the part these venture capital fucks don't get is that no one i've ever met truly makes music or art because it's enjoyable, they do it because they have to, because the only thing worse than making art is not making art
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These people are your enemies
Those whose occupation is acquiring wealth are by definition the latter.
Which just means this AI booster horseshit is even more ridiculous. I don't want to tell a computer to do the fun part for me.
I never realize I've enjoyed it until I stop
“Making music” isn’t just about producing marketable content - it can also be just grabbing an instrument and jamming with friends.
Like what, everyone hates karaoke!?
My point is that for most people, the act of making music can be fun and may even be for the express purpose of having fun - not everyone is sweating over their DAWs to find the perfect snare.
Artists are outstanding just for being the origin of something.