Dear BBC, please do not call anti-vaxxers “vaccine sceptics”. It implies there exists doubt about vaccines. 70-odd years ago we had large numbers of people paralysed or in iron lungs. We don’t see that today and for that we can thank the Salk vaccine.
I think part of their psychology, particularly when it comes to vaccinating their children, is that they feel responsible if their vaccinated child later has issues, whereas if they don't get them vaccinated and the kid gets sick, it's *not* their fault (shit happens).
I think it's preferable to refer to someone like RFK as a person who doesn't understand vaccines and immunology.
He's not sceptical. He's ignorant.
Truth and facts don’t matter.
These idiots want that back. :(
Call it what it is. Infection induced immunity.
“Round-earth skeptics gathered in a controversial meeting .”
You might have been lucky because the people around you have been vaccinated before or because some how you have immunity .
I am completely not against vaccination, on the contrary.
I was trying to make the point to someone that was completely against vaccinations.
A better metaphor for men in thrall of false leaders you could scarce wish for
Vaccines work.
I think that’s the bigot bingo
So much of the mainstream media do not serve the public interest.
Then employing someone who does not know what Lenny Henry looks like.
It is run by people who do not care.
Anti-vaxxers are anti-vaxxers, or if the BBC would like to rename them I suppose it should be “vaccine deniers”.
Skepticism about vaccines is necessary.
Without skepticism, nobody could’ve realised that AstraZeneca’s killed 7 young women.
Dogmatic views = bad.
When Edward Jenner developed his smallpox vaccine in the 1790s, early anti-vaxxers worried that they might grow horns if vaccinated.
Anti-Vaxxers make me very angry.
What ever went wrong?
Always get a vaccine if it is available (and there is no medical reason specific to you preventing it).