All these people breaking cover on believing that only white people can be English are the ones that raged about ‘political correctness’ & ‘wokeness’ without ever being able to explain what it was. I’ve been dealing with them & their cowardly bigotries for years.
It's so stupid though, so BAME folks can play for Britain but not England??
But I'm Welsh.
How subversive.
My victoruan GGdad was dark with Irish GGma.
Gdad was dark, Gma white
Father coloured mother white
I am coloured by brother is white.
My eldest daughter is coloured her sister white.
Can only half of the family be English?
Hoping for English coloured grandchildren!
This is an excellent phrase
1. And where did THEY come from?
2. The Angles were just one of the Germanic tribes. So shouldn't descendents of the Saxons and Jutes be deported?
3. And the Anglo-Saxons were only at home in Southern England. The North of what's now England was ruled by the Danelaw. Completely different! 😅
Now brown people are the main immigrants and the boat people can’t be returned. Fuckwits!
Speaking as a Surreyite with an Irish name and medieval surname, which frankly could be from anywhere.
Crikey she's posh, + brittle, maybe because she's had to justify her existence her whole life.
'My girl's wicked smart' though.
I can only assume they thought my red hair and painfully pale skin made them think I was Scottish or Irish.
English = raised in England.
That's it. No other criteria.
It is intellectually incoherent, and a debate of little interest beyond social media>
Braverman piggybacked on Kisin, took money and an attempt at relevance, the DT gets to show its racism, once again
'Be like us or we won't accept you'.
I'm white British and don't want to be like the racist R*form in any way at all!
I am very happy to live in a multi cultural country
"Let's eat meat and two veg everyday" can stay in the annals of history, along with all the other flawed ideas of cultural exceptionalism
These people arguing this are uneducated and ignorant.
The hypocrisy of racists and xenophobes, though, saying things like, “immigrants should integrate and assimilate into our culture” whilst simultaneously arguing that they can never actually do so. Proves it’s all a front for bigotry
I’m shocked I tell you, shocked!
"Cheddar Man has the genetic markers of skin pigmentation usually associated with sub-Saharan Africa."
"Dark skin, pale colored eyes, either blue or green, and dark brown hair."
Natural History Museum, London
Once seen as the norm , the culture that united an Empire , the ‘ natural ‘ the only culture , the right way of thinking , now has to delve into the historical myths that built the idea of ‘ Englishness ‘ . The social construct
How many generations back do we have to have all-English antecedents to count? Or is it purely on melanin?
As Trump has said, there are white jobs and there are black jobs. During the campaign he complained that “illegals” are coming to take black jobs.
White jobs are any profession that make over minimum wage.
‘I’m an immigrant, I’m from Scotland’
‘Oh, but you did the right way, he’s not talking about you’
The right way? You mean ‘the white way’?
“Make points”.
If some far right idiot says, "I want my country back,"
They are talking about ethnic cleansing. Think about that!
I’m mixed race. Mum’s white. Dad’s black. I was born and raised here and, quite frankly, I’m embarrassed to still be English at this point.
Might as well start taking it as a compliment from these demagogues.