Run from Florida as fast as you can! Third World state with absolutely no moral compass. Crime and violence out of control. No news media. Seniors in financial crisis. Housing market collapsing. No homeowners insurance available. Polluted lakes and rivers. DeSantis killed the golden goose.
(They're saying that Republicans cry about having their free speech revoked but at least us leftists aren't trying to pull their funding or deport them for being bigots)
(They're saying that Republicans cry about having their free speech revoked but at least us leftists aren't trying to pull their funding or deport them for being bigots)
Actually, It's more the orange blight that took hold in the 80s and early 90s that crippled the industry. Fungus likes humid environments. California is less humid and has had less trouble as a result.
It hasn't for a very long time. It's a religious belief. In the real world of poor people facing the violence of the state the bill of rights barely exists on a good day, if you can afford legal lawyers.
Making everybody go to court. Even if they can win, the stress, the cost… they’ll intimidate ppl into complying. Wear even the fighters down. And THEY’RE doing it all with tax dollars, and on “company” time.
Federalistishly: The first amendment doesn't apply to causes the Founders wouldn't recognize (Palestine) but clearly does apply to slurs the Founders would use.
I dislike this framing as it implies *any* Constitutional right still exists... They don't. I'd argue they never did, but that's not important anymore. What is important is everyone recognize that we are not safe and take action accordingly.
One thing that it reminds me of is liberals in the south when they came to power in local municipalities agonizing over the first amendment protections when their constituents wanted them to shut down public-facing KKK bookstores/clubs et cetera; the right wing will pretend laws don't apply to them
Everything else is pro-terrorism and anti-Semitic (even though they have no idea what that means).
you should watch it then revisit.
Do they produce anything other than oranges and fascists?
That wasn’t TP. That was the U.S. Constitution.
They only ever cared about the 2nd Amendment, and really only the last half of that one.
This how fascists roll. Academics, artists, and independent media first.
wolf in nazis clothing
Fixed it.
What constitute the First Amendment for Republican Nazis? asking for a friend