WTF??? Trump now wants to take over Greenland “For purposes of National Security and Freedom throughout the World, the United States of America feels that the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity.” This is total insanity.
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WTF is this man insane? Oh right he is. Nobody in their right mind would talk about such idiot things. First he wants to annex Mexico and Canada now Greenland. I think these world leaders better up their game.
There’s no way that’s 🍊💩. The overgrown child can barely string a sentence together, let alone using big, scary words. It’s probably Prez-Elect Leon Kums.
Canada, Mexico, Panama, Greenland
What’s next?
Melania’s mount venus?
Planet Jupimars?
Dont tell me we have 4 years of this asshole? Maybe if we are lucky he will die before the end of his term
Every damn week he says some dumb shit. Idk if he’s doing it just to get a rise out of people or if he really thinks he can start disputes left and right. I’d rather he just go back to golfing at this point. But let’s be honest - he’s just running his mouth. Elon who’s running the country. Insane.
This & Panama are all distractions, meant to wear his opponents out. Ignore this & be ready to respond to what he does, not what he says. Once again, free press & advertising for him. That’s how he won in 2016. He plays MSM like a fiddle. Sheeze, they wanted him to b reelected. He makes great copy!
I think the only way this make sense is that he thinks he is playing Risk. It also explains why he wants the Panama Canal and Canada. It will complete North America. He thinks he is going to get 5 extra armies on his next turn.
The left has no imagination whatsoever. Perhaps that’s why you guys can’t meme. Trump has been trolling this since you were 14. Perhaps reading up on things you aren’t old enough to remember will assist you moving forward.
Well, he's nuts so there's that 😒 but I'm also highly doubtful that he is the one writing all these texts lately 🤨. I'm sure these are things he muses about all the time,🤔 but for some reason there is someone putting all his crazy into organized and correctly spelled texts. Wondering why?🤨
If we were playing ‘Risk’, I’d suspect he was building a fortress style defence in Greenland, that would become the new defensive zone after he’d withdrawn everything from Europe. Leaving NATO would mean losing 9 major bases in Europe. But if your planes and missiles we’re faster and had longer
Range than they did in 1945 it would be easier. And if you no longer cared about an opponent in Russia advancing east, it could save forces. Especially if you then invaded Canada to secure the North East approach. Then all you’d have to worry about is being flanked by a navy. Some you might want to
The Greenland line really comes out of nowhere! Like he thought he could sneak it in or some random thought he had. Yeah, I remember he talked about it in his first term but it just feels so out of left field here... and still as bat-shit crazy as it was the first time!
As absurd as these Truth social posts being written by someone other than Trump is we are not doing equally as absurd things to stop him. Biden should not turn power over in January & let it play out in court.
- Attack Canada and make it a state
- Invade Mexico to try to bust up drug hotels
- Forcefully reclaim the Panama Canal from Panama
- Take "ownership and control" of Greenland
Yes, and Elmo and Howery do a ton of business together still. Howery ALSO co-started the Founder’s Fund, a $12 billion investment capital group that funded Space-X and more. Howery was also ambassador to Sweden under trump before, so there’s the precedent. Plus the billions Trump & Elmo Have made
He is looking everybody to forget and move on from his failure on the Government shutdown, so you know him. He is the master of distractions, do not fall for it.
He is either confusing the countries or he went off on a complete tangent and mixed in there his desire to buy Greenland (again). You don’t know if something coherent or more demented is going to come out.
He is effectively threatening to take over ownership of another sovereign state. The only difference between this threat of attack on another country and Putin's war of aggression against Ukraine is that Denmark and Greenland are allies of the United States.
I think it reads: The Kingdom of Denmark needs show more ownership and control in Greenland for global safety. As the reason he appointed that guy as ambassador to Denmark. Gosh the school system sucks if we can't even read or write properly. Trump need to write better and Harry should learn English
I think is our school system that fail us. Or we are just getting more stupid? I don't know...By "mis-reading" they only look stupid so doesn't help their cause. How can your trust dumb people's opinions? But what do I know? I'm younger than Harry and don't like politics or politicians.
So this time it’s not “he’s Great because he says what he means!” It’s the other tired trope, “no akshully what he meant was…”
I can’t keep it straight when other people translate Trumpaneze. It’s like the Bible, interpret it how you like it and it’s written by oligarchs anyway.
You prove all my points above. Because I didn't vote for him. You also answer my questions. How did 20% of democrats voted for him? Why is switching to the right? Why 9 of my friends and friend of friends kill themselves over this election? And you are the reason.
Before the far right split the country with its vitriol, the election of their leader and his cronies would never have caused people to off themselves. You’re looking for a scapegoat. I’m so sorry for you and yours. BTW I read very well but I can’t read your intent. Be well.
Do not be distracted by this nonsense. What we need to be doing with our platforms is alerting WE the PEOPLE that they need to scream & demand the Biden administration protect us from a complete hostage takeover enough is enough. HOLD BIDEN/HARRIS accountable!!!! SHE got BILLIONS.
He needs to be 25th amendmented before his inauguration. He’s been showing his insanity in real time. He wants to take over Canada, the Panama Canal, and now Greenland. Why does Musk need this, or is he copying Putin’s land-grabbing?
He didn’t write it. Who’s in charge now? That’s the bigger question. Elon? Stephen Miller? Trump had nothing to do with this. He’s eating applesauce in his special room.
With Elmo’s $12 billion Founder’s Fund “investment buddy” Howery at the helm. They’re obviously using the USA and the World to massively pad their pockets. 😡🤮
Trump is not only a wannabe' Autocrat, he thinks the election made him a Global King! First Panama (which by the way, has a huge trade deficit with the U.S., importing billions more from U.S., than exporting). Now he wants Greenland, a territory of Denmark. He's a friggin' walking NIGHTMARE!
Mainstream news should have that in bold print on their written papers and the number 1 large print start digitally. Instead, trump's imperialistic rants are a side note. That's just bats@#$ crazy.
Most Americans as well as the rest of the free world know that Trump and his maga minions are extremely mentally challenged and are constantly spewing crazy BS
They know that the Arctic will be the theater of the climate war. They know it will be the only habitable place in the Northern hemisphere. That is the reason for this. They do not care about fixing the climate issue. They just care about ruling over the ashes of the rest of the world.
If the US left NATO, it would lose 9 forward bases in Europe. Consolidate your forces in Greenland, and with todays tech, you are stronger from Greenland in 2024, than you were from Europe in 1945
TRUMPS constant bizarre post insulting countries is so exhausting and damaging to the USA. Leaders have has enough. It will be a very long 4 years, thankfully the GOP senators are unable to unite behind TRUMP over last 2 years and lately. Will any thing get done, I doubt it.
Elon Musk's posts killed funding for children with CANCER? The richest man in the world seems to believe kids are NOT worth the effort to find cancer cures. Yet 90 million was requested for TRUMPS 20th of January swearing in? NOT RIGHT, What else will he kill? sic*
Another shiny object and distraction. He has to know that Greenland is part of Denmark. He’s all over the place. He’s unfocused and agitated. Dictator wannabe or more sinister? Someone else is writing these which means he’s being managed or used?? Worrisome either way. There’s chaos in Trumpland.
Sounds like Trump is the new world aggressive dictator who wants to control sovereign nations. Let him try. He is full of himself thinking he can outdo other sane countries.
He’s got to be trolling everyone. There is no way he truly thinks he can take over other countries. I’m still trying to figure out how he thinks we as Canadians, want to be the 51st state 🤦♀️
And just like that, America just lost the moral high ground to tell Russia to get out of Ukraine and tell China to stay out from Taiwan. What a complete and utter idiot and danger tp the world.
Thank You for the geography/foreign government lesson.I figured it had to be something like that but wasn’t sure.
I knew it was a dumb question.I would’ve hoped it was something I already knew since it’s been for hundreds of years!I’m just gonna tell myself that I forgot-it’s better for my ego. 😔 😊
rump is not capable of writing that shit. EVERY western democracy should be reviewing any security communications with the US. Our country cannot be trusted anymore.
What’s next?
Melania’s mount venus?
Planet Jupimars?
Dont tell me we have 4 years of this asshole? Maybe if we are lucky he will die before the end of his term
2024 Election needs investigation
8yrs Election crimes w/ Russia
what’s next ?
When you're a star they let you do it, just grab 'em by the property!
- Attack Canada and make it a state
- Invade Mexico to try to bust up drug hotels
- Forcefully reclaim the Panama Canal from Panama
- Take "ownership and control" of Greenland
What's next, England?
I'm willing to allow that maybe the point is to wear us out.
He's fxcking crazy.
He is less fluent in English than the average Dane, so it's a little difficult to tell what grump was trying to say here.
I can’t keep it straight when other people translate Trumpaneze. It’s like the Bible, interpret it how you like it and it’s written by oligarchs anyway.
The population of the whole country is under 60k. I’m sure they’re lovely people but is it that big of a deal that we “own” them?
It’s the natural resources contained there.
What’s his next target?
Greenland is a US Strategic Defense Site and can intercept Russian missiles before they hit the US. Putin wants it gone.
Please explain your thinking, in your own handwriting in ink, (N.B. - not Sharpie marker).
Feel free to use both sides of the page provided.
yours faithfully,
tfg’s had a hard-on for Greenland since his first term. Didn’t he want to ‘buy’ Greenland then too? Is there something about Greenland that the…
I knew it was a dumb question.I would’ve hoped it was something I already knew since it’s been for hundreds of years!I’m just gonna tell myself that I forgot-it’s better for my ego. 😔 😊
I wish you a safe & Happy New Year!
tfg’s acting like Putin more&more every day. Now he wants to ‘take over’ Greenland?Like Putin ‘took over’ Crimea?
What can we do? How are the Dems going to stop tfg’s insanity?
Goddess help us, tfg isn’t just gonna cluck up America, but the whole friggin world!
Somebody stop this madman already! 🤬
So cringe and vague it makes no sense. He’s a worse politician than most politicians.