Schumer cannot make this 'our' fight. I'm sorry Chuck, DOGE will do whatever the fuk it wants to regardless if this bill gets passed or we shut the fukkin gov down!
He is full of shit.
We will be so more medicare, medicaid, healthcare, jobs, nothing. Zero.
My issue right now is that Senator Schumer is not being very clear. If I understand correctly, with a shutdown, there's no use of courts to litigate to stop Trump, & the GOP would not compromise to pass a clean CR, but could leave everything unfunded & fund things piecemeal with their majorities.
What a nightmare.... 'well, okay, I'll give them 1 kidney and 1 foot, because if I don't, they might take more' THEY WILL ALWAYS want more. Stop this now. No help.
All the people that didn't vote in the 2024 election and the ones that voted against their own best interests, are why we are caught in the no-win situation. What a fucking mess!
You knew you would be criticized, means that you are ignoring the people! They already began fighting back against their party! They are already organizing and fighting back to make their voices heard! THEY ARE SCREAMING WE WILL STAND W/THOSE WHO STAND & FIGHT FOR US!!
It is actually enabling Republicans to consolidate more power to Trump and weakening Congress. A short term pain is better than losing our democracy. Appeasing a tyrant never works.
These old guard democrats don’t seem to realize, it isn’t just “the left” that are angry they aren’t doing anything. It’s ALL democrat voters. We’re watching our country fall apart and these gutless cowards are just rolling over for them!!
They did. They proposed an actual clean CR without the expanded executive powers. They can't get Republican leadership in either house to allow consideration.
I agree. I think the issue of the courts being shut down brings up the question of what else Trump and his flying monkeys will gut or impose on the US. But passing this CR budget doesn't make that threat go away and puts window dressing on what the Republicans do. It's not really a speed bump.
It is a speedbump in that Trump still has to answer to the Courts, and The Senate and Congressional leadership have ZERO excuse not to reconvene... A shutdown would literally shut everything down. He is right. NOW, the ZGOP has to OWN everything Trump does and we can nail them w/ votes and courts.
If Trump wanted this shut down, he wouldn't have bothered to have a bill. The stock market and Wall Street would work hand in glove with a shut down but you can't bring them to the table if you chop up the table yourself
I'm not sure I’d call it spineless. This truly is a difficult situation. Minimizing potential assoc. risks (beyond blame games) is not helpful. Shutting down gov’t doesn’t mean Trump & Co. become less powerful. Part of me wonders if, in the end, it HELPS GOP. it *is* hard, people. Be empathetic.
I am still on the side of not voting “no” on cloture & CR. GOP is majority. If they're so sure they want the hit to employment (will be ALL sectors), economy (not just in US), increase in unhoused populations, etc., they should vote “yes.” Otherwise, they have a solid out. Let’s see what they do.
It's like he lives in his own world. They already have plans to shut down and fire every thing they don't deem essential, that is the whole point. How does Schumer not understand that.
He does, but in a shutdown, the fired employees would have no legal recourse in the courts. Former employees are winning in the Courts right now. . . That would all end in a shutdown.
Also, the Senate and Congressional leaders could choose not to reconvene for MONTHS. He made the right call. is simply lost. He thinks he is going to debate, slow things down a bit and then have a 2026 election. He does not realize they are a short time from ignoring the courts anyway. Looking forward to some good debates and tv appearances as we roll on into to void.
Any experts out there who can tell us if Schumer's claim is true? I.e., that, during a shutdown, Fed employees could be more easily permanently/legally fired? (I don't buy it.)
I think in the short term yes, because the courts will only hear criminal cases during a shutdown. But long term this doesn't seem prudent to me, a fed.
I am not asking about prudence; I am asking about legality. As I understand it, furloughed workers are entitled to back pay when the shutdown ends, so eventually, they would get paid, UNLESS they can be legally RIF'd or fired during the shutdown.
I think we need a shutdown to awaken the 30-50% of the public who still does t get how bad this whole situation is.
Passing a CR feels like just more complacency by Dems in Congress & Republicans keep advancing. It’s astounding how uncreative Dem leadership is. They ALWAYS default to norms & rules
IDK: To me, if depends in part on whether Schumer is talking BS about how it would be worse with a shutdown. Also, most folks won't notice the shutdown much.
We’ve been in this situation of shutting the government many times before. This is the first time Schumer’s using this excuse. Or anyone else. Did he just make this up?
Chuck explaining that it will hurt more and sooner if we aren’t complicit. He left out the part about not getting to call it rape. Sign it and it becomes your action. Let’s leave villainy to villains.
Women Dems seem to understand - maybe it is time to chuck the patriarchy.
Schumer, federal jobs weren't safe either way. You KNEW what he wanted to do the 1st time, he's corrupt, Project 2025, and you STILL got played into a checkmate situation where, no matter what YOU do WE, THE PEOPLE, pay the consequences by LOSING our rights & benefits.
Disgraceful! In times of adversity like these,you don’t make excuses &join Nazis & fascists in the middle of war! Any Dem who votes yes will be BOYCOTT &💯lose their elections. We’ll primary you & fire you! pls pass it on. after we killed ourselves getting Joe elected why did we want him gone?Think. I told women in your $raising grps you weren’t POTUS material.You don’t have the street cred—&this is why. We’re giving you political cover &still you😒📉.
If something is horrible it would upset voters who would blame the GOP…by caving you reduce harm to the groups that support Trump…Chuck Schumer is a dolt….
But what he's not factoring in is many MAGAs will be affected negatively, and Dem voters WANT a nasty disaster to befall this administration. We have courage to hold up while Musk, Trump destroy everything. We aren't afraid. We know the outcome. We're ready!
NO, that doesn't fly Schumer!!
In that fukkin CR, THEY WILL STILL DETERMINE WHAT GETS CUT you asshole! There is nothing different!!
SHUT DOWN THE GOV! They will STILL cut SNAP, Medicare, Medicaid, SS!!
DAMMIT! Schumer, you are OUT!
Thank you for asking Senator Shumer the tough questions that needed to be asked tonight. You seemed frustrated at his answers, but maintained the professional tone that the circumstances called for.
I'd have been screaming "what the %*$& do think is going on now, you freaking dinosaur!".
Disappointed in Schumer’s decision. Republicans started this mess, they should fix it. Democrat Senators should unanimously vote no to the CR
Stand up for Democracy! It is not your responsibility to fix their problem.
If a Government shutdown happens it’s on them.
Chuck Schumer is such a ridiculous wuss. If he's not willing to stand up and fight, then he should retire and leave the fight to the likes of Bernie Sanders and AOC. No more halting and long-winded speeches that nobody hears, in the so-called hallowed chamber of the Senate.
You know what you get from the regime for your support? Less respect and less leverage (if that is even possible) and less input next time ( had NO NE this time), you are going against your voters' wishes. Grow a set, show some self-respect, and VOTE NO!!! A shut down is less harmful!
I am so fucking over this. Democrats can’t pass what they want to when in charge because of people like Manchin & Sinema and when they aren’t in charge they let Republicans walk all over them. No more money from me if they pass the CR with the poison pills in it. I’m done. Fuck it.
I was angry but I’ve changed my mind. Just enough Democratic vote yes, keep the status-quo, courts & judges ARE getting involved, allow Tesla to keep tanking.
Closing the gvmt gives Trump control of reopening ONLY what HE WANTS to reopen.
They are feeling the heat - let’s keep that fire burning.
This sounds like a compelling argument but if a shutdown allows trump to do whatever he wants, why don’t Republicans shut down the government? They could have had a few members in Congress in swing districts vote against the CR and shut down government
The CR has provisions that will prevent Trump/Musk acting worse? Is Schumer high? Trump/Musk will 100% blithely ignore any parts of the CR they don’t like. Agreeing to the CR accomplishes absolutely nothing positive for the Democrats or America.
This is like saying I can’t call the cops for him abusing me because he will abuse me. Jesus Dems. Do you think Americans are this dumb. ? We know what a shutdown means. Let’s speed this process up. Mass chaos. That’s the way.
Chris, I understand the balancing act one has to pull off with these interviews, but Chuck did not deserve the level of deference you gave Him. We are talking about the dissolution of democracy at this point. There’s no reason to keep your powder dry any longer.
Ask yourself: if Schumer wanted to help destroy democracy in the United States and turn it over to a fascist Oligarchy, would he be doing anything differently right now?
So Chuck saying a shut-down allows musk-trump to dismantle more federal workforce & services while they also determine what Essential Services keep running during shutdown?? I still don't get it, what am I missing? Is his explanation incomplete Or am I just stupid Or is he stupid...
Schumer is STATUS QUO protector of the two party/one oligarchy Government that has been killing the middle class for 40 years. Contemptible bullshit artists with a $200 tie and disdain for the working class. Hell is empty cuz all the Devils are in Washington, D.C.
Spineless Schumer has succeeded in making Moscow Mitch look like a "stand-up guy".
This isn't time for nuance. It's a time for strength.
#CowardSchumer #ResignSchumer
Sen Schumer is making predictions, and I don't know whether to believe/trust him on his predictions or not. He is making claims that Trump & Musk desire a shutdown of government, but I don't know for sure if that is the truth.
Fuck You, you goddamn CHICKENSHIT!
Schumer is betraying all Democratic voters - all Americans because he's a slimeball COWARD!
#History will remember Schumer as a complicit traitor who gave Putin, Elon and Trump exactly what they hoped for - the death of Congress! you said they would take an axe to agencies and cut everything. LET THEM! Then every one of you in the senate and house need to scream from the rooftops about how the GOP is cutting and slashing jobs and programs. LET THEM TAKE THE BLAME FOR ALL OF IT! Don't obey in advance!
Schumer does a poor job of explaining his position IMO. I think we need someone else to explain it, because to me, what he’s saying will happen in a shutdown is what is happening NOW. What am I missing?
He said it himself- they are doing it anyway. Voting yes doesn’t save anyone from the Musk/Trump wrecking ball. We still haven’t heard from all the D Senators how they will vote. It isn’t required for them to vote with Schumer.
Hope he enjoys being this generation Neville Chamberlain. He has sold out his country for some BS. That Dems don't feel they can lay this at Maga feet really shows the Dem Disarray and absolute lack of competent leadership. A disgrace this can’t be happening. Are you talking with this very wealthy out-of-touch fossil who will be just fine when the GOP burns it all down?? Please tell me that you’re not voting with this feckless sellout.
Schumer kept saying a shutdown is what Trump wants. If that's true, why are the Republicans trying to pass a CR at all? Why not just let the government shut down, if that's what they want?
Jams the Democrats and creates a win-win. Either government shuts down and they can blame Democrats while cutting federal agencies, or it passes and Trump gets some partisan wins.
Schumer is in a tough spot here, but it’s of his own creation by playing dead hoping that Time and Courts will save us
The courts, however, are an important consideration. I thought about that even before seeing the video. Schumer isn’t necessarily wrong. There are other outcomes to consider too, none of them particularly palatable. I don’t begrudge Schumer, very much a Hobbesian choice that none WANTS to make.
Schumer’s argument is that while Trump is ignoring the law now, it can and will be reversed by the courts. If we go into a shut down, Musk has freer legal path. Shutting down the gov was part of the plan to help carve it out.
And he’s not wrong! But his possum routine lends no credibility.
Because they were banking on the Dems taking ownership of the shutdown. Then they could decide not to reconvene for MONTHS. It would be the end of our government as we know it.
I understand the reasoning he gives… it’s just a horribly bad situation. What if Schumer is right? When services are cut, Republicans will have cut them. Not Dems. Republicans will have to own the mess which will inevitably ensue.
Maybe the Democrats think country needs to feel a little pain…
If Democrats fix everything before it becomes a thing, do you think Fox News and the MAGA cult will give them credit for it? No. Latest CNN poll said 56% of respondents did not approve of economy. WTF? Only 56%?? And the rest is asleep??
1. In a shutdown, Trump would have had special emergency powers legally and could do ANYTHING he wants to with no legal remedies against it.
2. The Senate and Congressional leaders could postpone reconvening for MONTHS, timing out a 30-day extension.
That is the law.
Schumer stopped that.
It is so unbelievably simple, but that is the truth. They wanted the Dems to choose a shutdown. Schumer even said other GOP Senators warned him that was the plan (probably ones not up for reelection). Schumer will not run in 2028, so he did what was right over what was politically popular.
Now we have time to fight and hopefully flip the House with the three Congressmen running in Florida and New York in a few months time.
A Flip of the House would render Trump a Lame Duck.
At least my parents will have their SS checks next month.
If Trump does the things schumer thinks he'll do, then why not let him and watch him to fail miserably? Wouldn't it make impeachment easier? And also DT has caved on every other hard stance he's taken when push back occurs.
Canada has shown that if you push back, he caves.
Why is Schumer obeying in advance?
His rationale makes no sense in light of what is happening.
If Congress is allowed to collapse time (for the purposes of section blah blah blah, then in fact they can do the same for term limits and thus stay in power forever. Schumer does not understand the stakes or the game theory.
Schumer does not understand game theory where giving in to the terrorist only encourages the terrorist to do it again. A gov't shutdown blamed entirely on the Republicans would wake up every person who loses a job by executive fiat and might endanger the safety of the people who made it happen.
See impeachments 1 & 2 for 45.
See conviction on 34 felonies w/o sentencing.
See the SCOTUS ruling
This trans national criminal president is not held accountable.
Chris, you did an excellent job with your questioning. I can't help but wonder if Senator Schumer & his family have been threatened by this administration.
Allowing the CR to pass, according to the bit House GOP slipped in, will FORFEIT Congress's ability to shut down Trump's emergency powers (like the tariffs he has been implementing). They will have LESS power to stop him with this CR in place...
Chris Hayes should primary him. How is it that journalists would do a better job than career politicians? I know...becaue most are corrupt money grubbing slimballs. and all the Democrats better understand that if you lose our confidence you will also lose our donations and our votes.
Independent might be the path forward many disappointed Dems.
You need to lead with an iron will and a steady fist.
Or get out of the way. Seriously. - what in the last 60 days makes you think that passing this CR is going to slow down or restrict Musk & Trump to do EXACTLY what they are DOING NOW.
He needed to let Trump and Musk do their worst vicious and horrible things so all Americans would be compelled to fight against those vicious and horrible people.
“Let not any one pacify his conscience by the delusion that he can do no harm if he takes no part…. Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on & do nothing. He is not a good man who, without a protest, allows wrong to be committed….”
Per AOC and per the text of the "CR" (it's not really a CR") the bill gives the president the right in law to sequester any funding he wants which codifies the illegal actions that DOGE has been doing.
How is this not worse than what Sen Schumer is saying?
If Republicans wanted a government shutdown, they simply wouldn’t pass a CR and let the government shut down. is a coward, and that’s really all there is to it.
Shutdown or no shutdown they will bulldoze their way through all of it!!! The LEAST… and literally the LEAST you can do at this point is vote no on cloture and the CR!!!
If the shutdown were to continue past 3 weeks and exhaust the federal Judiciary’s resources, courts would then operate under the ADF, to continue during a lapse in funds to support Article III judicial powers; each court, federal defender’s office would determine the resources necessary.
The shutdown is short-term! But they're doing cuts that will last a decade or more!
Never mind the complaining! Your job is to look WAY ahead! They must be STOPPED! You have to yank it out by the roots! Let people get ENRAGED! He's afraid of revolution.
New slogan maybe?? What rhymes with Chuck that would show our displeasure with his cowardice ? Duck, no. Truck, nope. Buck, naa. Cluck, well he is a chicken but no.Luck, no,Muck,no,Puck,no,suck,no,Tuck, nope. What might be left?
You did pretty good Chris. We want no, so it should be no. A govt shutdown sucks, but they are doing it anyway. Don’t give them another inch. See Columbia University. We do not obey in advance. “If you give a Republican a cookie, they’ll take the whole federal govt.”
Truly sad thing is your point: "[T]hese things will happen anyway. If they’re going to happen anyway, we need to shut it down. I will point out, however, it might give even more room for Trump to do some things I’d rather he didn’t. It's a REALLY difficult decision. I hope people understand that.
I do understand it. I'm sure all the Senators have paused and thought, "I wish Kamala had won and this crisis never happened."
To which I say: "So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
Frankly, if ppl are stuck on wishing Kamala had won, it’s wasted time now. As to your last point, we agree. That doesn’t, however, mean Schumer’s points are invalid & unworthy of consideration one way or the other. Is truly a “lesser of two (or more) evils situation. Just give some grace to Schumer.
No. He needs to be startled out of his myopic business as usual approach or step down if he can't face the new reality. That goes for my own VA senators as well.
Not to beat what is likely a dead horse (but I’m good at it): Schumer is taking a position with which you and many others disagree. I don’t see where that is a violation of his oath to the Constitution. If I’m wrong, I’m more than interested in better understanding the rationale.
Son of b*tch ..damn if you do damn if you dont..Maga Republicans are f*cking monsters. John Thun should be so ashamed of himself to even let this go on the floor!!
His argument makes 0 sense. If there is a shutdown, according to Schumer, Trump will do all sorts of damaging, unpopular things and have to own them. And this is…bad? That’s a good thing! Make him own the shit he causes! Why do you keep giving him an out?
Because a short term SEVERE emergency could trigger REVOLUTION! And they don't want to face this inevitable conclusion to TrumpMusk! We will see people take to the streets. And they're cowards in regard to that.
Oh now this is interesting point. It seems that would go to 47 taking full authority of all government operations IF he then decides Only His stacked agencies remain open during shutdown. Remain shutdown for ever??
I think must be on the MAGA Payroll. The #Democrats FINALLY have a chance to gain some leverage & this compromised old bat isTHROWING IT AWAY? #ChuckSchumer doesn’t care about poor Americans. He’s a DESPICABLE TRAITOR & he’s no better than any garden variety MAGA #MagaChuck 🔥🇺🇸🔥
I don’t think it’s that simple & I don’t think he’s necessarily wrong OR right. This IS a difficult decision. To suggest otherwise is shooting from the hip rather than looking at it critically & strategically. As I’ve said before, I am in favor of “no” on cloture & CR. Still very heavy dec. to make.
So the reason Schumer doesn’t want a shutdown is that anything Trump/Musk do during the shutdown cannot be litigated. They cannot be sued like they are now because a shutdown gives executive branch total control.
This dumbfuck should have been telling millions to go to the streets instead of capitulating to a psychopath. Democrats stand for nothing. They have become Vichy Dems and they will pay the price first.
Schumer is so useless. "We have to pass the cruel, awful Republican budget or else the Republicans will do what they're going to do anyway. So here's a gift Republicans, let me make it so the blame for it is bipartisan going into the midterms." is planning on betraying us by voting yes to the oppressor’s bill. He is not listening to those who voted for him. He won’t even let us leave a message
This is some really bad governing (yes yes I know the Republican trifecta, but as far as I know the Dems are still part of the government as the minority party).
Because the top dems are beholden to the greedy elitist capitalists who fancy themselves oligarchs. They are complicit in fighting against we the citizens for citizens united & the highest bidder along with the rest of CONServatives. They neuter the party, muddy the message & keep options limited.
I was hoping to stay in NY because uprooting children isn’t easy, and I also have a business. but I have the Canadian immigration site pulled up. If CR passes my business will be dead anyway
He is full of shit.
We will be so more medicare, medicaid, healthcare, jobs, nothing. Zero.
... we will remind you every single day, that people are losing their jobs, their homes, and their lives ... and you gave them permission.
Also, a day is not a day.
If they do not, Dems blame the Republicans.
Am I missing something? WTAF is going on? Why doesn’t Schumer understand this?
The people will reject the GOP rightly for the shutdown.
But we can find a new Dem leader in the Senate while we're waiting.
Also, the Senate and Congressional leaders could choose not to reconvene for MONTHS. He made the right call.
Passing a CR feels like just more complacency by Dems in Congress & Republicans keep advancing. It’s astounding how uncreative Dem leadership is. They ALWAYS default to norms & rules
Women Dems seem to understand - maybe it is time to chuck the patriarchy.
Please remind Chuck what he said in 2017. Pathetic
Was musk standing there off camera?
But, Senator Jeff Merkley says otherwise.
Chuck Schumer looks as weak as Hindenberg was with Adolf Hitler, right before they took over Germany!
Grow a pair, Chuck! Grow a pair!
In that fukkin CR, THEY WILL STILL DETERMINE WHAT GETS CUT you asshole! There is nothing different!!
SHUT DOWN THE GOV! They will STILL cut SNAP, Medicare, Medicaid, SS!!
DAMMIT! Schumer, you are OUT!
I'd have been screaming "what the %*$& do think is going on now, you freaking dinosaur!".
Stand up for Democracy! It is not your responsibility to fix their problem.
If a Government shutdown happens it’s on them.
Now we have toadies like Schumer in charge.
Time for a change.
Closing the gvmt gives Trump control of reopening ONLY what HE WANTS to reopen.
They are feeling the heat - let’s keep that fire burning.
Everyone: really?
Schumer: no, not really...
So what the hell is going on.
Jesis fuck. "My job is to look a little ahead" - yeah, well I think the prescription ran out on your glasses.
Also, the volatility of the market gives “reason” for the worst case scenario.
This isn't time for nuance. It's a time for strength.
#CowardSchumer #ResignSchumer
He's essentially dealing with taking the red pill or the blue pill - both are going to gut our way of life regardless.
Why didn't you challenge him on Musk being in the executive branch?
Fuck Chuck
Schumer is betraying all Democratic voters - all Americans because he's a slimeball COWARD!
#History will remember Schumer as a complicit traitor who gave Putin, Elon and Trump exactly what they hoped for - the death of Congress!
Schumer is in a tough spot here, but it’s of his own creation by playing dead hoping that Time and Courts will save us
And he’s not wrong! But his possum routine lends no credibility.
Fucking shameful.
If Democrats fix everything before it becomes a thing, do you think Fox News and the MAGA cult will give them credit for it? No. Latest CNN poll said 56% of respondents did not approve of economy. WTF? Only 56%?? And the rest is asleep??
2. The Senate and Congressional leaders could postpone reconvening for MONTHS, timing out a 30-day extension.
That is the law.
Schumer stopped that.
A Flip of the House would render Trump a Lame Duck.
At least my parents will have their SS checks next month. you will 100% lose your seat in the next election.
Chris Hayes: what will happen if the bill doesn’t pass?
Chuck: it will be bad.
You even suck at explaining. 🤔
They’re just not who they’ve promised to be, or have the ideals they advertised all along. Anyone who votes for the House Bill is a collaborator
In truth, there is no government to save.
MAGA have violently attacked our Capitol and filled our government with grifters & fascists.
If Democrats help MAGA out of this mess, we'll know America is dead.
Democrats lose because they capitulate. Schumer must step down & be replaced with a fighter otherwise it’s all over for the democratic party.
So, if I'm understanding Schumer right, if there's no budget, then they can do fuckin' whatever in a shutdown....?
What the fuck is he basing this off of?
This is actually a new one that I haven't heard before.
(And if that's actually true, then I have like 100 new questions.)
Why is Schumer obeying in advance?
His rationale makes no sense in light of what is happening.
See conviction on 34 felonies w/o sentencing.
See the SCOTUS ruling
This trans national criminal president is not held accountable.
Two horrors to choose from.
If Dems shut it down, it'll be "Dems, Dems, Dems" in the news for the next - what - 30 days?
If no shutdown, it'll be "Tariff, Tariff, Tariff, Stock Market Crash."
That's how centrism works.
Way to go kids
Independent might be the path forward many disappointed Dems.
You need to lead with an iron will and a steady fist.
Or get out of the way. Seriously.
—John Stuart Mill
How is this not worse than what Sen Schumer is saying?
These men are now an accessory after the fact and as guilty as the ones doing all this. Pitiful sad cowards
But hands USA to trump and musk
Never mind the complaining! Your job is to look WAY ahead! They must be STOPPED! You have to yank it out by the roots! Let people get ENRAGED! He's afraid of revolution.
What more do you want than such spicy language?
The Senate must refuse cloture on everything until Trump stops breaking the law.
To which I say: "So do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
They swore an oath and I expect them to honor it.
Moscow Mitch looks like a stalwart fighter for our Constitution compared to you.
#CowardSchumer #ResignSchumer
There is simply no other reason.