7. On a more personal note: reviewing the evidence, changing one’s mind, qualifying support for someone or taking a nuanced view of an issue is not “betrayal” or “treachery”, or the other things of which I’m accused when I don’t follow a given line. It’s the only way things can improve. Thank you.
The left are prone to thinking because they are morally superior they are also entitled to abuse ppl who don't share their views.
'We found individuals with extremist attitudes tend to perform poorly on complex mental tasks; they struggle to complete psychological tests with intricate mental steps. People who endorse violence .. also possess poor emotion regulation skills'
This one's Rather Good, strongly implying that those who vboted for Brexit were Idiots
But we all saw that anyway ... 😁
But has does one signify non-acceptance? e.g. of a printed press that in no way reflects the interests and views of the vast majority of people in this country? Difficult to do this without being hurtful or at least confrontational.
Agree with thread that whatever your politics there are always plonkers and those who crave controversy
Having to watch a genocide unfold on such an unimaginable scale with this governments help is soul destroying.
Why place the blame with the left in such a narrow manner?
And we don't have time to wait for people to wise up.
I don’t understand how the solution to a rightwards drift is to give in and go with it, rather than try and do something about it.
I know lots of people went with the narrative that there was a cunning plan to be right-wing and void of ideas to get elected, then pull a surprise switch to the left once in power. Not sure there are many signs of the second part yet.
I mean, more people voted for Corbyn’s Labour than Starmer’s, and whilst there’s several factors at play, it shows there isn’t a hardline refusal in this country to vote for anything left of centre.
Centrist is more likely to suit someone who chooses to use chosen vernacular en vogue to someone who views things based upon and their immediate surroundings. Or Liberal, either way.
Because people weren’t promised a bandaid fix, they voted for facists
Facts and science dont tend to shuffle to the whim of public perception.
They started off with "hugging huskies" and support for the NHS. Once in power over time, they could change the story, campaigning against emissions zones and start flogging off the NHS.
Which ones were for Labour led by the left, and which one was for Labour led by the right?
12,877,918 10,269,051 9,868,329
Clue: They're in chronological order.
Let's just look at the voting numbers and not try to analyse the detailed psychology of the voters. Which in 2024 also showed little change in % for Labour over 2019
That's how to change the media.
But Starmer almost certainly won't. 😠
There in lies the problem, a lack of a voice for political range - where the black hole of the far-right consumes everything (conceded by the centre).
What we have is wealth funded bias to maintain their ‘status quo’!
The response is, at least it's not the Tories? Huh?
Same Corporate Donors.
Same Economic Policy.
But to say they are basically the same is a step too far? Gotcha.
What are the differences?
Socially a bit more liberal?
Not really.
Their actions are the same.
The speed at which journalists turnef towards the truth is painfully slow and indeed it makes people very angry because to them/us it's very Orwellian in perception.