People also need to understand this isn’t federal money, this is DC money collected through DC taxes. They’re openly stealing from the city with the intent to immiserate the people living there because they resent the idea they should be allowed to govern themselves.
Reposted from
Adam Gurri
Glad someone mentioned it
So do all the territories, unless they choose independence.
Every single US citizen should have voting representation in Congress.
That's going in my manifesto.
(Note: i agree with your sentiment)
"Taxation without representation"
“ they resent the idea [Black people / a majority Black community] should be allowed to govern themselves.”
It’s qwhite interesting
"If you recognize gay marriage, we'll cut your post office funding" from some dingus in Utah was one of my favorites from this genre.
- full points for Gryffindor
Republicans hate black people. They only like rich white men. Even then, they don't LIKE them. Just their money
Columbia removed protesters degrees & are STILL getting attacked
Canada and Mexico were already complying with treaties Trump negotiated, and he's STILL threatening them
There's NO REASON to comply with this regime. No usaid cia cover
All stick, no carrot