It's stunning how intellectually vapid and immature so many of this billionaires are. Absolutely no understanding of American history and the utmost faith in their own superiority.
Reposted from
Larry Glickman
Has Bezos studied American history at all? Does he know anything about federal subsidies for railroad and canals? Does he understand the enormous government role in the creation of the Internet? There has been no point when "freedom in the economic realm" existed in the form of pure "free markets."
They are why we can’t have good things.
They just don’t know anything else anymore.
The courts up to the Supreme Court said it was ok, legislators backed it fully, but too many floor managers who got kids hurt didn’t make it home after their shift for it to continue. And not just at union shops.
A little violence against your superiors goes a long way.
There is a change in state when you have at your fingertips the resources typically reserved for nations.
That’s one reason why democracy cannot coexist with extreme wealth inequality.
Ban billionaires as a national security threat.
Because no, monopolies & monopsonies (Amazon is both) are the opposite of a free market.