They knowingly killed a man who is likely innocent. The political right has devolved from “of course the system would never executed an innocent man” to executing an innocent man just to show they can.
Think about that.
So they are arguing that their feelings of "confidence" in the judgment is what should be the deciding factor, and not that it was proven that people acted unconstitutionally in the court of law
Which, to me, feels like defeating the purpose of the whole "innocent until proven guilty" thing out system has going on
I'm running on spite rn because anger can be a catalyst for change and be motivating. Though I hope have a more sustainable doing it out of love vibe before the end
I myself am more of "action because what's the alternative" kind of guy. which has steps for getting involved that might be less upsetting (but since you are in Texas maybe not)
The library watcher thing sounds fun.
And hi fellow chronic illness family :)
Just because what you can do now isn't the same as what you could do before doesn'tb diminish your current efforts. Thanks for what you do do.
Vote, people. Vote. Check your registration. Vote early. Don't delay.
Too many people in power stepping in to ensure that he died no matter what, with everyone being blatant about their refusal to follow even basic process or laws the entire way.
It's murder
with Ricky Ray Rector in 1992.
Free Leonard Peltier anyone?
I am focused on the political uses of execution
which 'twas ever thus,
no matter the question of innocence/guilt
Mild disagree, though, regarding the Southern leadership class—every Confederate elected official & commissioned officer should've been executed for treason.
Literally everyone said he was innocent, there were multiple errors, AND his life was on the line. Of course he's trying to save himself.
Even with of all that, still no justice.
At least Wesley Bell, my prosecutor and next congressman, didn't have to fight this battle but he did. It's all we have left here.