It’s hard to reconcile the “they’ll go after ideologies they don’t like next” talk with the fact they’ve been openly targeting a whole suite of them associated with Black scholarship already. They’ve already threatened to defund any university teaching critical race theory. Why doesn’t that count?
It's not guaranteed but it at least puts them on the path.
It begins w/ the denial of humanity, & if they can choose something that doesn't seem related to that, but IS absolutely rooted in it, then they have some sort of plausible deniability to the privileged. "Civil rights/equity aren't the issue, just that CRT/DEI."
"We can't teach racism, you're the racist if you talk about it!" is so old it vote, smoke, drink and has grand kids.
which is why i have taken to unfollowing and blocking those anti-Black voices and elevating those who see the attacks and are screaming about them.
it is hard for white people and people who want to be white to see Black bodies.
racism is a hell of a drug & to many are addicted, no matter their party affiliation.
Malcom was right when he talked about the dangers of so called progressives/liberals.
republican = racism, so no need to expand on them.
And so is describing fascists as not having an ideology.
47% of Latino men voted Trump.