Ha. I can't understand the love affair with coffee. It's ok but is even worth the effort to write about?
Ukraine, Trump, Gaza and Wildlife Extinction for instance are far more important
Coffee has a lot of health benefits AND tastes delicious. If someone thinks theyre going to improve their life by not drinking coffee, I don’t even want to know them. 😊
Magic, or poops? I love love love coffee but it took a long time for me to reckon with what it actually does to my belly. Now I take caffeine/L theanine pills in the morning instead. No more coffee guts running to the toilet urgently type of stuff.
I've been drinking coffee since I was a child. Half mixed with milk. Started drinking regularly around age 12 and daily by about 16. Lol maybe poops are an issue but that could be from other foods as well.
All I know is, after stopping, I don’t have a LOT of gut- colon and other inside feelings that I used to consider normal. I got my wife to stop and she experienced the same thing and has way more gut stuff than me as a rule, hers diagnosed.
I didn't start drinking coffee until I was in my mid-30s. I also have a somewhat rare and specific health situation, with my GI tract.
This has led me to figuring out the EXACT VOLUME of coffee that I can drink. Any less and it's not worth it. Just a few mL more, and I'm gonna have a bad time.
I had to accept the fact that it was making my acid reflux and other GI issues worse. I like tea and it has been a good replacement but I still miss coffee.
Same: lifelong, black-as-the-pits-of-Hell coffee drinker here. Had to give it up, as it was messing with my guts. Now I homebrew a chai recipe from scratch. Yeah, I miss the Joe once in a while, but a little suffering is said to be good for the soul...
No I mean, if I don’t drink coffee, it takes days to a week what one day of drinking coffee will do. I can’t find a fiber supplement or solution that does similar effects.
I love cold green tea and drink it most of the day. The other part of most of the day is the morning french press of Philz with heavy whipping cream :)
A great way to enjoy green tea in the morning is to let it steep no more than three min, gently stir in a teaspoon or two of organic agave then throw it out the window and drink a cup of coffee
Inspires a deja' vu of fantasy nostalgia - what would the world have been like if Gore won & not Bush - no Afghan/Iraqi wars? Or Hillary won - no Covid Economic collapse or Horrific death toll of Americans? Or VP Kamala Harris won - no fascist regime & alliance w/ axis of evil? We were cheated.
Felonious Grump - that is oddly endearing. It sounds like a hybrid of Dickens and Dr. Seuss. Sadly there is nothing endearing about Dump, Dance or Muskrat.
Went to annual checkup.
Me: Doc I have issue with indigestion.
Doc: Quit coffee, chocolate and citrus.
Me: can I get a script for Prilosec(I hate prescriptions)
Doc: writes prescription
Well, I recommend brewed cacao instead, you can make it yourself from cacao nibs (or buy it roasted and ready). Still give you a delicious kick but no crash and not as addictive.
100% coffee here, and it would be anathema to replace that, buti kinda want to start doing both. after my normal amount of coffee, switch the green tea instead of water for a cup or two...
Hah! Gotta say green tea does help urine flow better, though (said this septuagenarian male). Nowadays I still manage a couple of double lattes per week, though.
Excess joy will not be permissible in the new reality, hate and greed will be the order of the day so you might as well enjoy your coffee. Joy has outlived it's shelf life
I'm a big fan of kind of antique writers. Sheridan Le Fanu wrote a story about green tea that I read and re-read because I like it. I like more morning coffee too, but am acclimatizing myself to morning tea, since the climate may be putting coffee out of my price range soon. Green tea isn't my cup.
Glad neither appeal to me
And glad I can make gallons of apple cider juice all here would enjoy if into juice blends
And maximize the joys of living once again
coffee to get the engine running, tea drip to keep it going;
on some days, other days i go raw;
it all depends on the maintenance logs;
we use our supplements either medicinally or recreationally;
ideally either or, but not both;
that would be excessive, and invite nasty side effects;
ideally until only recreational is needed, at will to enhance your moment;
because then it would mean, you've handled most your sources of struggle;
and they have grown small in size, and distraction
Disagree. Green tea is one of the few things I don't add garlic or Marmite to, which shows it must be good.
I can add Turmeric, Dandelion, Matcha, or Citrus to it. If I want to boot it up I'll add a double shot of Fiery Ginger Extract.
But morning is for strong black coffees only.
Oralè Resister
Women March Los Angeles
Saturday 10am
Pershing Square Downtown
She Se Puede
#USDemocracy #LosAngeles
#RoeVWade #InternationalWomenDay
Idk what y'all are talking, the matcha tea lattes I make at home are better than any coffee. Every now and then I'll switch it up and make a heavily spiced chai. Lotus blossom tea is also fantastic.
Ukraine, Trump, Gaza and Wildlife Extinction for instance are far more important
This has led me to figuring out the EXACT VOLUME of coffee that I can drink. Any less and it's not worth it. Just a few mL more, and I'm gonna have a bad time.
I love green tea and still I agree.
I drink a pot of freshly ground coffee in the morning and then I switch over to lemon ginseng green tea after that.
Decaf coffee tastes like crap.
But decaf tea is supposed to taste like crap.
Picard was NEVER meant to be realistic…
Can’t stand the stuff. It’s the bergamot.
Darjeeling? Now you’re talking.
Me: Doc I have issue with indigestion.
Doc: Quit coffee, chocolate and citrus.
Me: can I get a script for Prilosec(I hate prescriptions)
Doc: writes prescription
As I write, enjoying my coffee.
Suggest gummies as easier on lungs
(coffee for mornings, tea for afternoon & evenings)
Let me ask you: do you like kale? 🤓
Tea always tastes great and in many different ways.
Also black tea would be the logical thing to replace coffee with not green tea.
Unless you really wanna cut back on caffeine, which sounds like y'all do
Coffee needs to be a good dark roast and
And glad I can make gallons of apple cider juice all here would enjoy if into juice blends
And maximize the joys of living once again
on some days, other days i go raw;
it all depends on the maintenance logs;
we use our supplements either medicinally or recreationally;
ideally either or, but not both;
that would be excessive, and invite nasty side effects;
because then it would mean, you've handled most your sources of struggle;
and they have grown small in size, and distraction
*coffee must be BLACK, anything added to it is RUINED coffee….fight me! 😆
I can add Turmeric, Dandelion, Matcha, or Citrus to it. If I want to boot it up I'll add a double shot of Fiery Ginger Extract.
But morning is for strong black coffees only.
Women March Los Angeles
Saturday 10am
Pershing Square Downtown
She Se Puede
#USDemocracy #LosAngeles
#RoeVWade #InternationalWomenDay
I’ve never tried lotus blossom — I look forward to trying it sometime :)
Delightful brew!