Could you invest in an alternate government of amazing scientists that are free for regular folks, but crypto tech bros and do-nothing Republicans will have to pay millions of dollars to know when the hurricanes, floods and landslides are coming their way?
Meanwhile, in deep-red OK, Trumpers are cheering the gutting of NWS forecasters in Norman because they aren't smart enough to know where TV9 gets their shit. 🙄
Hi Rachel, I like your show and have influence in the media sector. Would it be possible to stop using maga, stop using president trump to just trump. All secretaries by their last name only. I believe changing to this format would enrage the right
Oh Rachel, you’re worrying too much. We’re gonna give all of that to some very nice investors who have a few billion dollars they’re willing to put into the rapist insurrectionist felons crypto account, I hear they’re from Russia.
Apparently the attacks on NOAH have something to do with Trump's Sharpe hurricane path projection being in conflict with NOAH's predictions. Trump just going to control the weather with a fist full of markers.
Bannon's dream of destroying every institution of the United States and ending our Democratic Constitutional Republic is happening right out in the open...only a people's revolt can save us now...the judiciary can only hang on until it goes to the corrupt 6 SCOTUS...
It feels a lot like we are all Cassandra right now, screaming into the ether to make this crap stop, and yet...nobody with the power to does a thing, so on it goes while we watch it all fall apart.
I’m more convinced than ever that Trump has all along been a Russian asset and the only goal EVER was to destroy America and western democracy as a whole.
Lord we ask for peace for those who need peace, reconciliation for those who need reconciliation and comfort for all who don't know what tomorrow will bring🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦
So far, journalists at the Washington Post have said they have not been interfered with. There are several on this platform that have said they’d let us know when that started happening.
Lindsey Graham returning from the Bilderberg conference in 2017 n said “AI is the next big thing now we have to figure out what to do with all of the people” then a couple yes later Covid 19 hit.
Now everything this regime is doing is to help kill Americans.
If you've got on your phone, you'll always know the weather forecast in your area, and elsewhere. You can easily find out about approaching hurricanes, tornadoes (many fewer EF5 tornadoes), tsunamis, etc. One way to save money is by eliminating redundancy, & to use Grok! Social Security.
I’ve tried using the Weather Channel for forecasts. It’s seldom right for our area. And it’s useless for approaching tornadoes. You’re better off sticking your head out of the door and forecasting the weather yourself.
Where do you think the Weather Channel obtains its raw weather data from, and then applies proprietary analytics & AI to present it to America? If you guessed NOAA, and its subdivision, the National Weather Service, you're right. Blame your dissatisfaction on NOAA!
Change your area. It works GREAT for me and the multiple areas I track outside my own. I recommend Russia. They are nearly 100% accurate throughout Russia.
Sure. But President Trump has never indicated he wants to completely shutdown NOAA; only eliminate, waste, fraud, abuse, profligacy, & redundancy to save America >=$1,000,000,000,000! Every patriot knows America needs massive savings to MAGA. Thank you DOGE. Social Security will be GREAT AGAIN.
The problem is, you believe lies because your father is the father of lies. You believed Joe Biden had a 180 IQ and tested Stage 1 on the Dementia scale, didn't you! You fool.
I don't need any warnings from the government. I have the Internet and am very proficient with AI. But I wish you well paying $100/month for a needless service.
Good afternoon, I've been following your profile for a while now and i have seen you always share great articles, they are interesting and educational posts, Your smile is charming and your pictures are amazing, I tried to add you as a friend but it wasn't successful, can you follow me let me friend
I sent an email to the CEO of American Airlines last night protesting Elon Musk’s proposed deal to take over FAA’s technology. Sending out that same email tonight to the rest of the bigger airline’s CEO’s.
Elon Musk companies don’t have the best track records for safety. What could go wrong?
That's what the majority voted for. But the question here is, how many of those fired voted for this orange clown? what do they think about losing their jobs? I bet they don't care, as long as the orange clown and Republicans keep pushing for racism & discrimination they can even eat 💩and be happy.
Not soon enough. I keep asking God on here to do something. Lol. I don’t remember his @ name. I ask witches and voodoo people to do whatever they can do. Someone has to know some magic that works right? Fingers crossed.
Anything that takes them all out works for me. I just want them gone and go back to normal. This insanity daily is just too much. Feels like we live in a crack house or something.
The democrats should heckle Trump during his speech like the republicans did during Biden’s.
They all should walk out of Congress half way through the speech.
Karma is a b……h!
To my married sisters and brothers out there, if you took your partner's name, make sure you own a passport with that name on it. In order to vote, you may be required to show a passport or birth certificate that matches the name on your voter registration. Many married women don't own a passport.
This is a terrorist regime, stripping all protections, defying the Constitution, stealing our private data, compromising national security, protecting financial criminals, deceiving the people & installing post Constitution fascist dictatorship.
They want us dead & they're ingenious at finding all the methods available to expedite our demise. Hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, land erosion, & bringing back the old faves, polio, measles, covid, TB, whooping cough along with the newer bird flu, ebola & marburg.
So musky of them.
I hear you. What's his next move? Rely on fortune tellers? Maybe it's just one of his personal itches to damage institutions that made fun of him during his first travesty of a term. That and that he doesn't care about people's lifes. Not one bit of a bit.
They don't care. Their version of "God" will protect them. So long as POC, immigrants, and LGBTQ+ people have no rights and quality of life, they will be happy.
Everything being done feels very much like this administration is trying to KILL it's citizens‼️ If this is the case, WHO TF are they making room for⁉️🤨
Because, as Musk states, empathy is a drag in society. He doesn’t care that people will get hurt or die. Please come to terms with this. We need to act, not discuss.
How can a person go through life a shell of a person? No compassion or mercy for their fellow man. Must be a miserable life. I wouldn’t want to associate with a person like that. Love them from afar.
“Empathy is a drag in society.” The whole purpose of human trials and tribulations is to develop an elevated consciousness. It isn’t lost on me that Musk, a man who has achieved the highest levels of power and money, is at the lowest level of human development…because his soul has never been tested.
Hey with any luck since Mr King my ass did this maybe the next Hurricane that goes into Florida will come straight for his precious Mara Lago & take the whole damn thing out with him inside.
Rachel, I love your storytelling. Please stop shilling for the Amazon propaganda daily. With the great white purge, my continued interest in anyone affiliated with MSNBC is hanging by a thread.
Trump and the GOP oligarchs want to destroy NOAA so that it can be privatized. They want tax payers pay for data collection and analysis and then pay again to private companies to see/use that data. It's a great book - highly recommend
This NOAA shakedown has GOT to be about hiding climate change data. To state the obvious, its horrible to do nothing about climate change AND make it worse, but THIS?
What are the Democratic Congress & Senator s doing?
I am so disgusted with the Democratic party. They are just letting Musk dismantle the infrastructures without a word.
Useless Cowards!
NOAA is critical for: 1) US economy: merchant fleet; overland shipping logistics; aviation; fisheries, farming, water, irrigation, port management, satellites. 2). Public safety: hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, wildfires etc forecasts. Right-wing trying to privatize for decades - would be disastrous.
Here is my question: Where are our democratic leaders and former Presidents? Why is no one calling the Capitol Police to block access to these lawless and unconstitutional incursions into our many agencies?
the next four years from the DOE: its not hot, those aren’t fires, that wasn’t a hurricane, snow is normal in FL, don’t overreact, energy independent, etc
tornado season is soon upon a number of red states, spring floods & hurricane season are wks away, while the intent is to gift weather forecasting to a wealthy trump donor it ignores the fact that service relies on NOAA, also take a peek at what Allen broadcasting did to local weather forecasting
Europe needs to treat Trump the same as Putin and televise the truth for all to see. These politicians are liars, they aren’t entitled to behave this way with OUR country. We must put an #end to this nonsense and now. Delete #meta #x #tiktok
You have to wonder what do they gain from cutting this essential people and programs. I know on the face it looks like they are cutting costs but some things are essential. His cuts put us all, including him, at risk. He cannot leave soon enough. I feel so vulnerable now.
Remember all Americans payed for these institutions by taxes.
Remember how long it takes to build them.
Remember that Elon musk and his ilk will set up private businesses to replace the respected ones and make you pay twice. By taxes. Taxes he doesn’t pay. He will suck you to death.
Rachel, Who/what is supreme to the supreme law of the land? Do YOU have a PUBLIC TRUST our Constitution is followed, enforced? Oops, they don't do that. A commitment to anything outside of your Constitution. See Art. 1, Sec. 9 prohibition on Nobility. Whoever those are representing ISN'T YOU!
Once upon a time, in a land that prided itself on liberty, a great illusion took hold. It was the illusion that democracy—like an ancient oak—could withstand any storm.
It could be mocked, abused, even starved, but never truly felled.
Until, of course, the axe was placed in the right hands...
We need a smart lawyer to organize lawsuits. They are making us less safe AND tax dollars we agreed to to have these services are now not being used for what we choose.
I love Michael Lewis’s work. This episode “Respect the Polygon” covers in detail exactly how many lives are saved through the improvements in weather forecasting and reporting on tornados. Contrast with Musk who wants to control you before you die
These actions will cost Americans in millions paid to Billionaires for services we get economically through taxes. If billionaires paid fair share of taxes, as they over use all these services, we would not have a large deficit. If we r meritocracy then only middle managers and below need high pay
Question, all these firings, what are they doing with all the scientific equipment, electronics, furniture and buildings? Are there moving trucks outside these locations? The boxes of classified documents were taken back to Mar-a-lago. Or are private companies just going to move in and take over?
Maybe the same thing Trump did in his first term, when he abandoned the open skies agreement/treaty and to make sure It would never be restarted, dismantled the aircraft to the rivets. This was very handy for Putin who was about to invade Ukraine. Trump knew what he was doing. Treasonous at best.
OMG no one cares about the human toll. Stop with that. It’s is a complete distraction. These people view govt workers as leeches. We have to demonstrate how disasters will occur bc we are less safe.
Well, even this is “every accusation is a confession”. Accusing these hardworking vital employees of being unnecessary expenses is the confession that it is they who are unnecessary drains on the public purse.
I would say that the everyday public servants do much more valuable work than senators and representatives. From what I see Congress people take a lot of vacations and just do a lot of meaningless bloviating when they actually show up.
Your employer let go almost anyone of color. As the face of that organization when are you going to stand up and do more than a weak condemnation that would make Neville Chamberlain blush. You have a bully pulpit most of us will never have. USE IT OR GIVE IT TO SOMEONE WHO WILL.
Why is anyone still reading Bezos' newspaper? He won't let anyone report on facts and he's turned it into a propoganda outlet. Not to mention firing cartoonists and journalists for doing their jobs 🙄
I haven't been to a church in 30 years but I think I'll go to the nearest ones & start lighting candles for the intention of a big ass hurricane to hit W. Palm Beach & demolish Maralardo.
For Trump's speech - Signs to hold up when Trump lies. All Democrats in Congress should have legal size placards, yellow in color, with LIES printed in capital block letters. This will stand out on TV and give a stunning view for Trump to view. It will control the narrative.
Well, they thought the Democratic government was controlling the weather, you know, like hurricanes and tornadoes and such, so I'm assuming the Republicans think they can as well and won't be needing the meteorologists.They have it under control, right MTG? 🤷♀️
We are all witnessing a nightmare unfold. So much damage is being done by Trump, his 'helpers' & his enablers. Each day, it just gets worse and worse. 😬
They don’t just inform the public. They help guide firefighting efforts, FEMA, and a wide range of other essential work. If you want the west to burn, remove lightning maps from fire prevention efforts.
Imagine the next weather disaster that arrives with little to no forewarning, and in the aftermath we experience what a skeleton crew FEMA with far less funding looks like. Every lost human life will lie at Trump's doorstep, and he'll blame it on woke and DEI.
If you don't want your reps to attend the state of the union, put in your calls today and demand they boycott. Better yet, demand they join us at our protests instead
I’m going to assume Elon assured Trump his soon to be released AI weather service available only on X can surpass all of these systems, if only we give all contracts to him. Am I right?
Because Musk prefers bareback-style on PR, nobody explained to DOGE that every American has a family member who is doing good, honest, work for the federal government. A big nation needs a big government to function. They are stirring a hornet's nest.
Also, regulation is the motor oil of capitalism. Without it, everything grinds to a halt. That every company operates on the same playing field is the goal. It works. And it keeps our rivers from catching on fire as a bonus.
KMUX, the weather radar for the San Francisco Bay Area located on Mt. Umunhum, has been down since Saturday. Reportedly it needs an expensive new part and government credit cards have been frozen.
This is happening just as we are about to enter Tornado 🌪 season. We are now on our own. Educate yourselves about the warning signs. You only need to know what to look for. Good luck from a veteran of Tornado alley.
I’m asking the Weather Gods to target Mar-a-Lardo with freezing rain, sleet; hurricane force winds, lightning & pop-up tornadoes the next time Trump & his cronies play golf!!!
Could you invest in an alternate government of amazing scientists that are free for regular folks, but crypto tech bros and do-nothing Republicans will have to pay millions of dollars to know when the hurricanes, floods and landslides are coming their way?
Next, they'll want all Dopler sites dismantled. 🫢
Inscribed on the rear of a black car in neat cursive are the words
Welcome to the Dark Ages again.
Now everything this regime is doing is to help kill Americans.
It’s purposeful.
Basically AI will take many many jobs, people are living longer and how to deal with this equation.
Time to get rid of most of the population?
AI + Robots
the masses are no longer needed.
So his contribution is washed away within his wish washy narrative to help prop up an ignoramus like Donald Trump.
If only his good friend John McCain were still here to help give Graham some courage. will become less reliable as well as wunderground.Com ,, AND iOS & Android weather apps.
A sucker born every minute.
Biden could have bern dead & I’d still vote for him over felon 47.
I voted “Not Trump”.
You voted for fascism.
You’re going to suffer & you are too low-IQ to understand what’s happening to you.
Trump loves the poorly educated.
Lmfao. Some people!
Good Luck
Click to expand.
Thanks magaT Amerika!
Elon Musk companies don’t have the best track records for safety. What could go wrong?
Or spontaneous combustion.
They all should walk out of Congress half way through the speech.
Karma is a b……h!
That was just msnbc dusting the staff of your crap show
Stand & fight!
No quit, no quarter, 24/7.
#Felon47 and #MelonHusk are hoping to overwhelm our institutions before they can be stopped!!
So musky of them.
So much for my new weather radio...
Willing to be wrong.
I am so disgusted with the Democratic party. They are just letting Musk dismantle the infrastructures without a word.
Useless Cowards!
Or if your knees hurt!
And maybe even their own ability to continue to own their farms. And, heck, even how terrific this is for Big Ag.
Remember how long it takes to build them.
Remember that Elon musk and his ilk will set up private businesses to replace the respected ones and make you pay twice. By taxes. Taxes he doesn’t pay. He will suck you to death.
Many other resources available here are a couple:
The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism is a 2007 book by Canadian author and social activist Naomi Klein.
Timothy Snyder On Tyranny
It’s not clear how that will work since all of the profit weather services base their info on NOAA data.
He is trying to make the oligarchs even richer and stronger in the USA like what happened in russia.
It could be mocked, abused, even starved, but never truly felled.
Until, of course, the axe was placed in the right hands...
Probably didn't rake the forests
Donald Miller
And… Karma does catches up with you—!!
50 states, 50 protest, 1 day
Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.
~ Diderot
I leave with this one question:
What's the difference between S. Korea & AmeriKa ... ?
S. Korea arrests a Traitor
AmeriKa elects a Traitor ...
Organize Coordinate Protest Boycott = Justice Now
Look at these sites/apps and see who you're supporting. See who’s against campaign finance reform.
Also, check on
Obama or Biden.
m -f won’t care. Neither will his enablers.
I hope he dies. Soon.
- Project 2025
- Elon Musk
“I dunno…”
Out of sight, out of mind