This is a "tell me you know nothing of how the parliamentary government next door works, without telling me you know nothing of how the parliamentary government next door works" situation.
Every time I think he couldn't sound dumber, I am wrong.
I'm willing to place a bet on something about "unstable government" and/or "volatile situation," because that would be such a *useful* way to represent it.
This has to be a joke. Wait. I have to stop telling myself things must be a joke because too often I go from laughing to despair about the state of humanity.
This man would have had his license removed had he been driving over the last few years. But run a country and conduct coherent diplomacy? Cool, cool, cool. The dementia is just...
tRump proves again that he hasn’t a clue what governmental structures Canada or other countries abide by.
So unqualified for the job he was elected to do.
tell me you know nothing about the Canadian political system without telling me you know nothing about the Canadian political system. You think he or at least one of his court jesters would take the time to learn something (anything) about the country you want to invade.
PMJT resigned January 6th (BEFORE DJT was sworn in). That’s why the Liberals are having a leadership race🤦♀️. DJT had nothing to do with it🙄 (insert banging my head on the keyboard here😏)
I’m sorry. Please don’t forget, Canada, that tens of millions of us didn’t vote for him - ever - and we stand in opposition to his idiocy and maliciousness. My mind is exhausted from 10 years of his bile. Sincerely, an American with a soul and a moral compass.
How anyone in the US can take this fucking moron seriously is beyond me. I mean who actually reads this shit and thinks 'Yeah, Donnie, those Canadian mother fuckers brought all this on themselves'?
Typical. He preys on the ignorance of his base, and many others who have zero idea (or care) how Canada’s political system works. They’ll swallow this with a big gulp of orange koolaid.
Every time I think he couldn't sound dumber, I am wrong.
That cash could have gone towards a meal at a mid-level restaurant!
It is the millions that nod and smile at his ignorance, which is a concern.
So unqualified for the job he was elected to do.
Average person has no idea what is happening in Canada.
And 47 will take credit for him leaving office.
And media might feebly correct the record, in a handful of outlets.
Trump: “Justin, don’t do it, you’re going to regret it, I’m telling you, you will regret doing this.”
Justin: “Melania didn’t seem to regret what I did last night. Gotta go, Donnie, byeeeeeee!”
Oh, wait! They're likely stuffed full of skeletons! 😂
It's just stupidity. Criminally bad stupidity.
but then, how would the Dumpster know that?
But I’m betting that as the merry-go-round at the 🎪 next door keeps spinning faster & faster, he’s increasingly relieved by his decision.
Personally, I’m worried how we do this without his steady hand, but I hope he’s making his ☮️ with it.
they are the most religious nutbag nation on earth with strong deference to 'father' & 'church'
most indoctrinated society since nazi germany even before 47 came along
millions of cultists still believe obama was born in kenya
his lies work
Dimwit Diaper Donold tells
big lies.
My Crisis PM > Your messy BM
🇨🇦 #elbowsup #sorrynotsorry
#No47thReich #InvictusManeo #DurisNonFrangor