We are now talking about “public support for trans people” as if we were talking about corn subsidies or something. If being trans isn’t polling well (thanks to millions and millions of dollars of right wing propaganda) what am I meant to do? Stop existing? Die? Go back in the closet? What, exactly?
Like, "oh no, Fox news viewers don't approve of my existence, I guess I will just pretend to be a straight man and drink all the pain away."
We will always exist, and they will hate us for being happy despite them. We are a mirror of the joy they don't allow themselves.
1. Get louder
2. Get gayer
And most of them pearl clutched so hard when faced with that. Didn't stop them though.
Human history shows us that.
The horror may be the "closet" is your safest option.
A nightmare is coming.
Potahtoe / potaaatoe
(it's made of foam rubber, but I wave it very energetically)
There are always people who want to memory hole the marginalized and pretend they don’t exist.
They're pushing it to the limit. They don't fear us.
Maybe it's time to remind them that WE allow their villainy. For now.
you and all my other siblings and niblings
Sexuality, gender, politics, climate, etc - young people will save us all.