All the right words, yet all the evil acts he was against, just like the maniac, democrats, there is your key to attacking and gaining some power, start speaking up on how they will tell you all you want to hear but they will totally come after you, totally take all your rights away, pain and gain
We must non-violently stop work the following weekend 3/22-3/23 for 48 hours, to coincide with protesting. We must shut down all flights, manufacturing, transportation, trucking, emergency response, hospitals, state and local government. We must shut down the country!
When I see dumb people say imaginative stuff from the bible I imagine modern joshua hitting a joint and being like "yooo chill bros there is enough space in hell you dont have to try so hard" while skateboarding or surfing with tatoos and piercings. Maybe even telling yahweh to give us a chill pill
They follow the other force, but same as the liar in charge of the US, everything out of their lips is a lie. Everything. The women all look like Stepford wives and are okay with the grab. The suited men walk, talk and impersonate their leaders. Defund mega churches.
Jesus call the Devil 'A liar and the father of lies'. Trump the arch-liar, is clearly under the control of a Demon, and any evangelical Christian who believes Trump is an imperfect vessel of God, is also under the control of a Demon, or taught by a pastor who is under the control of a Demon.
Middle Eastern Rabbi from a family of refugees; always talking about love your neighbor regardless of demographics; advocating helping the poor & disadvantaged… Deport that woke commie libtard ASAP!! 😱😱
They don’t know it
But they are all being boycotted
Yes how the billionaire club finally pulled it off
Devaluing all
Money is our god
The feel
Good one
Then a demigod special shows up
To grab onto
A goon relief switch
Seething has meaning
Once like they did in high school when devious was fun
Please join Rabbi Rothschild’s World Peace Discord: Rabbi=Truman Show YouTube Live 24/7/365 3+ years. We dare you: type #ViralRabbi in any social media search. Data=Earth’s #1 resource. Rabbi=most data ever. Share to be a trillionaire!
A relative said she hired a contractor because she said he was a good Christian.Later he was in the news for taking money from an elderly couple and never doing the renovations.When I asked the relative about how can a "good" Christian do this, she said even good Christians have some Satan in them.
Christianity is about Jesus Christ. From my upbringing, I don’t remember Jesus being okay with slavery or rape. (I’m not a practicing Christian. But was raised Christian. Mostly Presbyterian.)
Jesus said to follow the laws of Moses, which were given to Moses from "god". Those laws say it is okay to rape women and own slaves. The problem with most Christians as that they never actually read their holy book and just rely on others to tell them what is actually in it.
I think there is a problem with some Christians in that they believe the Old Testament is the word of God. Whereas, I believe it is an historical record (myth, story, etc.) and how they viewed God at that time. I tried to read the Old Testament but was horrified by the violence. Just my opinion.
“Until it is completed”. The whole point of the laws given to Moses were to show we can’t live a holy life, and to set up a society. Jesus changed how to live a holy life, and how to build a better society
The Laws given to Moshe *were* how to run a society - it includes civil, criminal and religious law, and includes penalties for violations, plus how to run courts to judge cases and laws for witnesses.
It does not require perfection, just knowledge. What Jesus showed was very vague.
As a left leaning, LGBTQ+ affirming Jesus follower, I’ve read the bible thoroughly and Jesus teachings are summed up as Love God and Love your neighbour. He did not preach to follow OT law in fact he admonished the Pharisees for putting the law ahead of compassion.
Ironically, the Golden Rule comes from the teachings of one of the preeminent Pharisees - the great Jewish sage Hillel. Christians like to attribute it to Jesus but it in fact originates in Judaism and the Torah.
He explicitly said to follow Moses law and that he was not here to change it. In fact, he potentially only provided two new "laws" but there is even conflict among Christian scholars on whether they were actually laws.
That would be great if those value were ever applied. Instead we have had 2000 years of endless "holy wars", 5 inquisitions, witch and book burning, religious torture devices, self flagellation, and constant, violent internal disagreements which have created approx 45,000 denominations worldwide.
Yes, I agree. It seems like manhood always find a reason for being evil to «others», no matter it is based in religion, political ideology, skin colour, you name it.
"I'm writin a novel...
It's called Wise Blood
It's about an atheist who sleeps with a prostitute
and then starts his own religion
called The Church of Christ Without Christ"
Regina: "A Church Without Christ?"
"Yes... Like most of the ones I know..."
-- Flannery O'Connor
America, where the first Black President claimed that the only White country not to have broken relations with the White State in South Africa 'lead the fight' against Apartheid.
Where support for the last surviving Apartheid regime is 'bipartisan' so calling human rights activists racists is ok
I stopped going to my church because the new “preacher”, used the pulpit to spew Trump’s lies! Had been a member for 30+ years. I read my Bible at home now.
I am a spiritual, faith based person that does not need to go into a building and give 15% of my pay to have someone else preach THEIR interpretation of the Bible while they get rich on my back! That's a hard no for me!
But use "Christain" because it comes with a principled reputation. Thusly expanding the illusion to its practitioners, thinking they are principled but, in reality, delusional.
Seriously most devout or just seemingly devout? Aparently the order of characters and the words they create have a logic to it.{Grammar} Da U can take over at anytime but I got to keep it light, because progressives tend to come after each other & people w/ bad intentions cause drama btw friends.🫖🦁🧲
I'm telling ya - the only reason they preach their spew is to make themselves feel better about being shitty to their neighbors and the rest of America.
They skip the New Testament, the part about the ‘Golden Rule & Judge not. Good Samaritan. Money changers. Well, you know the part that they don’t read.
Truth be told, those are cults. Talk to people who have exited these churches, especially women. Many will tell you of abuses and intolerances that are close to being illegal, if not illegal. Those pastors getting busted for sex crimes? They're just the ones getting caught...
It's like they have an antiChrist Bible that teaches the opposite of Jesus: prefer the rich, hate the poor, hate your neighbors, take food from the hungry, child predators are good, punch back 10× harder, etc. It's less like they're ignoring Jesus and more like they're blatantly defying him.
They don't quite ignore them. The "teachings of Christ" are incredibly self contradictory -- violent and cruel as often as gentle and caring. Evangelicals cherry pick the ones they like, just as others cherry pick the ones they like. Best to abandon those stupid "teachings" all together.
Russia has no plan for any white supremacist to survive in the USA so they will change the principle of who they are later again.
White extincters?
Alien church sub-organisation for tax collection needs?
Apocalypse worshipers with their own suicide bombers.
Or Jewish Space laser witnesses? 🤔
All that because Russians themselves don't read the Bible together with real priests and in the Russian world now there is nothing from Christ. Russia is too young as a nation to run this world.
That's because Evangelical Christianity is a political party. They are the financial engine of Republicans. On Sunday, the congregants get their marching orders and from the pulpit are told who all of the 'wrong kinds of people are' and 'who you should vote for to 'fix 'em. Fix 'em real good.
Republicans love biblical slavery, ownership and abuse of women, children, the elderly and who can forget the regular God commanded instances of incest and CSA. The hateful teachings of Jesus is a perfect playbook for Republicans policies.
It's not Sunday but Trump is preparing concentration camps in the name of Jesus so why not.
Psalm 137:9 "Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks." MAGA will fire small rocks at their heads
Ephesians 6 1
Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear..."
Anyone can say or do anything in Jesus' name.
Graham Nash's "Cathedral"
"Open up the gates of the church and let me out of here.
Too many people have lied in the name of Christ
For anyone to heed the call
Too many people have died in the name of Christ
That I can't believe it all
I was quoting the Bible. Truth is, it's written in my heart that the real Jesus said "No human may own another human for any reason. You cannot give a human to another human in a property exchange." Any Bible that doesn't quote Jesus saying that exact phrase is the devil's tool. Which Bible u got?
Hateful teaching of Jesus? I don't think the Sermon on the Mount is hateful. And I cannot think of any instance in the New Testament where Jesus councils violence against others. The only time Jesus loses his temper is when he overturns the merchant tables in the Temple. I left the church years ago.
Focus buddy. This is not difficult to understand. I condemn those who don't condemn slavery. The bible does NOT condemn slavery therefore I condemn the bible and all who follow its rhetoric. Cherry picking your way into a "no true Scotsman" fallacy won't fly in educated circles.
When you sit back and read the gospels and the rest of the new testament the character of Jesus is a shitty guy. Telling people to leave their families to follow him, selling your clock to buy a sword, cursing fruit trees for not bearing fruit out of season, not to spread the religion to gentiles...
Well, all the ones Liberal Christians prioritize. And then you spend all your time making No True Scotsmans instead of caring for the actual victims of your religion.
It’s a phenomenon that is difficult for me to understand. Obviously many who consider themselves as “religious” are people who probably attend church as they would many other “events.” They go to interact socially and to be entertained by the minister. They have missed the basic teachings of Jesus.
Please replace “devout” with performative. That’s the issue. They are playing a role and leveraging the Bible for the purpose of condemning, subjugating and denigrating others. That is NOT Christianity.
People must understand that the Left is a criminal organization; the largest fraud committed against humanity ever. Playing “nice guys” they put their hands in your pocket and take all they want, insatiable of course. Then comes misery, then martial law and 150 million murdered.
“For men will be lovers of themselves, money, boasters, proud, unholy, unloving, without self-control, brutal, traitors, headstrong,, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away!”
II Timothy 3:2-5 NKJV
Unlike Big Diaper's mouthpiece (gross), who graduated from Benedictine St. Anselm College, my Mom practices Benedictine teachings and protests against MAGA tyranny.
JOIN THE PROTEST SATURDAY, APRIL 5. Click the link and find a protest near you or organize one.
-Your neighborhood American Christian
And I really want christians to read their bible, cos we need more atheists..
But they are all being boycotted
Yes how the billionaire club finally pulled it off
Devaluing all
Money is our god
The feel
Good one
Then a demigod special shows up
To grab onto
A goon relief switch
Seething has meaning
Once like they did in high school when devious was fun
"welcome to America, where the massive political influence of a misogynistic, domestic-abuse-fostering religion like Christianity
becomes exposed by the unhinged, reckless political pursuits that mirror its actual values and goals: SUBJUGATING AND DICTATING to others.
His story is lifted wholesale, stolen from the myth of Mithras, which predates the supposed time of Jesus by 3000 years.
They think the Pope is the Anti Christ.
And Jesus is WOKE or DEI !
Wtaf 😡
to Christ-ish in a generation.
Build more colosseums.
Breed more lions.
The show must go on.
It's about controlling you.
It does not require perfection, just knowledge. What Jesus showed was very vague.
It would suck if so many people went to protest Orange Turd in your turf
Or bring out signs that say "F*ck Trump"
That would just be soooo sad 🤷♀️🚨
It's called Wise Blood
It's about an atheist who sleeps with a prostitute
and then starts his own religion
called The Church of Christ Without Christ"
Regina: "A Church Without Christ?"
"Yes... Like most of the ones I know..."
-- Flannery O'Connor
Close the doors to the homeless
shutdown Care for the sick
Gestapo Jesus
Where support for the last surviving Apartheid regime is 'bipartisan' so calling human rights activists racists is ok
Then tell you what to say, do and believe.. and some how a large amount of people blind-fully comply.
This is why we separate church and state
Remember when the Pilgrims.... Puritans..... were so hated, they were outcast from their countries...
Anyone remember where they went?
Yeah, they're still here.
The crazies are still here.
White extincters?
Alien church sub-organisation for tax collection needs?
Apocalypse worshipers with their own suicide bombers.
Or Jewish Space laser witnesses? 🤔
Ban religion. At the very least tax it to fucking death.
#AuditIncelNAZIElmo #DefundIncelNAZIElmo #DeportIncelNAZIElmo #JailtheOrangePustule #SubprimeCourtReformsNOW
Psalm 137:9 "Happy is the one who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks." MAGA will fire small rocks at their heads
Ephesians 6 1
Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear..."
Graham Nash's "Cathedral"
"Open up the gates of the church and let me out of here.
Too many people have lied in the name of Christ
For anyone to heed the call
Too many people have died in the name of Christ
That I can't believe it all
What came after is a product of grift and politics.
They kept the rose to sell the thorns.
where Jesus is telling the Pharisees that Satan is the Father of Lies and all who follow him are complicit in his ways. Hmmm…
II Timothy 3:2-5 NKJV
When are they going to re-brand the faith?
Jesus Christ ™
They have to be malleable, or they'll be irrelevant.
They have to align themselves with power, or their leaders will be replaced.
Principled stands are for people who have been conditioned to believe they matter.