Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,
Many 🇺🇸 living in border states with 🇨🇦 wish us to become your southernmost province.
This sentiment reflects our admiration for the values and stability that Canada represents, in contrast to the dictatorial tendencies of our current government.
Dr. Len
Many 🇺🇸 living in border states with 🇨🇦 wish us to become your southernmost province.
This sentiment reflects our admiration for the values and stability that Canada represents, in contrast to the dictatorial tendencies of our current government.
Dr. Len
You have been very disrespectful to our country, our identity, and our sovereignty so don't complain when you get a push back
Hmmm, do I blame you for Justin Trudeau wearing black face atleast 3 different times?
So yeah. FU!
Canada is clean, quiet and orderly. We do a lot of business together.
They have parliament consisting of more than two parties.
They have liquor and gun control.
They have health care.
Canada is better. Healthcare, education, culture. It makes sense there.
We live with a tension in the US that you don't even comprehend until you experience life without it. Even before 2016.
We live knowing that anyone might have a gun and could shoot us at anytime for funsies. That constant threat does something to a culture. Fear, suspicion, it's all poison.
Plus - any physical issue could mean bankruptcy. Any pain could mean death since we'll ignore it too long.
The United States has no provisions to allow secession. That was attempted in 1860. It would be interesting if a group of individual states had referendums supporting leaving the union. Not necessarily to join Canada
Considering the 12,000 registered lobbyists (not including their staff and non-registered lobbyists)? I don't feel like it's actually that big of an ask.
Repeat after me:
Don't throw us to the wolves.
I didn’t think it was a serious postN
Perhaps starting with “ha ha” was a mistake as it suggested I didn’t see the serious side.
The price of gas,booze,and cigarettes are extremely high compared to yours (tax pays healthcare)and we allow normal rifles and shotguns but your handguns are a no-no!
A Concerned Minnesotan
I bet we’d get a lot of signatures here on
We north of the 49th have bigger issues to deal with… like saving our independence from your elected administration.
No imperial dreams here.
I don’t want my parents talking about adopting a retarded narcissistic bully who needs extensive psychotherapy and deprogramming.
Americans are the only people in the world who think they are better than and more important than everyone else.
Too much credit.
And butter tarts....mmmm.
Just remember
To succeed, you must first secede!
"Magically Canadian" ain't going to happen without a lot of suffering.
Make something better happen.
Sincerely someone who is without a family Doctor. ✌️&❤️🇨🇦🇺🇸🇺🇦💙
Yes Kansas is strikingly white. But you know where isn’t? Louisiana, South Carolina, Georgia.
But these joke maps endlessly write those people off as not worth supporting, casting off majority Black cities to their fate.
"Let's hand half the country to Russia"
This is silly performative nonsense that tacitly validates the views of your enemy by jokingly placing them in a space between satire and reality.
Please stop essentially copying MAGA.
Become part of Canada! Slowly take the land mass away from them!
Canada would be even better. But I will take what I can.
But please do it in my time. Canadians do not need these states, but Americans need Canadians desperately.
May be we can remove fences and barb wires from our schools, and live civilized.
Come on, people, let's get some organizing going!
El Paso and Dallas, where the mayor is a turn coat (ran as a Dem, then when in office changed to rethug. Lots of oil money to bring to the table.
The republicans have no intention of leaving office and there will be no fair elections in your country until you remedy the current situation.
You may want to get a little more serious about it.
The Canadian approves 100%.
Fuck trump
Fuck gop
Fuck magats
Thank you Mr. Prime Minister! From Tennessee. 🇨🇦🇨🇦
I hope Mark Carney wins, but the fact he has the opportunity to run is partly thanks to Freeland.
It works so well
since 1867.
Lets date first before moving in together and getting matching tattoos. Your debt would be how big ?
The military could be a North American forces with all 3 contributing money and personnel.
Or we can learn to
live in harmony with
We don't like it here!!!!
More people better start waking up to that fact.