Dear Everyone:
Stop yelling at marginalized people being harmed by *gestures at the US government* about what they should have done or should be doing.
Start yelling at the leaders and elected officials whose job it is to protect everyone.
Stop yelling at marginalized people being harmed by *gestures at the US government* about what they should have done or should be doing.
Start yelling at the leaders and elected officials whose job it is to protect everyone.
Because that makes a lot of sense, actually!
NO, IM NOT A TRUMP SUPPORTER, LIBERALS! I want him to go away!
I couldn't butt in
YOU are.
you screaming and stabbing in the dark at anyone in any minority group or otherwise who did anything BUT vote for Trump is you making an ass of yourself and an indirect collaborating of Trump (and the capitalists') agenda
blaming them is taking accountability and responsibility off of people who chose to vote for Trump
Also not voting doesnt go to anyone. If i have 3 apples, and you have 5 apples, and someone gives us both 0 apples, how many apples do we have?
Usually when you portray someone as "screaming about X" that means you think they're overreacting to the situation they're screaming about.
So what do you think the appropriate reaction to genocide is, exactly? Do you even agree a genocide was indeed happening?
You don't even realize how you are fascist yourself with this kinda argument.
If someone murdered your entire family, would you vote for that person, or is that a preposterous standard you only hold non-whites to?
White people consistently vote in favour of fascism.
White conservatives vote for Christian Nationalists.
White liberals consistently coddle and allow fascists, betraying the working class and minority groups en mass.
Its white people.
Y'all Supported Harris. Who ran on a campaign of overt fascism. Palestinian Genocide. ICE Gestapo. Cop City. Trans people should follow anti-Trans laws. Keep black people in prison past their release dates. Deadliest military. Harris.
It was unsurprising learning that her staff had been instructed to ignore any messages calling out her treatment of Palestine.
You just want to be able to blame Brown people.
Look, your party is responsible for its loss. If you wanna target marginalized people, you're just a white supremacist that takes longer to accept who you are. Fuck your party who is capitulating to Nazis right now. That's where your ire should be.
What about people who didn't pay any attention to the election and didn't know the stakes? Whose fault are they?
Because ppl like Jared Kushner were floating the idea last year.
Stop blaming the people we failed to support for our own crap campaign and the bad choices of our party leaders.
Good job, everyone 👍
thinking that scolding is praxis.
Stop blaming the people we failed to support for our own crap campaign and the bad choices of our party leaders.
We have no one to blame but us for the loss. Learn to handle criticism.
I really dropped the ball and forgot to check your profile first and I do sincerely apologize for that. That’s on me and I own it.
Stand by saying we answer the call.
instead of holding people who had the power to change the course of the election, we are looking to extract our pound of flesh in revenge and anger on a small group of people who have neither the power or numbers to affect change
You would think 2 would inspire some self-reflection, but nah.
All it would have changed is the team flag colors.
Do slack ass mediocrity while insisting they have our back.
In this case all they get to do is color coordinate outfits and hold up paddles and maybe one actual guy has a spine.
They may not be Christian theocrats but slack ass mediocrity is still evil.
👁️ 👅 👁️
While you’re at it could you yell at the Republicans for a change?
The anger only goes in one direction and it’s getting weird. Why are you doing what Trump wants you to do?
Yell at the actual villains for a change.
You don’t even want to try to actually fight the real villain.
I understand.
You get more hits on social media doing what Trump wants you to do.
You want to yell at them then move goalposts when they do something.
We are tired of your games.
Go protest a republican.
Jesus Christ.