Yearly reminder that nobody gives away free fentanyl to trick-or-treaters cause drugs are expensive and dealing drugs is a purely capitalist enterprise, and anyone who falls for that myth has proven themselves to be completely uninformed and unreliable
People are going to "deal drugs" as long as others are going to want to do them, regardless of if the socioeconomic system is an class based, exploitative one or not
I mean, you'd still want to reassure them by periodically saying things like, "That Kit Kat bar was yummy. I guess it wasn't poison."
... then the news cycle happened, and that panic shit's a money maker for publishers.
He wanted the money from a life insurance payout.
It's not "brain-b0rked" or whatever the fuck, say the goddamn reason.
during the intervening nonce, you will note that i go out of my way to imply this is an unreliable memory.
i will, however, assert that ”brain-borked” is a sufficiently broad term to include ”greed enough to poison your own children”.
Also, no, what we're NOT gonna do is try to imply that this guy was mentally ill. He was greedy and stupid, not "crazy."
that we have to get this deep into a thread to find a source (look at where we started) decries ”popular”, at least in this era. fwiw, this occured within a few years of my birth.
i maintain this guy was fucked in the head.
deservance of pity is an entirely different matter. i vote no
I just find the notion of your three kids, wandering around a neighborhood at night, being given drugs by your local drug lord, to be a weird image outdated and dumb in a variety of ways.
Yes, children go door-to-door in my town without parents.
The myth that never dies.