i forget who said it, or at least something like this, but I can't help but think "she looks like she works at an amusement park where they're going to find a bunch of dead buried children one day"
bowties magnify your character traits. if you are the Doctor or Bill Nye, then they magnify your coolness. If you are Tucker Carlson, they magnify your tryhard uncool richboy failsonness.
You have to be massively comfortable in yourself to pull it off.
I mean the whole joke with that run of DW was that the Doctor was the only person who thought they were cool. Nobody else (Rory, Amy, River, etc.) agreed with him. (Except maybe that one Van Gogh curator at the museum.)
i hate white people so much isis is literally so nihilistic and heretical that israel has provided them material support and the fucking KSA hates them. isis has no ideology
Look how well you insulted her without bringing the way she looks into it, though. it's almost like you never needed to do that in the first place! food for thought
Hear me out. Attacking her appearance is low hanging fruit. But was this really the best picture they could get?
Like I thought the picture was a trans person they were mocking. It genuinely took me a moment to realize it was the creator’s picture, and that they chose to do that on purpose.
It's dunkbait. some of these rightwing grifters deliberately make themselves look like that, so people will attack them, and then they will cry out to the RWNJs that the left are attacking them. For them, any engagement is good engagement.
she would still be an evil and detestable person regardless but I feel like it'd have been nice if we got the timeline where she didn't have the exact name and look of a steampunk gogaia oc
She claims that she was medically damaged by her "transition," which actually just means that she was stupid and slept in her homemade binder too much.
Maia Poet is a grifter and we can all agree with that.
That’s all I’ve got.
You have to be massively comfortable in yourself to pull it off.
"marriage is rooted in procreation"
trans people
yeah but...... what am I suppose to do then? what church should I belong?
what I would refer to as a bent parallel.
Like I thought the picture was a trans person they were mocking. It genuinely took me a moment to realize it was the creator’s picture, and that they chose to do that on purpose.
Quite the transition, and without even changing her outfit once.
Wait… that’s not the Isis she means is it?
pronouns in bio serve a very real purpose!
"ma'am that's a child with downs syndrome that you brainwashed"