I get asked all the time and it’s never bothered me in the slightest.
Hell, it’s an ego boost. “Yes, I am tall and helpful, like a benevolent giant.”
Hell, it’s an ego boost. “Yes, I am tall and helpful, like a benevolent giant.”
Reposted from
Marissa [Insert Pun Based on Last Name Here]🍉
My husband sent me this and I'm wondering why she's still upset when it sounds like the person accepted her no and went to get someone else for help. Are tall people really that offended if a shorter person asks for help? Because I will ask tall people if something is out of reach
by offering to get them something from a low shelf. 😉
I've tried gazing longingly at the top, but you must not live around here. (The lengths I've gone to when no help was available have been embarrassing & sometimes potentially dangerous...)
I am ALWAYS grateful for tall strangers who can spare a moment for the vertically challenged.
Or perhaps she thinks she is in the right but still needs to rationalize her behaviour, and make everything about her and her imagined victimhood.
Hilarity aside, being tall is a bit of a hassle (even at only 6’4”) so it’s nice when someone can get some use out of it by having me help them.
This 'Life Coach' has a really shitty playbook.
I’ve had weirder, a woman mistook me for an employee in a CVS in Vegas & asked me where the tampons were, I shared that I didn’t work there but still pointed her to the aisle I’d walked past 10 seconds earlier. It took zero effort on my part & we both got a laugh out of the misunderstanding.
Let me share this: I was honored when an older gentleman asked if I could help read the listed ingredients on an item (he mentioned he forgot his glasses).
I am a gentleman.
Any gentleman would.
The closest I can identify is being the only woman in a managers meeting and being expected to take the meeting notes. I NEVER take the notes.
She was looking for “chocolate cups” or the ingredients to make them. After some discussion she was trying make cups like this:
Thanks to all the helpers!
I only accost tall shoppers if I've looked & can't find an employee, which happens too often
I do not hesitate to ask any tall person in the store if they can help me reach an item I can't reach. There is nothing "offensive" about asking for help politely.
Well, that and deftly avoiding hitting things with my head.
Spoiler: climbed, lived #nottheheroithought
If a person ever needed help I was glad to help anyone .
As far as that chick, I have a feeling she has more than height issues.
(And shouldn’t her post start with AITA? Cause it sounds like, yeah, maybe so.)
If I’m reaching for an item that is way back on the shelf I’ll just pull several of that item forward too. Proactive kindness and it doesn’t cost me more than a few seconds.
I am also taller than other shorter people. And I help them when asked.
Is this the way we are supposed to be?
«Why, yes. I am!»
“Great, can you help me shift this piano?”
Should I get offended when folks ask me to use my "little hands" to do something in a tight space?
I hate the phrase touch grass, but I'm starting to understand it.
Of course, I'll unlimber my overly long arms and get that for you, no sweet.
In fact, I still have enough stock boy left in me that when I have to fish around way in the back for the thing I'm looking for, I will face the remaining stock out of habit.
Some people don't deserve to be tall.
“I can’t reach that either, but I’m sure my husband can help.” He could and did.
I ask people straining for the top shelf if they would like some help.
It's a PLEASURE to help a fellow shopper get something from a shelf they would otherwise not be able to reach.
Unless my shoulder is in a sling- of course I am helping.
I agree. You are benevolent unless you get irked by ignorant arrogant posts, then I enjoy your less than benevolent reples.
1. Ask nearby black person to help (expecting black people to be servile)
2. Ask passing white customer for help (overtly avoiding black people)
3. Try to find store clerk (Better, but if the clerk is white, it looks like you're doing 2)