This is outrageous. The Nats didn’t campaign on it, nor was it signalled in the Minister’s consultation. Our polytechs are part of our PUBLIC education infrastructure and there is no way that they should be up for sale.
Unfortunately labour has shown they don’t know how to utilise the polytechs in an effective way either
They want uneducated slaves. That's it. That's the plan.
But our system is set up so they can do it and no shouting from the cross benches makes any difference
Seriously what will Labour do to stop it?
Play more middle of the road politics?
Why is anyone still falling for this?
Te Tiriti
Public Sector redundancies
It's all about privatising public services to enrich the patrician class.
Ray Charles could see this and he's blind. And also dead.
Can't have bottom feeders getting educated.
Oh. And leaving the TPPA.
Convert those Weetbic cartons (while you can still afford Weetbix) to postcards and make MPs aware that this sux...
Be relentless, keep the pressure on...