As someone who has actually moved countries a few times, I cannot overstate just how much effort and expense is involved.
Your entire support network, gone. Endless bureaucracy to access healthcare, find a dentist, a bank account, validate your drivers' license. And for what, possibly lower taxes?
It's rather like an ultra-conservative Christian family in America who moved to Russia for "freedom," then found that they could not get work, could not access their money, could not worship as they pleased, and were basically trapped.
I don’t know if they have done that yet. Their 2 doctor sons live in Australia and they want to join them. Being able to migrate there may be another assumption that they haven’t properly researched.
Not sure what the Aussie parent visa requirements are but here your kids need to have citizenship/perm res, you need to invest a million NZ$ for four years, have NZ$60k a year to live on, and another half mil up your sleeve. Shame they can't sell their house, Aussie is probs similar.
This makes me so angry.
They've been benefactors at every turn, then when the country says enough is enough they try to run to another county and live off a state that they've never put a cent into.
The sheer fucking entitlement
No one tell them 🤫
My house went 3x in 20 years...
I don't get the "moving 10000 miles"; the house is staying with Labour anyway.
Your entire support network, gone. Endless bureaucracy to access healthcare, find a dentist, a bank account, validate your drivers' license. And for what, possibly lower taxes?
They'll miss us more than we'll miss them.
Boo hoo hoo hoo, and next time do your research.
I can hear the whinging from here already.
They've been benefactors at every turn, then when the country says enough is enough they try to run to another county and live off a state that they've never put a cent into.
The sheer fucking entitlement
Maybe they’ll have stay and suffer.
Labour: vote for us and these cunts will move 10,000 miles away!
Me: sold