Medical toxicologist here to confirm: all available, real-world data has proven mifepristone is actually even safer than many over the counter medicines.
Mortality rates:
Mifepristone: 0.65/100,000
Penicillin 2/100K
Viagra 4/100K
Pregnancy in the US: 22/100,000 (some states see rates >60/100K)
Mortality rates:
Mifepristone: 0.65/100,000
Penicillin 2/100K
Viagra 4/100K
Pregnancy in the US: 22/100,000 (some states see rates >60/100K)
Reposted from
Viagra has more serious side effects than Mifepristone
Mifepristone has a lower risk of side effects than penicillin
So why is it such a big deal to these GOP boys anyway?
Viagra has more serious side effects than Mifepristone
Mifepristone has a lower risk of side effects than penicillin
So why is it such a big deal to these GOP boys anyway?
Our movement is Christian.
Adolf Hitler
I love the poorly educated.
Hitler 2.0
And then one said “side effects”
DUDE: an individual electing an abortion is ok with more than just a little nausea, chills and cramping
I have had some of my best clinical care from NPs and some of the worst from MDs.
It gives control or the perception of control.
Once they pull it to “review”, they’ll let it languish indefinitely.
They certainly do not care about the health of women!
That’s an extreme case but thats why you so frequently see something like “death has been reported” on a label
As a medical professional. I approve this skit.
It's all about rape and forcing birth.
That's the GOP!
You cannot legislate human behavior, but pols love the optics.
How much has been spent on the "War on drugs"?
"Save the fetus, and starve the child" is the short form version.