It is not required for any other Senate Dem to vote with Schumer. Stand up for the people. Stand up for the party. Unite against this and lead where he won’t.
Log in with your Bluesky account to leave a comment 💙🇺🇸VOTE NO AND SAVE DEMOCRACY!!!🇺🇸💙💯 WE WILL HAVE YOUR BACK‼️🇺🇸 DEMOCRACY IS WORTH THE SHUTDOWN ON A BROKEN UNETHICALLY “OPERATING”GOVERNMENT!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸💙 VOTE NO‼️✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾 These Senators haven’t said one way or another either. Amy Klobuchar is a NO.💙🙏🏼🙏🏽🙏🏾
I hope VOTES NO. This is about the future of America. The shutdown is on the GOP.They need to do their jobs, negotiate w/ other elected officials and make the legislative branch work.This is a GOP shutdown.(they’ve already fired 1/2 Gov employees & decimated Agencies)
Exactly! This epic betrayal will forever tint his ‘political legacy’, … it’s an ink stain and y’all know these don’t come out! He has effectively destroyed his leadership capability.
Some who will vote for thus Bill are from poor districts! Their funding comes from out if state and DNC! When they cant stand up for the truth and feed Nero its time to let their own only donate!Not one dime for any of them! They have enabled and freeloaded enough!
The party wants resistance to Trump / Musk / DOGE., et al want to protect their wealth and connections by voting to continue the work of Trump / Musk / DOGE.
Don't we deserve leadership who works for us? The party? The people who volunteer, donate, and run for office?
If they have any sense of right and wrong, any sense of how to read the room in their OWN PARTY, they will defy him. I see that Pelosi came out with a statement urging Democratic Senators to oppose the CR.
Another dumb take suggesting Dems put their fingerprints on the murder weapon used to beat federal govt to death, not to mention the actual deaths of all the starving children waiting for judge's order to fund USAID to be enforced. Do you dopes understand when you walk in on a murder, offering to..
take over starving the victim to death will gladly be accepted as murderers step back & quietly call police to report fatal elder abuse? You think they're going to suddenly get worried that the thing they want dead will instead get no food, no electricity, no heat & die of malnutrition or exposure?
That's the problem he is just another rich and powerful white man who's only looking out for himself and his money. He doesn't give a rats ass about the 99.9%.
Amen to that! Chucks better days are behind him. He needs to step away. His lack of Leadership is sorely evident and our Party is in dire need of a war time Leader who has the Balls & wisdom to lead fearlessly!
Yes, please vote with the majority of your colleagues. They are voting NO. Shumer is voting against his constituents wishes, he is disloyal to his people, and party.
Politics Girl….you are so right!!
Please read my post on this topic. The Dems are going to be split on this and it is going to depend mostly on their states but if you read what I wrote it makes what they are doing easier to understand.
Jfc. This should be all any dem needs to realize the only vote is a vote NO. Show some courage and fight with us. You are on the wrong side. Chuck Schumer D-NY U.S. Senator John Fetterman Vote NO on Cloture and NO on CR.
It goes beyond just being one Democratic vote for cloture. It sends an open acknowledgement to King Thrump that Senate Democratic leadership, especially Scheming Schuster, will fold like a cheap set of lawn chairs when it comes to getting what the Ratpublican Administration wants.
Schumer needs to step down. We need someone younger. Someone willing to fight for the people. The Dem’s need better leadership. The only ones I see are Jasmin Crocket and AOC. Where is Hakeem Jeffries?
If he's going to do this, I hope he's the only one. I hope he gets removed as minority leader and primaried out. I hope this is the downfall of a cowardly, spineless man.
It's time for Schumer to step down.He has become inaffective and erelevant.Its the party in power who has the responsibility to keep government open. That means negotiating with the democrats and process of law
I'm in ny who ever runs against Schumer for. No matter what party. He's not representing us at all. Might as well have a republican senator because we know exactly who they are and sotn give a shit about us instead of pretending like Schumer
This is a number we all need to add to our contacts. Please call your senators & representatives every day to voice your objections to what is happening. Tell them that if they continue to support DT/JDV that you will not vote for them!!! Blue or red, call them every day!!!
Don’t let Schumer stop us - there is still time to call your senators to tell them to VOTE NO ON CLOTURE for the GOP CR. Leave a voice mail. Not just a no vote on the CR. Needs a to be NO ON CLOTURE. Otherwise filibuster ends. (202) 224-3121 ☎️☎️☎️
URGENT! Vote taking place around 1 pm.
Voters of Tomorrow just launched a one-click email tool to contact all Democratic Senators who are still undecided on the CR. EASY TO DO
Contact them and tell them to vote NO here
A government shutdown allows Trump to permanently furlough all civilians. The military have to work (without pay). Non-Discretionary (Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security) funds still flow.
And the Democrats would have no way to turn the Government back ON.
Remember that the American voter put the ACA in peril when they gave back the Senate to the Rs. But what do I know I never wrote for MMFA or have a substack account..
100%! So tired of these career politicians who want to play nice. F that. Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur pull the same nonsense with the old tire line of Kumbay we all need to work together BS.
When will Democrats wake up and really look at what the Republicans represent now! Fealty to a dictator. Schemer’s reasoning that republicans will be sick of trump by September so maybe they can get a few to side with Dems is absurd. vote NO & then step aside for a better fighter
More people need this mindset. In both directions. Young people need to accept that the older generations have information through experience that we can’t have just by reading about it. And the older people need to realize the next generation will have to take over at some point.
And to recognize patriarchy traditionally isn't a model of empowerment. Times have changed with feminism eroding the old school of white male superiority. Feminist women/men.
I was recently reminded that young people's view of Social Security is different from mine, a retiree. Young folks are uncertain SS will even be there when they retire. Reframed my thinking. I need to keep broadening my perspective to stay strong for the coming fight.
Some ppl do think that way. I’m 19 I want my parents to get the SS they paid into. If the systems broke, fix it don’t through it out completely. Especially based on lies.
Never thought much of milquetoast Schumer (a very timid, unassertive, spineless person, especially one who is easily dominated or intimidated.) I care less for him now He does not give a darn what his constituents want
Democrats should consider the vote their statement of intent. Those voting with Republicans should consider their formal retirement. Schumer believes it they don’t vote yes, the GOP will put blame on them. As if they don’t already blame them for everything.
This is a choice between two bad options. However, we must force the GOP to own their shit. We cannot save them from themselves. They cannot govern. They have no concept of foreign policy, economics, business acumen, the Constitution or law in general. DO NOT NORMALIZE THEIR BULLSHIT ANYMORE.
The prob is, if they shutdown the gov, Dems will be blamed. if they pass this, R's will take the heat. I can understand Schumer's thinking on this after listening to his speak on the Senate floor. REMEMBER YOUR OATH TO THE CONSTITUTION! Do your fucking jobs and OPPOSE FASCISM with every vote! Represent your constituents!
I’ve long suspected Democrats are not pussies, instead they’re the “good cop” side of the routine.
If they go along with this they’ll prove it.
Next steps:
Nationwide income tax boycott followed by open rebellion.
They’re asking for it and they’ll get it.
I think they really try to do the right thing… But you can’t meet THIS moment with this old fashioned kind of gentlemanly working across the aisle thing. Schumer was terrific at getting Biden’s big bills passed when we had a tied Senate. He’s not meeting this particular moment.
Also, I’m not really sure they’re trying to do the right thing & it’s increasingly looking like both parties have the same goal.
The election not only went against the polls, it also went against Lichtmans keys and 180 years of data.
And Harris folded immediately,
And they didn’t look into anything.
Not meeting this moment is an understatement.
He’s totally fucking it up…
With these people if you try to reach across the aisle they spit on your hand then laugh at you.
Well, I don’t disagree with that. But I’m not on this platform to just randomly bash and trash. What I said is the same thing. So we need to go around him.
Well there’s nothing random about my bashing or trashing - it’s targeted.
However, the problem isn’t just Schumer, it’s the number of other Democrats that just don’t get it that times have changed and comity no longer works with these people, in fact, it’s viewed as a weakness to exploit.
Voting no sends a clear message that passage of the CR is wrong and whatever follows is Republicans’ responsibility. Voting yes means you would assume responsibility for the CR. So voting no is the only course of action for Democrats your phone line as of 8:08 am CDT is not going through. Only a message about a high volume of calls.
I don't *want* a shut down but if the Republican majority cannot pass something with compromise worth voting for then you should vote no. #IL16 resident stuck under Rep. LaHood.
This is true...Sen. Schummer is on his own. Don't dishonor the people who fought for our freedom to be held hostage to a common criminal who claimed he is a "stable genius". Lacks the moral turpitude to be given the respect of any kind of decent human being. Trump was and is more dangerous now.
Now, I'm 100% certain that I'm on the right side of this debate. When agrees, you are doing GREAT! 😉🧡
#Oppositioncoalition #Patriot
They will blame it on us Dems no matter what. This vote is not performative. We are in a war between democracy and authoritarianism. Wake up. Start fighting back. Chuck take a risk that will be supported by all Dems. Show us your spine and we will fight as never before. are Republicans now and should be ousted Immediately from their democratic positions for changing parties in action, and not obeying the will of the People.
The Democrats are failing the American People. Perhaps they've been bought & paid for too? Silence & inaction is complicity. Worrying more @ being elected than doing what's right hurts citizens everyday! We the People need leaders who don't lack courage, strength & decency to STOP Trump!
Probably. But Schumer's passing it off as the freaking high road versus the low road again. Are we ever going to get over when they go low we go high bullshit?
According to him,
Senate Democrats are "unified" on a funding extension through April 11 that would allow Congress time to negotiate bipartisan legislation.
Schumer’s cowardice is a betrayal to every Democrat fighting against the authoritarian threat of Trumpism. Instead of standing firm, he caved, prioritizing political games over principle. This kind of weak leadership enables the very policies that threaten our democracy. Vote his ass out
Trump isn’t negotiating with Putin—he’s obeying him. From wanting Canada as the 51st state to eyeing Greenland and the Panama Canal, it’s all about justifying Putin’s Greater Russia dream. America, don’t be fooled!
I just replied to a text from the party by telling them we won’t be silenced and it’s time to say goodby to Mr. Nice Guy and fight back. If they don’t quit going along they’ll find out there’s no party left.
NOW! Easy email or fax to your Senators asking for all Senate Dems to vote no on cloture and a budget that directly attacks the elderly, the ill, and the poor. A call for new leadership in Senate to fight the billionaire fascist coup.
NOW! Easy email or fax to your Senators asking for all Senate Dems to vote no on cloture and a budget that directly attacks the elderly, the ill, and the poor. A call for new leadership in Senate to fight the billionaire fascist coup.
Schumer is a f****** idiot. If he gives 6 billion to the military & takes away $13 billion from American citizens guess who Trump's going to war with besides Panama Greenland and Canada. We need a shutdown. This isn't about parties it's about America. Don't give them an inch. They're seeking a mile
Hey, Democratic Leadership. You know those people in every election say they have no reason to vote for Democrats because “both parties are essentially the same”? Agree with them or not, these are the moments they’re referring to.
The problem with senate Dems is some of them believe the country wants them to align with Trump. However Trump is basically driving the country off the cliff and a lot of people are having buyers remorse.
YES!!! I just tweeted this!! They need seven Dem votes for “yes” on cloture to pass. Don’t give him those votes! If he can’t meet this moment, then buck his leadership! retire or resign as a leader of the party, you’re not & have not done much in your too long career in politics. Becoming a multimillionaire shouldn’t be the only reason you keep running for office. You & other spineless politicians are an embarrassment to the country. #TermLimits
Hmmm, maybe 'right wing, left wing, same bird' and 'lessor of evils' are something folks say for good reason. We need major reform. This is why for decades, Dems work fierce w/big $ to take down progressives, while playing footsie with fascists (formally known as Repubs) and senator durbin. Do not vote for this bill. You will lose your base. Meet this moment.
haven't yet finished tracking down all parts of concern i have, but 2 parts are:
1) the change in rules re: calendar days re: sect 202 of NEA
2) the inclusion (in 2/1 declaration of Nat Emerg, Sec 6b) of "including whether to invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807"
Grow a spine and lead or get out of the way.
2. Call for a leadership vote.
Show the American people you deserve to get back in power.
Don't we deserve leadership who works for us? The party? The people who volunteer, donate, and run for office? please stand against Schumer. Party unity be dammed. We aren’t MAGA.
But don't worry Schumer has enough wealthy donors to survive.
Politics Girl….you are so right!!
Voting for cloture makes this CR possible.
We will remember every one of them who votes to codify maga’s treasonous acts against our country. Every one.
VOTE NO! Cloture and CR
No to fascism. No to genocide.
If you vote for it, you are complicit in it.
Blame anyone following him. They are the cowards.
Was Schumer bought off?
This is a number we all need to add to our contacts. Please call your senators & representatives every day to voice your objections to what is happening. Tell them that if they continue to support DT/JDV that you will not vote for them!!! Blue or red, call them every day!!!
Voters of Tomorrow just launched a one-click email tool to contact all Democratic Senators who are still undecided on the CR. EASY TO DO
Contact them and tell them to vote NO here
And the Democrats would have no way to turn the Government back ON.
Trump IS that crazy.
Vote NO on cloture
Vote NO on the republican spending bill.
NYC Senator
Charles E. Schumer (D)
(202) 224-6542
NYC Senator
Kirsten E. Gillibrand (D)
(202) 224-4451
Find Yours Here and call...NOW
Schumer no longer represent my views and values, and I will not support any of his actions from here on out!
He has to step aside!
Also you can use the 5 Calls app to reach your local representatives directly
If they go along with this they’ll prove it.
Next steps:
Nationwide income tax boycott followed by open rebellion.
They’re asking for it and they’ll get it.
The election not only went against the polls, it also went against Lichtmans keys and 180 years of data.
And Harris folded immediately,
And they didn’t look into anything.
He’s totally fucking it up…
With these people if you try to reach across the aisle they spit on your hand then laugh at you.
However, the problem isn’t just Schumer, it’s the number of other Democrats that just don’t get it that times have changed and comity no longer works with these people, in fact, it’s viewed as a weakness to exploit.
Dimocrats....for a change....SHOW
Tomorrow is the cloture vote.
KEEP CALLING: (202) 224-3121 ☎️☎️☎️
Tell your Dem Senator to vote NO on Cloture and NO on the Republican spending bill.
Do NOT assume your Senator will be good on this. Trust me.
I don't *want* a shut down but if the Republican majority cannot pass something with compromise worth voting for then you should vote no. #IL16 resident stuck under Rep. LaHood.
Vote NO on cloture
Vote NO on the republican spending bill.
NYC Senator
Charles E. Schumer (D)
(202) 224-6542
NYC Senator
Kirsten E. Gillibrand (D)
(202) 224-4451
Find Yours Here and call...NOW
#Oppositioncoalition #Patriot
His fear is going to kill us all.
Senate Democrats are "unified" on a funding extension through April 11 that would allow Congress time to negotiate bipartisan legislation.
It’s not cruel enough for him.
But, every “no” helps.
Time for action Dems.
I was up for the blood moon eclipse anyway and sent it then.
It makes perfectly sense that Schumer is supporting this bill
Not supporting it gives much more power to the Trump regime 🤦🏻♀️
That is not what we should want
You buy precious time with this bill
I guess Smart move Schumer 👍‼️
But I guess it’s not smart to give the Trump Regime even more power 🤦🏻♀️
It seems when the country goes into a lockdown that the Trump regime have more power
And everything is coming to a harsh hold
Nazi Musk will take advantage
Episode 64: Dems May Back GOP Bill to Avert Gov’t Shutdown (If There’s Any Gov’t Left to Shut Down)
Available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Potify (for poker players).
#Schumer #Trump
In truth, there is no government to save.
MAGA have violently attacked our Capitol and filled our government with grifters & fascists.
If Democrats help MAGA out of this mess, we'll know America is dead.
Al Franken is a brilliant democrat.
We would be lucky if he stayed and Gillibrand quit.
I wish it wasn't so, but it's pretty fucking likely to pass.
Lend me your brain 🧠
I’m building an idiot
( *Guarantee *
1) the change in rules re: calendar days re: sect 202 of NEA
2) the inclusion (in 2/1 declaration of Nat Emerg, Sec 6b) of "including whether to invoke the Insurrection Act of 1807"
#1 HAS TO BE REMOVED FROM C.R.! Gillibrand Mastro and more …
A shut down would have been awful. But we’ve survived them. We won’t survive this. Our leaders have no spine. Or “bark” as my grandad used to say.