The savings - sorry, but can't find the numbers on the #billionaireNazi website - must be worth giving up global soft-power & hence influence. #saveTheUS #stopTheMadness
Bernie's nation wide town hall meetings are drawing record crowds. Chuck Schumer betrayed the American people when he sided with Trump. Democrats should demand he step down and replace him with Bernie Sanders. I think Bernie could marshal enough American voters to oust Trump.
I thought I read somewhere where it's because it was funded by the government and you know how they're all trying to cut 'government expenses', all the more for them. 🥴
Nice thought but how does a country, being overthrown by the elected president, broadcast the Voice of Freedom to the world? It doesn’t because the overthrowing regime won’t allow it. Supposedly to fund the Billionaire Tax Relief Fund, they need it more than we do…😢🤮
Right?? It's been so helpful for Rachel to be on nightly during this time. To use a Yiddishism, it's been a "mechayeh," ie something that breathes life into you when you need it.
Hey Rachel. Where were you and MSNBC last Friday? If you don't have the time to care about reporting on massive protests to support our veterans, why should I have time for you and MSNBC?
(That’s not a rhetorical question. )
I'm happy to be wrong. But I tried multiple times over two days with multiple combinations of wording and my internet searches didn't show anything. I even tried using "Maddow" in my searches.
The voters who are giving trump another chance to ruin everything he didn’t in his first four years should be ashamed. Every morning there is a new announcement of chaos and destruction.
For 80 years, VOA has been a voice against Soviet/Russian propaganda & disinformation. Now, with a President who spouts Russian propaganda & disinformation for his Special Master, we can’t have that!!
Probably because he can't use it to spout more lies to the American people.
It was made illegal to do that from the start.
Only available everywhere else BUT the USA.
like your local retailer uses their speaker system, playing music why you shop. As much as it was reported decades ago & at times now. Subliminal massaging is hidden within that music to shop, spend more.
Now think of a radio signal like from the Voice of American being used like this
My uncle lied at the age of fourteen to enlist in the army he served in WW2 and Korea I remember him telling about being able to hear this while overseas and he said it made him feel closer to home and hearing it he knew that home was still there .
Thank you for your service, and something even better might be back after the reboot. Not that the US should be the teacher of democratic values again, at least for a quarantine period of 50 years.
Also. Why??? How much money does this save???? This is such bullshit. Can we please escort these bulls out of our collective china shop? This is OUR shop! We built it together. We PAID for it! Certainly we’ve paid more than Trump ever has. They need to freaking STOP! I have standing, goddamnit!
And while this is happening … the admin policies are making it tough on American farmers and many are fearful of losing their farms. Enter E Musk who proposes giving entrance to South African farmers and citizenship. Imagine the bargains they will find in our decimated farmsteads. 🤔 More supremists
The times newsroom turned into a Russian propaganda organization! Well done Rachelle! Please stay on msnbc permanently! I watch nobody else they are to weak especially after they got rid of Joy and Chris Mathew!
Boy Are You Misinformed! Who Goes Over To Moscow To Be On Russian State TV? Faux News Anchors And Trump Acolytes. Who, As The Video Evidence Proves, Parrots Russian Propaganda? Faux News. Who's Owner said , Under Oath, That We Lie To Our Viewers Because It's Profitable? Rupert Murdoch.
A NOTE TO DEMS/MEDIA, PLS MAKE YOUR TAG LINE “AND EXACTLY WHO IS WATCHING ELON MUSK???” He’s in charge of all these depts w/the only oversight being Trump?AMERICANS CAN UNDERSTAND THAT! Trump’s motive is about the scam: $$ & power. We do not need to ask why Trump is deferential to Putin. We know!
I don't understand! How many times are Judges going to say I'm going to schedule another hearing? When the administration's lawyer stands there and says I'm not going to give you any information then that lawyer should be thrown in jail and Trump should be arrested!
The "Them" Were Created By And Kept "Morons" By Faux News. There Would Be No President Trump Without The Misinformation Being Broadcast By Faux News.....
Oralè Resisters
This is outrageous disparaging
America’s Heroes!
Arlington Cemetery
Trump deleted links to
Black, Latino and Women
Veterans! #USAHeroes
#Arlingtoncemetery #USDemocracy #ResistersTV
#April15March #Oralé50501
The United States are at the same level since elected him the first Time .Ignorance, arrogance, and greed have been deeply embedded in the US DNA . The US are on the direct way to a fascistic System. Every day the Trump administration terminating pice by pice the constitution .
At 13, my father bought me a shortwave radio, so even at that age, I was listening to The Voice of America. One day, in whatever way, you will pay for what you have done to your country.Before, i was listening to the VOA with my Grandfather's old radio😭
In the 80’s VOA was one of the only reliable sources of news and entertainment in many of the places I worked in Asia and South America.
The special English broadcasts enabled millions to learn the language & hear what was going on around the world.
It was masterful soft diplomacy.
A sad day
There's a $2.7T surplus in Social Security trust fund and why MAGA GOP, Trump, and South African Nazi Musk want it! If they take this, then they owe $2.7T to all Americans, with exception to billionaires. This is a discussion that is happening my fellow Americans, be alert!
My understanding of one of the reasons why they wanted the government kept open is that Trump can not call for Martial Law. The country would be in such a worse state, it was the lesser of the evils when your between a rock and a hard place.
Dethrone Trump Now
I imagine this would include Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty and Radio Marti which broadcasts to Cuba. Pretty major dismantling of a once crucial foreign policy tool
Rachel, do the people watching you - ask every guest you interview what the definition of solidarity is. If they don't know or can't answer the question in 4 words, tell them to look it up in the dictionary or read Tim Snyder "On Freedom" Do a piece on Lach Walesa to reinforce the meaning.
Can you please HOST a national town hall. Need 3 separate round tables,1 for law and the courts, 1 for accessing news with truth, & 1 for activism connected. You pull all 3 threads through it at the end.
If we can hold a national convention televised, you have the bandwidth to do this. Would be EPIC
Set it up again, just outside of government control. Change the name if you must. Work with other countries. Hell, we might need those pirate broadcasts here, to get accurate news one day...
Yeah.. they even have its director Kari « crazy » Lake inspire a TV add that was very heavy I. Domestic propaganda… we are now aligned with the dictators… hopefully it’s short term…
If a foreign power were trying to destroy the US, weakening its standing abroad and destroying its capacity at home, I don’t know how it would look different than the Trump Administration.
Rachel, You are a great anchor and reporter! I watch your show often. But please don’t giggle or laugh at what are serious news stories no matter how absurd they may seem. It doesn’t help to get your point across and is distracting.
Actually, I confess it’s one of the things I appreciate about her delivery of what lately has been so very dark and unnerving. I don’t see her diminishing the seriousness of the news at all. For me, she’s a breath of fresh air when the O2 level is quite low.
A bigger question is whether the independent Radio Free Europe who is by statute to be fully independent from government employees yet funded (or not) by US government and the Armed Forces Network which provides news to military personnel and dependents in military bases. Have these been corrupted?
I cant believe that the people who installed/supported Augusto Pinochet, Saddam Hussein, Ferdinand Marcos, General Suharto, Ian Smith and PW Botha, continue this bullshit that they were “freedom warriors”. It’s just revisionist bullshit.
Americans fought for capitalism, not freedom.
Haha. Yeah. Nah. CIA were up to their elbows in the sacking of the democratically elected Australian government in 1975. You only installed authoritarian regimes.
Australia is a wealthy, developed nation with a social democratic government... well, at least, we were until the American far right started to buy up our politicians.
Most Australians abhor fascism. Some are too uneducated and stupid to recognise it as the American far right.
It just amazes me what this Putin wanta be is getting away with. The only positive is Kari Lake won’t have a platform..slap in her face.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. Dems in Congress wake please wake up. Sorry for such strong language….
I see and feel the potential intentions to emulate Putin's regimen, but since we have no precedence of such a regime, implementing something like that here will take decades and a whole lot of R79.9.
America now has real propaganda from a would be king, telling the lie that the economy is great while stocks tumble and the price of eggs rises! I’m disgusted by his corrupt regime!
You gyus need a new political system. Parliamentarism and an executive branch kept under control. Take a look at your former best European friend Denmark
Russia would be proud at what Trump is doing
Trump is a Russian undercover agent I believe they have tapes on him during his time in Russia when he was trying to build a Trump hotel in the 90s
alt text the text screen shots. someone from your team is skimming comments. they know why it's asked. to choose not to alt text is to say people with disabilities aren't important to you. and that's a pretty crappy stance for your demographic. #alttext #universalaccess #disabilityaccess
The Orange Turd will ignore all court orders and dare the 'Law' to come after him. Who will stop him now that SCOTUS has awarded him that power? Who can arrest him no matter how many laws he breaks? You have a dictator in charge and there is nothing anyone can do about it, Forget the 2026 elections.
Not surprising. :( They deported a 10 year old child that is a American citizen and was recovering from brain cancer. This administration needs to go away
Another dark day for the world in the steady destruction of the promise of America. We are no longer the world’s beacon of hope. Our light is going out.
That looks like your next job, an underground radio broadcast pushing democracy because you will be an outlaw after he declares media that the state doesn't control illegal. He defyed the court orders and declared Biden's pardons void this weekend. Total overthrow of the government is possible.
Senators—Democrat, Republican, and Independent—Trump is dismantling our Republic to serve Putin's goals. Confirming unfit Cabinet members only aids him. Putin wants Alaska, Eastern Europe, and Greenland. Save our Republic. Stop Trump.
Donny is mixing up the cool-aid. Americans are watching him (to the extent that the media will allow). When he passes it around, will they drink it or will they throw it in his face? If they drink it, America is done.
400,000,000 shares of TSLA at $250.00 per share equals what.? That’s what Musk owns of his just one of his companies. Don’t think for one second he doesn’t trade options against his long stock. If you think he’s loosing money b/c TSLA went down. You are wrong. He’s making a FORTUNE derivatives**
Musk, Thiel, and their network dismantling democratic institutions.
- JD Vance, MAGA heir,” is being positioned to help this transition.The public is too distracted to realize what’s happening.
If successful, democracy in America will be permanently replaced a corporate-run authoritarian state.
Take solace in that he has no real friends and the drugs will kill him
listening to it in communist Romania fearing being caught 😕
the shame of this is the avg voter has no idea of the severity.
hes still talking up Alex Jones nonsense
Democrats should be studying Hitler comments about talking to the lowest something something
"and for all you Joe rogan fans, listen up"
(That’s not a rhetorical question. )
Didn't hear a peep about the sister protest at our State's capitol. The silence from the news is deafening.
He's an insurrectionist and should never have been allowed to run for and take office.
He's a Russian asset.
He is going to kill Americans.
Millions must march this Summer.
May this regime's demise be swift and certain.
It was made illegal to do that from the start.
Only available everywhere else BUT the USA.
like your local retailer uses their speaker system, playing music why you shop. As much as it was reported decades ago & at times now. Subliminal massaging is hidden within that music to shop, spend more.
Now think of a radio signal like from the Voice of American being used like this
DEMOCRACY using DJT as their tool?
American media has brainwashed people to think communist means fascist, totalitarianism. Trump is worse. At least there were no homeless in the USSR.
I am sure, nay positive, my dad & his men relied on Voice of America as a voice of reason, a voice of home during the War.
My blood is boiling over all of what they are putting duct tape over.
And the backstab of my
Blame them.
This is outrageous disparaging
America’s Heroes!
Arlington Cemetery
Trump deleted links to
Black, Latino and Women
Veterans! #USAHeroes
#Arlingtoncemetery #USDemocracy #ResistersTV
#April15March #Oralé50501
It’s be someone birthday in Canada, there’s a lot
Piñata parties taking place!
#NotMyJoker #ElbowsUp #ChanclaTime #USDemocracy #Canada #Piñata
Is that true?
The special English broadcasts enabled millions to learn the language & hear what was going on around the world.
It was masterful soft diplomacy.
A sad day
Dethrone Trump Now
If we can hold a national convention televised, you have the bandwidth to do this. Would be EPIC
Can you imagine what this administration would have us broadcasting?
I’m embarrassed and ashamed enough as it is.
Stars and Stripes from being published…
Except nothing less than a turd storm from the delinquent!!!
We need to see who is writing the scripts
Kari Lake is unemployed again.
Sadly I loved the VOA when we were stationed in Berlin. We could only get German TV so we listened to the VOA so did the East Germans
Americans fought for capitalism, not freedom.
But if it were true, then we also installed the guys you do like. Think about it.
I’m sorry your preferred candidate didn’t win fifty years ago.
Most Australians abhor fascism. Some are too uneducated and stupid to recognise it as the American far right.
Stupid, stupid, stupid. Dems in Congress wake please wake up. Sorry for such strong language….
Lessons taught by KGB agent Putin to Trump.
Nazi salutes + support for AfD + killing VOA/USAID...
...geez, it's almost like these folks are pro-Nazi.
Trump is a Russian undercover agent I believe they have tapes on him during his time in Russia when he was trying to build a Trump hotel in the 90s
Impeach the POTUS.
- JD Vance, MAGA heir,” is being positioned to help this transition.The public is too distracted to realize what’s happening.
If successful, democracy in America will be permanently replaced a corporate-run authoritarian state.