Apparently all of Trump’s hype about millions of rapists, murderers, insane asylum prisoners flowing into our country was BS. Trump deportees are way below Biden’s. Detention numbers are staggeringly low. Trump owes an explanation to all Americans.
Seems like a dumb question-but why aren’t our intelligence services-the ones he hasn’t dismantled-raising an alarm-or other things…about his enacting a foreign terrorist’s agenda..
It's because of Trump that I am more worried about Russia and Putin. Trump is a compromised puppet to Putin. He is weakening the country and doing Putin's bidding.
He still thinks asylum seekers are people that have escaped from an insane asylum and crossed the border into the U.S. JC, can someone in his regime please, for the love of all that is good, tell that stupid ass MF what an asylum seeker is.
You’ve hit the nail in the head my friend. Were there any true GOP believers in their constitutional oath, treason would be the reason for impeachment of this traitor.
When the president of the United States of America is a compromised KGB agent for Russia running our government the focus stays on the KBG agent and his handler Putin!!!. Mr President however you began working for Russia you need to stop it. European intelligence knows that you are compromised
Thanks Trump, two of the most dangerous rapists have now left Europe and will spend the rest of their life in the USA
Well done Donald, keep on doing the good job
Rape gangs were invited to Florida by the orange nazi - the Tate bros and we all know orange dump love a sex trafficker- fuck them all with a rusty pipe
He is the biggest mental patient in American history. He's a drug addict a child molester and a thief and the world's biggest liar. But fox propaganda takes up for him. That tells me Murdoch is down at Mar-A-Lago at the whorehouse
Rape gangs and drug lords don’t have 3.5 million soldiers and the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons in the world. They don’t possess 5,750 tanks or 17,000 artillery pieces & if u think that what happens in Europe doesn’t affect the US, u might want to look at this event called WWII.
Trying to distract from his awful behaviour. Who doesn’t want peace in Ukraine?????? Trump of course, he just wants Ukraine to surrender their sovereignty to Russia!
For us, America has been a dream, freedom, counterpower of the media, the country where everything was possible. Now we see it as a threat for the humanity. We see the americans as more responsible as the germans in the 30, because, now, we know how it end
When Trump starts also advocating for Palestinians in addition to pursuing a pro fascist agenda, I'll believe he is a Russian asset. Otherwise, it just looks like he is getting his talking points from Netanyahu and Netanyahu-friendly political factions.
"Migrant rape gangs"? This clown pressured Romania to lift rape-and-sex-trafficking travel restrictions so he and MAGA "masculinity" could bring Andrew Tate back to USA 🤮
Also, Putin is a war criminal whose execution would make the world a better place for all of humanity.
We at Kremlin Annex, who protested in front of the White House for hundreds of days against the capture of the White House by a Russian tool, tried to warn people and were often treated as though we were a tiresome nuisance.
Make calls every day #5calls
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
greetings from europe - you won't find any safer places on earth to live in than europe. but of course he knows that and he knows that his voters don't.
In Trump world if you say it long enough……it is true. From this day forward we need to DENY Trump the ability to say it over and over…..DENY Trump attention…..DENY Trump the opportunity to LIE
How about we spend more time worrying about our President being subservient to Putin and less time about the crime wave he's trying to fabricate as a distraction?
No surprise, he’s trying to distract his followers with the shiny object that is “immigrants” while he aligns the US with the biggest threat to freedom in the world…
Europe wouldn't have "ended up"with Refugees from Iraq,Syria,Libya had the US kept their nose outta the Middle East.It was OUR UNILATERAL WARS OF REGIME CHANGE,with the urging of Natahayu's whispering in the ears of R Presidents that caused civillians to flee to Europe.Read history moron
Really your golfing and you have had two brothers who have committed human trafficking beating girls that you have brought back in to your country and you pardoned cop beaters and child sex abusers and you want to say let’s not worry about Putin you are so unfit an unqualified as a personal felon
That deal was made in Ryad Feb 18th, the only question is how much does Trump and his gang get for removing sanctions on Russia and freeing seized Russian assets. The rest is all show now that it's clear the deal is more than what Ukraine offered in its resources deal.
At this point the attempts to argue that Trump isn’t on Russia’s side are looking like the attempts to salvage the geocentric universe— epicycles upon epicycles
We all know the psycho felon is projecting his own criminal history on to everyone else. He uses this BS to try to scare his base. Cliches about urban centers and crime. There is more crime in the Whitehouse now than any city or country in Europe.
one of craziest things about friday Zelensky meeting: Trump sticking up for Putin, talking about him like an old war buddy ("we went through so much together on the Russia hoax")
So he's attacking Europe and spreading pro-Russia misinformation for with anti-immigrant fear mongering all in one tweet.
He really can't help himself, can he? The man couldn't keep a secret to save his life.
And at some point, even gun-toting MAGA loons are going to realise Trump is a traitor.
Mrs. Universe
Paid campaign manager
Shared poling data
Overpaid for property
Donated to NRA who donated to Trump while spy there
Illegally interfered in election/Trump covered up
Set back-channel to Moscow
Sided with Putin against FBI
I've wandered all over Europe alone for years with nary a pocket picked. But I wouldn't wander around Texas or Florida or lots of other open-carry MAGA strongholds alone for fear of being shot by the people who grew up there.
That's exactly what I've been saying all along since Trump's first presidency! Trump only wants to make Putin and Russia stronger. And he wants to make Europe and America weaker!
Well, the Heritage Foundation has captured the Judiciary, the Russians have captured the Legislative and the Executive, the Christian Fundamentalists have also captured the Execuitive.
Remember when the RNC & DNC email servers were hacked and the RNC data was never released?
it's increbly revealing to me that he still confuses people seeking political asylum with a mental asylum and nobody in his inner circle has the ability to explain it to him
The key here is that he doesn’t actually care what the difference is. He just wants to get his base riled up so they don’t turn on him as he aligns with Putin and cuts their jobs and healthcare.
He never tried to disabuse any serious person of the feeling that there was a there there w Putin. Now, he's like a bored serial killer, dropping off murder weapons at the police department and hanging around, waiting for someone to connect the dots.
On December 21, 2022, President Zelenskyy addressed Congress, and both parties gave him a standing ovation. The Christian Nazi Party didn't take long to stab him on the back and side with Russia.
It must have totally burned his ass to see Zelensky have a lovely visit with King Charles III at Sandringham this afternoon. And all those hugs from European leaders. Triggered.
😅 ... he thinks that exporters pay tarrifs ... he talks about 'raw earth' and the 'Noble prize' ... and yet everybody has to cogitate and speculate endlessly about his clever strategies.
He thinks community transition plans for disabled students mean that they're having operations to transition their sex. (Or at least that seems the best model for his "schools are giving kids sex change operations" insanity)
There is another factor at play in parallel with this: everything Musk does is to further his fantasy of taking a million people to Mars to escape the inevitable collapse of civilisation on Earth.
This is not a conspiracy theory. It is what Musk says in posts on X, given in this 🧵⬇️
I wasn’t worried about Putin at all until I read today that we’ve stopped monitoring what his goons are trying to do to us through cyber tech. Now I have a reason to worry about Putin. And we do have real problems. But it doesn’t seem like we’re actually working on any of those.
Since murder rates in europe are way below american ones and we do not have a fentanyl crisis, I'm slightly confused about what orange Clown is trying to say?
Europe is not as good for ars-hole billionaires whose main pleasure in life is dumping on others.
Billionaires who enjoy sitting at sidewalk cafes and sipping lattes are ok though.
He can say what he likes - whatever the truth. And a very large part of the US population will simply swallow, without question, whatever nonsense he says. Which is why he is where he is, against all rational odds.
Trump still seems to be under the illusion that asylum seekers come from mental institutions. With this level of mental competence, it must be so easy for Putin to manipulate him.
No Americans need to worry about YOU and your swelled up ego and what path your taking this country down. I personally didn't vote to become a Russian State so I personally will fight you every day even unto death. You need to be IMPEACHED... THE SOONER THE BETTER FOR AMERICA.Q
He only needs to be compromised if you view it as essentially antagonistic. He may also like and/or admire Putin and the other oligarchs of Russia, the way he does other autocrats.
I'm not trying to relitigate Trump/Russia during his first presidency but it's a matter of fact that his entire campaign apparatus was tripping over their own dicks trying to collude with Russia. Maybe Manafort was the only one to succeed, but I think it's unlikely.
Or, that he simply admires Putin’s wealth and power. Likewise for Musk. If his own self image is founded on that, he can’t help worshipping the bigger dogs
At least one intelligence service knows what’s up, but you can only leak it once, and it’ll need to be the final blow, maybe after he’s cratered the economy and lost a significant portion of his base. My 2 cents.
Trump has to be in Putin’s control. Trump wants to bring back the Soviet Union for Putin. Let’s hope Trump’s spoiled brat MAGA’s will come to realize they had freedoms they didn’t realize they had. Perhaps they need to feel some deprivation.
I think you should spend all of your time stopping your president from bulldozing what took your ancestors 400 years of careful, hard work, tens of thousands of lives, and countless billions of dollars to build.
Trump is saying here: don't worry about Putin America because I work for him so he won't attack America.Let him take over the whole of Europe while I take over all of Americas. Dictatorship is good and I want to be one.I am doing everything I can to make sure there are no more elections in America.
The 16 wealthy (not US) nations provide communal assistance at every stage, thus facilitating diverse paths forward and protecting individuals and families from despair. The US could solve its health crisis by adopting the best practices of the 16-nation control group.
From the outset it has been the far right religious fanatics in the Republican party, with Trump, aligning with a gangster & his oligarchy who share the same contempt for liberal democracy as they do. The same contempt for women, lgbtq, and poc. It is that simple.
Perhaps it’s time to put NATO boots on the ground in Ukrain. Putin can’t win with his and NK troops together. When US says no they will lay themselves bare. If US tries to join Putin it will accelerate the US rebellion into civil war 2. Enough of this repugnican disgrace.
The dangerous psychiatric patients who should be locked up in the prison wards of psychiatric facilities are running/ruining what was our government. Trump always talks about people being dumped into America from mental institutions. He needs to be in one, not on the streets much less in the WH!
Trump negotiating Ukraine the same way as Afghanistan, ask the bad guys what they want and do all of that
Afghan: release prisoners, don't recognise govt, recognise Taliban, don't take Afghans to america
Russia: oust Zelenskyy, stop aid, remove sanctions, end NATO
I invoke the original intent of the Declaration of Independence, refuse consent to absolute despotism & taxation without representation.
Stay calm. Keep fighting.
No quit, no quarter, 24/7.
Well done Donald, keep on doing the good job
Also, Putin is a war criminal whose execution would make the world a better place for all of humanity.
Don't get distracted.
He’s entertaining his base ,and I mean ,very base Base. They think it’s funny to spew vitriolic lies.
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
#Bluestormrising #resist
#dumptrump #banelonmusk
#cancelelonmusk #taxbillionaires
He really can't help himself, can he? The man couldn't keep a secret to save his life.
And at some point, even gun-toting MAGA loons are going to realise Trump is a traitor.
Mrs. Universe
Paid campaign manager
Shared poling data
Overpaid for property
Donated to NRA who donated to Trump while spy there
Illegally interfered in election/Trump covered up
Set back-channel to Moscow
Sided with Putin against FBI
And that’s just the old easily provable stuff.
It's been like a year!
Remember when the RNC & DNC email servers were hacked and the RNC data was never released?
How the fuck does anyone look at this man & see a savvy leader?
These are the immigrants
IMported by Trump, MAGA and
It has to be made clear that they are fighting not only for themselves but to keep Russia off the West's doorstep.
We should be thanking them as their son's die for our way of life.
This is not a conspiracy theory. It is what Musk says in posts on X, given in this 🧵⬇️
#FelonTrump belongs in jail!
Billionaires who enjoy sitting at sidewalk cafes and sipping lattes are ok though.
We'll probably never know exactly how or to what degree but he simply is.
Trump loves Putin because they both despise democracy and hate America.
He's known him for decades.
Just like always.
Trump Russia is real.
Afghan: release prisoners, don't recognise govt, recognise Taliban, don't take Afghans to america
Russia: oust Zelenskyy, stop aid, remove sanctions, end NATO
"migrant rape gangs"
Germans heard that in the Bundestag, not so long ago
Why the hell should anyone give a second thought to anything you say?