Onward Fake Christian soldiers!
For our True Messiah's love
He's our Pussy Grabbing Grifter
and the eagle eats the dove!
His lies & hate have brought us
Into spiritual distortion
We reject all Jesus taught us
'cuz Judas said he'd end abortion
For our True Messiah's love
He's our Pussy Grabbing Grifter
and the eagle eats the dove!
His lies & hate have brought us
Into spiritual distortion
We reject all Jesus taught us
'cuz Judas said he'd end abortion
Like the pungent smell of perfume in a filthy house.
Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf [My Struggle], Chapter 12, (1925)
Marching as to war,
With gold-plated sneakers
Going on before!
9/10 would recommend
Good beat but I'm not dancing to it.
There was a South African bloke
Whose money a horse it could choke,
He put millions down
To elect an orange clown,
Now America looks like a joke.