Never understood why anyone would want one of these things in their house to begin with, but now? Christ.
Reposted from
Ars Technica
We’re getting a clearer view of the privacy concessions people will have to make to avoid bricking the functionality of already-purchased devices.
- 45%: "Set a timer for [however long this thing takes to cook]"
- 45%: "Add [item] to [grocery store]"
- 10%: wife listening to Edith Piaf while she cooks
They broke the second one recently because it no longer adds directly to AnyList without a precise incantation.
The news here is that Amazon doesn't let you limit the time your words are kept by them, because they want use them for the AI.
I've never trusted that technology.
With that said, this is ridiculous.
But, I can run around my kitchen shouting imprecations against Mussolini’s love child and Elmo all day.
I wouldn’t even consider it 
That broke with 6 months of Vivint installing the system.
Anything online in your home can be cracked into by the state.
And with fascism at the door, a power hungry paranoid florida man in the white house accompianed by Elmo's hackers why would you want to give access
Smart homes/appliances may be convienent but its not wise right now.
22 plus years now.
And they did.
So im not sure aside from turning off the Wifi access setting you are referring to. If You know something i dont... im all ears and ready to listen.
These huge companies have marketed these products to us telling us we need them. We dont. Heat/AC/ appliances/ and regular door locks have worked fine for decades
my friends rolled their eyes & said i was being silly & paranoid.
“amzn wouldn’t listen in to random coversations”.
someone owes me dinner for winning that bet
“Never understood why anyone would want one of these things in their house to begin with, but now? Christ”
2. You're saying a telephone doesn't have the capability to actively listen and transmit what a person says?
2) a telephone isn’t actively listening and transmitting everything we say all the time, only when we allow it (start a call, pick it up off the hook)
Phones do not have the processing nor battery power to be actively understanding/recording/transmitting what we say all the time.
Alexa heard you speaking Spanish. Enjoy El Salvador.
I guess we'll start packing for the gulag?
Why surrender your privacy to an oligarch?
Bezos gets the bare minimum from me.
Invited in.