I am tired of their excuse...if you aren't with us you are on the left and you are un-American terrorist. This is the kind of crap that has infected EVERYONE
Although Musk's finances have taken a bit of a hit, he is nowhere near homeless or hungry, like many of the folks he arbitrarily fired will be...therefore (in his twisted mind) no harm done. It wasn't harmful to Elon, who is only whining about people going after his vehicles, car sales/dealerships.
He's chainsawing away everything that matters to the American people, jobs, agencies, programs, parks, land, values, democracy, trying to steal healthcare, food from children and elderly and our earned benefits. He's deranged and clueless.
For Special_K Musk, it's hard to know when the K is talking. On those times he's 'Special' in a short bus kind of way. Or is that a Magical Mystery Tour way?
“And despite a lotta money, Elon has a LOOOOTTA weaknesses, don’t trip. It might even be that he plays himself out of the game, he’s so stretched thin—financially, mentally, and with all the drugs he’s carpet bombing his brain with, who knows.” https://lokiexcelsiorsmith.substack.com/p/a-god-complex-runs-the-gauntlet?r=fd4u4
This isn’t quite right. Unless there is some sort of severe psychiatric comorbidity, they know what they’re doing, and they know that it breaches what is socially or legally acceptable. They just don’t care.
Always depends on the level of mental decline... Just like Trump he thinks he is doing "great things"... Psychos live in their own alternative reality bubble...
Dude was literally doing sieg heil at the inauguration and calling the Democratic senator from Arizona a traitor last week. Ketamine brain rot is real. But he’s also a racist liar, so there’s that too.
No delusion & he doesn’t believe what he’s saying, it’s textbook propaganda. Call out the “evil leftists” and play the victim to their MAGA base. They want in-fighting amongst the masses while they do their evil, & to have brain-washed militants ready to fight for them when the shit hits the fan.
When do WE, the PEOPLE haul sHitler45.f out of our lives? sHitler45.f is NOT performing his pwesidential duties ... he is holding an INSURRECTION. 1/6/2021 was practice ... 1/20/2025 put him inside to do extreme damage to WE, the PEOPLE. "doge" is NOT part of OUR government! STOP sHitler45.f!
In other words he thought we'd just fucking lie down. Being from South Africa, he doesn't know how the left ended the war in Vietnam. Or how the left got women the vote. Or how the left got interracial marriage and voting rights, even with the southern Dixiecrats, now the core of republican maga.
You’re taking away people’s jobs, healthcare, rights and security in the U.S. and yet you say you’ve never done anything wrong? You made your bed Eloina now sleep in it!
Musk you don’t know who these people are you don’t know if they are Republicans or Democrats so why are you putting this on Democrats because it’s easy for you to say Democrats..
Neither did the tourists who have been detained by ICE, and neither, so far as we know, did any of the Venezuelans that we just shipped off to El Salvador.
On the other hand, you’ve done great damage, just by being a billionaire.
Big billionaire baby boo face wants us to feel sorry for him as he feels NOTHING for the tens of thousands he’s given NO Thought while firing and ruining their lives, their family’s lives, our gov’t and safety of our nation! 🖕🏼🫵🏼ELON‼️
Here in Vancouver the Tesla exhibit at our international auto show was barred from setting up in the exhibition hall one day before the show began. In addition Tesla is no longer eligible for BC rebates of any kind for their cars AND products. The Tesla brand across BC is persona non grata. Forever.
Say that to the thousands of fired fed workers and veterans and agencies shutting down and the children whose deaths you are expediting through your actions.
Oh yeah and jeered at the American people with a Nazi salute & chainsaw showing us he's taking it all. He came to this country, made use of the system and now burning it all down....yeah nothing harmful done. Woe be unto you Elon and all your offspring
He can play stupid all he wants. It's clearly the people sending him a message. I see no party lines in these acts, but he wants to politicize it. People. Are. Pissed.
He's as fucking delusional as the Felon he owns. Nothing harmful? How about firing/laying off THOUSANDS of people, no pay, no health benefits, putting them in panic mode on how to survive? Stopping payments to health care, HARMING the sick, elderly? Let me at him, I could go on for an hour at least
Just little things like being in the process of destroying a nation in a matter of months. Encouraging Nazism and fascism around the world. Treating world pariahs as equals and friends. Elon is a power and wealth parasite.
A friend of mine canceled their Starlink they were paying $120 a month, now they're begging her to come back for the clearance rate of $10 a month. She still isn't going back. Hold the line, fellow bycotters, hold them line.
Elon Musk is the poster child for "say NO to ketamine". He's firing family members and friends of the people who own & buy his cars. Does he think that MEGA is his target customer? What an idiot.
EMPATHY? The thing you told Rogan is weak and the end of civilization? That Empathy? The thing you have NONE of as you TEAR through our country like the Nazi you are, killing Americans? That one?
He's destroying lives every day. People are dying because they're not receiving aid from USAID. Government workers he has fired are at risk of losing their homes and the ability to feed their families. He's such a dick.
Several mothers and children have died in Africa because he cut off USAID..... They could no longer get medical care and medicine. Another grandmother died when she was sent home without the oxygen she needed....so he is a dangerous harmful douche bag.
He complains about Democrats lacking empathy when he was the guy who said empathy was the downfall of our civilization. If he thinks Democrats are the party of empathy and peace, why isn’t he a Democrat? He thinks those are bad things?
There is no way to reason with a narcissistic sociopathic/psychopathic personality disorder. There will never be accountability. There will never be anything from them except - I deserve everything and everybody here exists to please me. Everything that is yours is mine.- Trump is also textbook.
Except against all the people HE and his drones identified for termination and celebrating their loss of a job by raising a chainsaw. Destruction of thousands of people's livelihoods, career ambitions, and families' security has led to untold mental anguish. He's a sociopath by his actions.
"Deranged," "crazy," "there's some kind of mental illness thing going on here".
"I think there are larger forces at work as well. I mean, I don't know, who's funding it and who's coordinating it? Because this is crazy. I've never seen anything like this."
So the Ketamine kid doesn't see that watching the richest man in the world poncing around on stage with a chainsaw gleefully boasting how he's cutting people's medical care and their livelihoods isn't going to upset and anger some people?
What a cockwomble.
I’ve only ever done productive things! DOGE is a fraudulent thing….
The left is the party of empathy and caring.
We care deeply about the Constitution and the laws he is breaking
I don’t know why they are doing this.
Attacking his wealth is only way to get his attn
Tesla Deaths Total: 674
Master at creating dumpster fires.
If he really believes what he is saying, he is completely disconnected from average American!
If he is lying, this is also a bad sign in character.
Both are bad!
It is part of their mental derangement...
What a twat.
Burn Tesla 🔥
On the other hand, you’ve done great damage, just by being a billionaire.
You’re An Incessant DICTIM! A DICK who plays the VICTIM, every time!
Tesla can’t go fast enough to zero…
That's just in recent memory... Oh yeah and what else?
OH you completely funded and likely stole the election for the least qualified president in the history of democracy... 🙄
Yeah, "nothing harmful"
Get fucked.
Ein Volk. Ein Reich. Ein Swasticar.
And People are going after Tesla. 😊
"I think there are larger forces at work as well. I mean, I don't know, who's funding it and who's coordinating it? Because this is crazy. I've never seen anything like this."
Musk describes DOGE perfectly.
What a cockwomble.