63 studies: women who assert their ideas, make direct requests, and advocate for themselves are liked less.
They're also less likely to get hired—and it hasn't improved over time.
When will we stop punishing women for violating outdated gender stereotypes?
They're also less likely to get hired—and it hasn't improved over time.
When will we stop punishing women for violating outdated gender stereotypes?
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The study examines how people's perceptions of dominant behavior differ for men and women. Previous research has shown that women tend to face more negative consequences, such as being liked less, when they display dominant behavior compared to men...
"However, Hypothesis 1b was not supported - dominant women were not significantly liked less than dominant men overall."
Besides, a study like this is useless. Likeability? Implicit vs explicit dominance? These metrics are so subjective.
Been dealing with this my whole conscious life.
Mainly with a combination of ninja-style navigation and advancement, plus learning to accept that a lot of people like me less.
Some people like me for who
I am. Those are my people.
-a Boomer
Go to Settings, then Accessibility, and make sure "Require alt text before posting" is toggled on - this will prompt you each time you add an image to your post!
took on duties of mens. She was in shoulder to shoulder like Rosyln Russell .
Yes. speak up and say I can do it. Do not be shy
Me when I share ANY opinion to MEN: "You don't know what you're talking about," "ACTUALLY..." "I don't want to discuss things with you, I just want to fuck," "You're actually not even mid..."
Not allowed feelings. 🤷♀️
But we (those supporting this post) can practice in our heads what we’ll counter with if we are witness to a woman being spoken to or about being “aggressive”.
Good thing she has me. I like her just fine.
This is why I like remote work. I can’t change 1,000’s of years of sexism, but I can change my appearance virtually. I suspect this is why some want RTO.
Reparations for slavery and stealing the Land from Native Americans
Is that woke enough for you?
Up the ladder to the CFO, who was impressed-she got the job.
Tell me, what is the value of promoting all your "peer reviewed research"? How does any of that encourage vs DISCOURAGE women?
It isn’t about feelings.
A 2015 study in PLOS ONE found that lower-skilled male players were more likely to be hostile toward skilled female players, possibly due to perceived threats to their status.
Therapy, accountability and critical thinking skills would help.
Where Taliban lead, the Trump administration will follow!
First dates
Since Oct ‘23
The number of men who
Put in their bios
They want a
Strong confident
When they actually
Don’t like it
At all
Is a fucking
I know this
All too well
20 years of marriage
And it took that long
For him to break me
When he finally did
I was out
He ghosted our kids
Bc he was so angry
And shocked
By me actually fleeing
But I got myself back
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
So all of the studies reviewed were from 10+ years ago?
I'd like to see if things have changed.
Get over it!!
If we put the “not being a fucking asshole” requirement into the criteria, you will actually see a MASSIVE MASSIVE improvement in the numbers. Women who are assertive, and not assholes, are very successful
Much longer: Great book on why men are often the “default” choice in leadership, despite objective reasons to the contrary (largely, the bias for confidence displayed by men and against it in women): https://hbr.org/2013/08/why-...
Imho... nobody hates successful women than other women.
Because I was a woman I was called mean
When your right your right
Men that advocate for each other, they have staying power.
Selfishness and insistence are rarely rewarded, regardless of gender.
When I was transferred to Utah, home of the most female-subservient religion, I was inappropriate, loud mouthed & generally sabotaged. It's part of why I retired early. My joyous job became toxic.
Subliminal fear is an endemic plight of men in decision-making positions📌
‘Impostor syndrome’ is only one of its manifestations; bluster is another, requiring that one have someone to belittle,
As an external proxy for one’s ‘inadequate’ self📌
do not fear Equality
Also pointing out that research has to be conducted & then posted by a male (not reposting a woman... noted✍️) to prove what women've been saying for centuries, to gain likes, & have ppl debate about whether misogyny is real the whole Fk'n problem. 👍
And no, I wasn’t popular except with other women!
If you like yourself the rest works out
Both men & women often started out by thinking that assertiveness was the same as aggression. That belief was often the root cause of their low baseline assertiveness skills level.
In stead of wanting to get hired, they need to want to get pregnant..
(There may be some satire in there)