A Star Trek convention once asked our astronomy club to set up our scopes. It was so muggy that no stars were visible. I set an Astronomy magazine across the tennis court so they could look at something in my SCT. One lady was impressed that the telescope identified the galaxies.
Scientists now consider why the labels are directly facing Earth and if this indicates the aliens are trying to communicate with us, or has someone engraved ultra tiny writing on the telescope lens again.
It would take a Type III Kardashev to construct actual visible distance labels in orbit around every star in the Milky Way. Better than a planet of paperclips. The paperclip apocalypse ought to be renamed the star label apocalypse. Whole solar systems would have to be rearranged.
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That depends on what you want. I've seen night sky videos, for sure, but distant objects are so dim that they require long exposures on the order of minutes to take photos of. That doesn't lend itself well to making videos.
Searching "night sky" on YouTube brings many results of the stars, in time lapse and real time. When you said "deep space," I assumed you meant images of far away objects like the photos NASA posts of nebulae and such. Those are not possible to make videos of.
I checked again, trying your prompt and more. Videos from earth, fake stuff, influencers, videos of earth... Still not finding a single video of the stars from a satellite, space station, or anything else above the atmosphere.
So what you wanted was video of the stars from a near earth object, thank you for finally saying. "iss stars" on YouTube gave me this as first hit: https://youtu.be/ebOgSq_YJUw
Title text: "This is the biggest breakthrough since astronomers noticed that the little crosshairs around red giant stars starting to burn helium are all the same size."
“One remaining problem is when the label makers neglect to include a unit next to the distance value.
It has caused a great deal of angry letters from the Catalina Sky Survey; one among several organizations.”
...comic sans..
At least until it lands on heads or tails.
3066 = 2×3×7×73
If the star/label are 5000 light years away, we re reading a label 5000 years old and the star has moved since.
Are we seeing an obsolete label or does it somehow update during the trip?
Been a long time since light
Surely there must be long-form video/streamed footage of the stars SOMEWHERE, right? 🤩
That is what I'm looking for, videos of the stars going by, even slowly. Doesn't have to be interesting, just has to be real.
Alt text: https://explainxkcd.com/3066#Transcript