“Slow ahead. I can go slow ahead! Come on down here and chum some of this shit!” - Jaws (not sure if this truly “horror,” but it’s an infinitely quotable movie)
I met him 15 years ago I was told there was nothing left no reason no conscience no understanding in even the most rudimentary sense of life or death of good or evil right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child with this blank pale, emotionless face and the blackest eyes the Devil's eyes.
I spent eight years trying to reach him and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized that what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply evil.
“I just don't think that Brooke could've done this. Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't.” - Elle, Legally Blonde
Not a movie quote directly but due to my dad playing Resident Evil 3 repeatedly in the living room when I was a kid I've never been able to look up at the night sky without thinking "Stars" in Nemesis' voice
"Did they look like psychos? Is that what they looked like? They were vampires. Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them; I don't give a fuck how crazy they are!"
Hell Raiser was not about that pity shit
(For just about any context other than evil, from hope to pizza)
Another fave of mine from Sorority Row: “Who the hell lit the house on fire??”
Another fave from Scream 3 is: “And I mean my boyfriend just died. Why am I showering?”
-Texas Chainsaw Massacre
And also the iconic way Lynda says “Totally.” in Halloween
"You gotta' be fucking kidding."
"We're a thousand miles from nowhere, man."
"Chariots of the Gods, man."
-Dr Loomis
-The Exorcist
-Hudson, Aliens (or me, everytime something goes wrong)
-The Howling
to my cats, often.
(Dog Soldiers) Generally said on holiday when bitten by bugs!
“Oh but you will sit through a movie called STAB.”
"Why don't we just get in the running car?"
I'm a real thrill on road trips...
90% of the time its in relation to biscuits and someone else trying to take one I like >_>
“Pain? How dare you use that word?”
“He’s got p-pins in his head!”
“What you think of as pain is only a shadow. Pain has a face. Allow me to show it to you, gentlemen. I. Am. Pain.”
We just got our Azz kicked.
Me: The Winchester 🧟♀️