Wanna bet how long NF has sat on this, he had to kiss the musk ring when he was told to leave for Lowe, but when Lowe challenged dear leader this week then was all come out.
I don’t know in what manner Reform UK Ltd members* expect them to settle their differences, but many of us were expecting them to sort this out in the traditional Faragist manner, with a punch-up.
*technically not members, but donors, as they still don’t have a say
Lol. I’d ‘expect’ resolution over dinner to include Rupert tipping the gravy boat down Nigel’s yellow pants and Nigel flicking cigar ash into Rupert’s Tizer.
Far to much of a coincidence
Full off
I am going to cancel my "membership"
Not going to renew or give another £25 to farage
They need to sack that Muslim ruining reform
And the best
That economic migrant 😉 living in dubai, she has now been classifieds as woke by lowe's fan base
(Notionally...) They work in the same office and sit next to each other.
This is what always happens in Farage's parties: you bend the knee, or you get shat on.
What isn’t dirty for him? Staying home with Netflix?
*technically not members, but donors, as they still don’t have a say