Yeah, they even talked about that on that Mormon wives reality show. That show was ridiculous, but it was a good point! You go from thinking sex is completely wrong and evil, to suddenly having to be irresistibly sexy and sex-crazed for your husband.
Reposted from
When you're taught from a very early age that sex is sinful, dirty, and will send you to hell, I have to imagine the wedding night is a horror, particularly for the woman. Virginity is the only worth a woman has in that culture, and now you don't have it anymore. That's a mind-fuck.
It’s the physical embodiment of “I showed you my dick, pls respond 😡”
I'm really sorry for bothering you every time and I say I hope it's the last but I swear it's getting worse and worse so please if you could boost the pinned post?
I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life
Purity culture hurts everyone.
And sadly… I am a woman.
The stories I've heard and the things I've seen from conservative evangelicals re: anything about sexuality 😱😱💀💀
Much like priests raping alter boys but for commoners.
Like Cannabis kind of illegal
Like prostitution is kind of illegal
Like pimping low wage employees - kind of illegal
And a lot (not all but a lot) of cultural feminine beauty signals are also markers of wealth.
Utah is plastic surgery central.
Do you really think conservative women don't have a sex drive?
I dated a seventh day adventist girl who was a virgin and remained so for her future marriage but she was freaky as hell.
These shows that show conservatives a certain way (repressed women) are trying to make money / push a narrative.
A proper woman to woman convo with conservative women who trust you probably would be a better, more accurate look into their world.
Like the NIN song basically that’s pretty accurate theology for some Christians.
The idea is
Yes we made nuns deal with NIN in class and it was pretty ok tbh they only care if you’re engaging with the material.
Don’t watch the quack, Dr. Phil or any other of these programs that exploit human frailties, either. I used to do that, and unfortunately I was contributing to the problem.
i also came up when it was just being accepted women could experience sexual pleasure & it was desirable (80s/90s) & men weren't encouraged to provide it
not to mention all the abuse survivors
when i disclosed my childhood abuse as a teen i was told i was permanently marked by it, even after repenting for being a victim, but that a very special man would still one day "take me to the temple"
it wasn't until much later i realized they meant a gay guy. bc we wouldn't want sex.
purity culture fucks everyone up
it's all so intertwined
and then the defenders of the faith came out en masse "she said she learned it in SCHOOL not at CHURCH"
ok geniuses, why do you think a 14yr old girl in utah was receiving purity culture lessons "at school" (and was "at school" actually seminary anyway)?
a book they don't pass around anymore, thank god, also pretty much told sexual abuse victims it would be better if they were dead. getting out alive is maybe the hardest thing i've done
if I, or some various men from your life you respect, married a woman in that community, her wedding night would not be "a horror".
there’s no escaping it, only unlearning it
My experience as an ex-Mo was that I saw the damage that dichotomy did to several friends, largely with couples who were>
And while that’s often the case with one party, if both parties aren’t in that place or find out new things about themselves…it’s a cluster fuck.
I'm going to go puke now.
I'm really sorry for bothering you every time and I say I hope it's the last but I swear it's getting worse and worse so please if you could boost the pinned post?
I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life
(Yes, it’s called that.)
1) no 17 year old is experiencing that as the official LDS ritual. The endowment happens when you go to the temple for the first time as an adult, for mission or marriage >
What does happen is upsetting to many folks autonomy & sense of security & induces crises of faith.
And practically every erotic fantasy I have is pleasuring a woman, and keeping her aroused all day long. I don't even have to get off. That isn't saying I don't, that's saying I will.