To me, the use of the word itself is odd. In all countries, the citizens are patriots, in the meaning of "being proud of our country and will fight for our freedom".
Some countries who are using it (and similar) words are USA, Russia, China, and probably more.
Not criticism, just my opinion.
Funny that you mention that.
I have talked with people from all over the world on SoMe. We all agree that no other people in the world has a bigger need to express their chistianity than american citizens. Especially people from moderate democrats ➡️ far-right. Lol
OMG Once more for those in the back. A tariff is a tax the importing country adds to increase the price of external goods for its citizens. A surcharge is something the exporting country adds to goods and services before they leave the country and is paid by the importing country's citizens.
Vous n’avez qu’à envoyer votre facture de surcoûts à mar à lago … dans la même logique de Trump qui facture ses dîners à 1 million de dollars par personne depuis qu’il est devenu président !!
And Tesla's. I am NOT making a judgement on the technology of Tesla vehicles. I don't own one. I am saying DON'T buy a product from a white supremacist. Let's work toward bring Tesla down to bankruptcy. There's plenty of competition out there for EV technology.
I have a Chevy Volt 2017. Love it. I wanted the security of knowing I can go on a long trip without battery anxiety. 95% (30 miles a day) of my driving is with battery only. So, I have the best of both worlds.
The resale value on these is really bad. If you own one, consider getting rid of it. From a financial point of view, 70 - 80% decrease in sales and revenue and complete destruction of the brand will make them even more difficult to sell.
Need to bring Elon to bankruptcy. Tesla needs to fire him so it can rebuild without him. The company has a responsibility to its shareholders and right now he is a serious liability.
We bought a Tesla when there wasn’t competition hoping that would encourage competition.
Unfortunately, for budget reasons we need to make it last another 4 years* (unless someone wants to buy it from us)
The next one WON’T be a Tesla
*We drive our cars for 12-16 years and budget for that
👍 ... again, not making judgement on people who bought Tesla's or the technology. Now that we know Elon is a white supremacist ... let's NOT buy anymore product from him ... bring the company to bankruptcy.
I’m all for it. I would love to see Elon brought to his knees
We have an older Tesla and it has never given us any problems unlike the newer ones
I suspect the problems probably all arise from Elon cutting corners to make more money for himself…. safety of the cars and people driving them be damned
We’ve got one
The sad thing is that the original designs made for a good, reliable car
Elon didn’t build the company
The original car designs (which Elon wasn’t part of) built the company
Elon’s reputation is what’s going to destroy the company though
Thank you!! Just knowing that we do still have some allies across the border in case things continue to get worse, as we expect they will, is enough to keep many of us going. Stay strong, friend!
There's a lot of things being said about how Musk rigged the election for him too! The 🍊💩 has even admitted it twice now! Google it. What can we do if they're all going to cheat the system?
We NEED our friends to the north and south to stay strong for us and offer asylum if necessary. Who knows...
We tried! Trust me. We were all out there telling everyone we knew not to vote for the 🍊💩, warning them of all of this, but they didn't listen. And not only did they not listen, they elected enough GOP members to take over the Congress too. Now there's NO ONE left with enough power to do anything.
You are talking about the past. What will you do now? You and everyone around YOU ARE THE POWER. Resist, rise up, sabotage. People will likely get hurt and is the time before it gets worse.
I've been calling my reps and emailing them with my concerns. Unfortunately I live in a red district of a blue state but because of that, there haven't been any protests close enough for me to get involved with yet. I'm also not buying from stores or sites that supported him in the election.
Those 1.5M Americans better not blame Ontario for having to pay 25% more for electricity. They need to place the blame squarely on DonOld tRump. His idea of Making America Great Again. The more he hurts Americans, the weaker and more unstable our democracy becomes - ripe for Putin to take over.
I would suggest that to end the trade war much quicker, ALL nations stop ALL trade with the United States until the mango mussolini is removed from office. Then the orange turd can raise the tariffs to 100% but it won't matter because he'll only have China, North Korea & Russia as trading partners.
Yes, but that's exactly what he and Putin want. To completely destroy our economy, which will have ripple effects across the world. I'm not a 100% sure what the end game will be from there, but this is certainly what he's hoping for.
We sure did and I'm embarrassed for my states ignorance helping to put that piece of shit in office! This probably will sink me but it doesn't matter since my lymph nodes went nuts, which is probably not good.
The really crappy part about this is that it’s Democratic states that are going to be impacted. This will only make Pres Elon and court jester Trump smile with joy. I’m sure there will be hugs all around with them and Putin over this.
Have yall read Cyber War by Matthew Mather? That book details exactly what would happen if a snowstorm
And power outage happened simultaneously for an extended period
of time…
Barbarically fucked.
Well, when the US has sided completely with the likes of Russia and Hungary, it makes it easier to not want to side with the US because we’re effectively Russia now.
Listen we're going to hurt, it will be uncomfortable, there will be some pain and all of that is okay. Don't let that Mango Muppet bully you like he bullies us.
The last person is really at the heart of how these Christian Nationalists are brainwashing these kids, and everyone against MAGA GOP and Trump, including minorities, need to understand this.
That would make sense if trumps tariffs only affect parts of our country, but they don't! Red or Blue states they are all part of the United States, so if our entire country suffers,so should theirs! They need to do whatever they can to put a stop to him while we fight him.
Don't feel bad. It's not possible to differentiate between the two due to how the USA works. Better to just take a blanket stand. Us blue state folks get it.
I know. I just have so many decent and kind Americans as friends. I understand that it's not all Americans, just the idiots who voted for that orange pustule.
As someone that lives in one of the affected states, I understand why this is happening but I promise you, TOTUS and his vengeful self is probably reveling in this. He hates the blue states and probably considers this a favor, if anything.
Ontario said they wouldn’t do that unless it was the last resort and even then they would give notice to the states they supply. I think last resort would be invasion.🤦🏻♀️
I commiserate with the folks having to pay more for electricity. But it's lovely to see so many going "yeah, but Canada's justified in doing this" and blaming the true one at fault:
The Orange Gibbon.
Power to you, beautiful resistors!! ✊️✊️
Walz and Whitmer play well on TV, and many of their residents seem to like them. They can describe the bullshit. However, our pool is not deep, I agree.
Why isn't husband name removed from this building and all he owns. Your poor city looking at this everyday. Take it down, melt it, sell it, help the poor.
Export tax not cutting them off. #Canada and the Northern States are too good of friends to do that. If they try to cut the power, I will be vocal about that with my Premier. The export tax is going to be a hard reality, no need to cut power.
It was a stupid thing to say. There is no pleasure fighting with our friends. He is a fraud, and 60% of Ontario voters did not go out and vote. We could have booted him out. He also likes attention similar to Felon 47.
Thank you for saying this. I completely understand the tariffs. However the utter glee I've seen today over cutting off electricity completely makes me sick to my stomach. People will die. Innocent people. Dear Leader won't care either, he cares about money, not ppl, esp not in blue states.
He say it will be a little rocky for awhile! What about the great economy. Just proves he inherited Pres Obama great economy tanked it. Pres Biden had to fix it again. Now he is back in office and here we are. Never about eggs. I am in Chicago and you could go to Whole Foods eggs under $5
The key is the direction of the money flow.
In this case, money flows from Americans into the Canadian government. That's very, very different from a tariff on imports.
The whole point is to be a punishment to the US by raising the price of energy from Canada.
Canada doesn't pay anything.
OTOH, a Tariff is a tax levied by a government on its own citizens to raise the price of imports into its own country. It's a dumb thing to do because it's a self inflicted cost.
I don’t know how it all works either. A tariff is paid by the purchaser to the entity levying the tariff. But in this case the electricity contract is with the Province of Ontario and they will be receiving the “tariff” directly instead of the Canadian Government. Maybe it’s a billing surcharge🤷🏻♀️
That's exactly why I suggested the use of the word 'Tariff' in the original post is the wrong. It's more a 'surcharge' levied by Canada on American energy users.
It's analogous to OPEC deciding to raise the price of a barrel of oil by 25%
Billing surcharge sounds right. Is Ontario power private or public infrastructure?
But the bottom line is that the US will be paying more per kWh which is the whole point. A tariff is the government placing a tax on Imports which is clearly not what's happening here.
Canada should identify a list of products and services that are difficult for USians to avoid such as electricity and impose escalating tariffs on them until Trump retreats fully both with Tariffs and all the 51st state nonsense - brutal force is the only thing he will respond to
Oil. A majority of all the oil the US imports comes from Canada. And if the price of oil increases, the price of everything increases in the economy, because you need transportation for goods and people.
The problem with removing them is it’s a game to him so he can look strong.
He can’t be trusted, he’ll drop tariffs, wait for Canada to drop them then he’ll reinstate. When it goes bad he finds someone else to blame. He likes the drama.
This time he waited 30 days then back on, few days later he removes some for his lackeys. I’m no politician but I can pick a lifetime bullshit artist everyday. He cannot be trusted, I’d leave them on till he proves he can be and then I’d keep them anyway. You need to act not react with a bully.
I borrowed it from others so yes - it arises from the fact that there are a lot of Americans (including Canadians, Central America and South America) that don’t want to be tarred with the same brush!
Can't wait to see my bill this month being on a Canadian border state. Thanks Trump!! You sure are lowering those energy costs like you promised!
(I have no ill will towards Canada. They are defending themselves. )
I feel for the good folks that will be affected by this. Still… GO CANADA! Put pressure on the Sith duo on your end and we will put pressure on them from our end!
He's not my guy, nor 51 percent of the vote. It's common knowledge Musk hacked the Swing States. The West Coast and the Northeast are solidly against him. That's over half our economy. And both have bordered with you. Your hitting the wrong people.
He controls your country. I am truly sorry about that but we have very little choices on how to fight back. Until you guys rise up and make this go away ...
We know who were are but we have to do everything we can, Trump has stated he wants to revisiting US-Canada border demarcation. That will never happen, unless by force and that would be an act of war.
If you haven't noticed we are in the middle of a Facist takeover. Your Blue state allies go down here, and Canada could fall in weeks. You guys can be pissed all you want. You have virtually no military and absolutely no Navy to speak of. That's the cold truth. Helping us is in your best interest.
Not everyone in red states vote Republican. There are lots of blue voters including myself in red states and we deal with a lot of gerrymandering and Republican majority. I hate it. 😫 My apologies from Northern Indiana. Our corrupt election system is also to blame and endless propaganda online.
Looks like the home generator business just took off. Those 650 laid off from Jack Daniels will start making and servicing home generators and Canada now settles for bathroom gin.
Let the black market rise to meet the Canandian needs.
New York, Michigan and Minnesota can thank Trump for his trade war and the unnecessary 25% electricity surcharge. Trump has plenty of money and houses - he doesn’t understand the impact nor does he care.
Seems like the only ones affected are going to be blue states. Guess maybe they'll wake up when they're electric bill is out of control and unaffordable.
Oh also it's illegal to live in a house without electricity. So hopefully everyone has power~
To further explain, our news here is reporting that those are the three states that would be affected by a tariff on electricity, through no fault of their own. Didn’t mean to imply anything about you. This is all on the Felon
Hopefully everyone knows where the blame lies. I just feel bad that the innocent people (those who didn’t vote for him) are having to literally pay the price. They kicked the hornets nest messing with Canada. I hope you New Yorkers aren’t affected too much by the electricity tariffs
They are getting some accountability. Kentucky is crying in their bourbon because it has been taken off of the liquor store shelves. Any liquor from the US is bought on consignment, they don't get paid until it sells. 🤪
Worst is Felon 47 put a Tariff on potash. USA gets 80% of their potash from Canada. Going to be tough on USA farmers again. And all other sources of potash are mostly spoken for.
Floridian here. Some of us are trying hard to flip our 2 open Congeessional seats to 💙blue💙 in this Special Election. We definitely did not all vote for him.
I'm glad Canada is standing up to the orange buffoon, but also so sorry this will happen to y'all. 😭
Thank youu 💙 I’ll be alright. And yes, but it’s such a consistent thing that when things go poorly people switch leadership parties. If MI elected an R governor I’d want that to be the time things slow down economically so they’d learn the lesson, instead of it just being the aftermath as usual
Yeah. But since so much power is going to the states now we need to continue to have blue states thrive. And for MI to keep electing Dem governors. But I agree that something has to be done
Same with Maine. Canada is our biggest trade partner in like everything and we heavily rely on tourism from Canadians. 😑 I hope the maga Maine learn something, but I'm not holding my breath. 😭🤬
Sadly though, the people who will be impacted by this electric service Canafian tariff are located in blue states, where voters are primarily Dems and did NOT vote for the Miscreant in Chief.
MI is blue- unfortunately so many just plain did not vote, or we have the largest Muslim population in the country and many voted for tRump in protest- due to Gaza. Now they will be able to visit the resort of Gaza
We can hope although I think too many magas are stupid and will just blame Biden. The rest of us are fighting as hard as we can against Felon 47. We are marching, calling, writing, rallying, boycotting and trying to stay informed.
Per Rep Debbie Dingell we have our own places for electricity here in Michigan. We don't use the electricity from Canada. It does flow through here to other states who do use it. We will see some increase but as much as the states that actually use it.
Going to feel that, as our electricity bills already went up the beginning of the year. My bill this month is $172.00 & I live in a 1 bedroom, 1 ba 507 sq ft. apartment. #FuckTrump #FuckElon
How will the Republicans in Minnesota who always are silent about MN funding red GOP states going to justify this tariff? Owning the paying 25% more for electricity
In 2024, 87,000 Americans died from drug overdoses. According to Donald, Canada is responsible for 300,000 of those deaths… Math is hard, but hey, he DID say he loves the uneducated!
I don't feel sorry for maga in those states FAFO . For the others it's a price they'll have to deal with until our dump convict king decides to do the right thing for the people of America
MI flipped red. It's a pretty purple state in general.
Doesn't mean he'll care. I mean fk that guy either way. I get why Canada has to do what Canada has to do. Power co's in all affected states will raise prices whether they need to or not. ~25% higher bills will SINK a lot of non-Trump voters.
We understand!
I’m in a blue state that doesn’t import electricity from Canada so it’s easy for me to say “it’s cool” but I think a lot of folks in blue states that do import completely understand and will adjust accordingly.
It’s an interconnected economy. This will ripple across all states as affected consumers drop discrimination spending in states affected causing loss of profits everywhere.
Yup. The people who gleefully voted for Trump need to feel the squeeze before the rest of us. I need to know they are gonna suffer the fate they wanted to help on others 😤
Minnesotan here. I get it but Felon 47 doesn't care about us or anyone else. Only himself. Unless Mar-a-Lardo is affected, he won't give it a second thought. And meantime, the poor suffer.
The terminated Jack Daniels deal was awesome for Kentucky!!!!!!! so you r good in red states Now when not a single Canadian family visits Florida for the next few years that'll be even better
Really sorry! At least you’re not like the other guy saying if you do this to us when the time comes we won’t help Canada and without us being a buffer your country will fall in 3 months. We appreciate the understanding and support.
Some countries who are using it (and similar) words are USA, Russia, China, and probably more.
Not criticism, just my opinion.
I have talked with people from all over the world on SoMe. We all agree that no other people in the world has a bigger need to express their chistianity than american citizens. Especially people from moderate democrats ➡️ far-right. Lol
American utility buys Canadian power? The US utility would pay the tariff presumably.
Whether or not to pass on the increase to consumers?
Would like to know the actual steps.
Counties so rugged and independent that they get up to half of their county budgets from state and federal aid.
Knock ur chit off!
- God
Unfortunately, for budget reasons we need to make it last another 4 years* (unless someone wants to buy it from us)
The next one WON’T be a Tesla
*We drive our cars for 12-16 years and budget for that
We have an older Tesla and it has never given us any problems unlike the newer ones
I suspect the problems probably all arise from Elon cutting corners to make more money for himself…. safety of the cars and people driving them be damned
The sad thing is that the original designs made for a good, reliable car
Elon didn’t build the company
The original car designs (which Elon wasn’t part of) built the company
Elon’s reputation is what’s going to destroy the company though
It says “We bought it before we knew Elon was a crazy Nazi” (she wanted to keep it PG)
We NEED our friends to the north and south to stay strong for us and offer asylum if necessary. Who knows...
Do you know where the reps live? Is there anyone who will join you? Life needs to get uncomfortable for them.
We've never been this united!
Elbows up
So much winning!
I live in a blue state where we got our electricity from Canada.
And power outage happened simultaneously for an extended period
of time…
Barbarically fucked.
prez turd is really stepping in it
That can make a BIG statement when it comes to the Republicans in your state.
The Orange Gibbon.
Power to you, beautiful resistors!! ✊️✊️
New York may be “blue” but geographically it’s pretty red, especially in the area impacted by power tariffs
Northern MI, bright red, Minnesota too. I’m not shedding tears. This is what these traitors voted for.
It sits beside the Israel headline well.
Emphasis on the sorry.
Anyway, as long as American energy costs more, Go Canada !
In this case, money flows from Americans into the Canadian government. That's very, very different from a tariff on imports.
Canada doesn't pay anything.
OTOH, a Tariff is a tax levied by a government on its own citizens to raise the price of imports into its own country. It's a dumb thing to do because it's a self inflicted cost.
It's analogous to OPEC deciding to raise the price of a barrel of oil by 25%
But the bottom line is that the US will be paying more per kWh which is the whole point. A tariff is the government placing a tax on Imports which is clearly not what's happening here.
Thats the tariff that Trump wants, but doesnt have. He cant charge export tax on products heading north, because theyre all things we can do without.
unclear if he knows the difference.
He can’t be trusted, he’ll drop tariffs, wait for Canada to drop them then he’ll reinstate. When it goes bad he finds someone else to blame. He likes the drama.
(I have no ill will towards Canada. They are defending themselves. )
The U.S. needs a rude awakening to treat our Canadian neighbors better.
Tariffs are gonna save this country or whatever.... we'll let it save Canada too.
This is how trade wars work. Everyone's pockets are hurt.
They have every right to defend themselves.
Dumbest trade war ever.
Let the black market rise to meet the Canandian needs.
Oh also it's illegal to live in a house without electricity. So hopefully everyone has power~
I didn't fuck around but I'm going to find out.
Thanks, FOTUS!
I'm glad Canada is standing up to the orange buffoon, but also so sorry this will happen to y'all. 😭
They are still holding on to the possibility of cutting it off completely. Which is what they actually feel like doing.
You will now be experiencing the FO consequences following the FA idiocy of voting for a rapist, convicted felon, and traitor.
Enjoy the ride.
This concludes this Public Service Announcement.
But I do not blame Canada.
tRump is idiotically, and indiscriminately imposing tariffs on them. They are using the tools they have.
Ouch! Making America Great Again!
Doesn't mean he'll care. I mean fk that guy either way. I get why Canada has to do what Canada has to do. Power co's in all affected states will raise prices whether they need to or not. ~25% higher bills will SINK a lot of non-Trump voters.
I’m in a blue state that doesn’t import electricity from Canada so it’s easy for me to say “it’s cool” but I think a lot of folks in blue states that do import completely understand and will adjust accordingly.
But so is Mexico and several places in the Caribbean.
December in Canada is balmy by comparison
❤️🩹 from