
He doesn't pay his bills.
And Trump is a rapist felon who incited a deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol and is desperate for Putin's approval.
Damn it, America! You played yourself.
With his own money?
Never gonna happen.
But, Musk has thousands of Teslas getting dusty on Tesla lots all over the country.
Pretty sure Trump will get one for free, in lieu of Trump’s endorsement.
If a boycott where illegal, then buying would be mandatory?
How would that work, great stable genius?
Boycott Tesla! (and all fascist companies.)
Bathe in their tears, for history will judge them 😂😂😂🤔🤔
This is like Maye Musk going “stop being mean to my big billionaire boy he doesn’t like that it’s MEAN”
We by definition let a terrorist run our country
P.s. better use your own cash to buy that Tesla. If you don't it would belong to the American people and we will drive it off a cliff.
"There you go sweetie, now go to bed"
One day our repubblican friends will have to explain how they brought into power such a psychopatic megalomaniac of this sort.
What is Trump’s expectation here of his giant truck driving yee-haw base? The ones he spent years convincing that “oil good, EV bad”…
2023 MAGA: Not buying in to your “green” hoax! We’ll never buy those stupid electric cars.
2025 MAGA: Hey y’all! We should all buy electric cars!
Spoiler - they won’t.
From deep in the heart of TX….not gonna happen.
Sure hope he isn't writing an IOU for Elon, LOL.
selling it means some other awhole is driving it. I wonder if it can be recycled?
Is that what Trump calls it now when he crushes Oxy, Adderall and Xanax together and lines it up on a mirror?
Once again the leading “absolute free speech advocate” demonstrates that he is absolutely opposed to free speech.
2) boycotts would only be illegal in a fascist country run by someone lawless
3) oops... #1 and #2 are true.
Yeah, go on Trump, buy one. I could do with shorting Tesla as it is and wondered if i'd missed the boat.
I suspect not.
Trump is more Mussolini to Putin's Hitler.
Or pay a fine of equal value that goes to Musk.
When did we go from differences in opinions on how to deal with problems to downright delusions and thus different opinions about about reality?
So he can be a regular guy.
Just like us?
The demographic who tend to own Teslas around the world, before Musk went full on, out the closet Nazi, will hate Tesla even more, if Trump ‘owns’ one.