I have a Sawstop table saw. It is a great saw and the explosive charge to lock and drop the blade into the machine in case your fingers might come in contact with the blade is worth the $4,000 asking price.
as they enter the building they breathe in the lilac and rose fragrances. strolling past beautiful murals of Mediterranean Seascapes. with a classical quartet playing in the background they step onto the gently moving sidewalks.
this will guide them directly into the rotating knives.
Oh it's very interesting! It works in a very similar way that an outlet in your bathroom will shut off if it defects water. The blade has a small floating electrical charge and when it comes into contact with skin, which is grounded, the small amount of current discharge is picked up by a sensor
I now realize the world lacks sawblades with embedded smartphone touchscreen interfaces. They use they same tech, the combined efficiencies could be immense.
Old TV show which featured it and explains how it works.
Super interesting but still damn freaky and scary to see someone actually test it for real. https://youtu.be/q_BI6HGfmgs?si=MBzchQIp64_fUYZW
My Stihl chainsaw stops within half a second of activating the brake. At 10 metres per second that’s 5 metres of flesh & bone it gnaws through before it stops
And to be even more pointlessly pedantic, 5 metres of flesh & bone, but that's only one of the dimensions, what about depth and width? If it's 1 micrometre² x 5 metres, that's only 0.005 millimetres³.
\end of pedantic joke, you are correct. The velocity of chainsaws is frightening.
If the deceleration is instant 100% to 0% at the the 0.5s mark, you'd be right. If the deceleration is linear, you divide speed by 2 and multiply it with the breaking time, giving 2.5m. Anywhere between 0m and 5m if it's on a curve.
I did a job interview for a engineering position at saw stop. Within 3 minutes of meeting the engineering manager I was sure he would have made sure the Punch Cards at Nuremberg we're being run, to keep track of what the gas Chambers had done the night before.
Useful as a training saw to prevent the development of a false sense of security from SawStop. Usually only takes the tip of one finger to complete training, finger mostly still usable but the lesson lasts a lifetime.
The honest to God true story of what happened to the guy who invented a way to stop & prevent saws from cutting off fingers, arms & legs is eye-opening to say the least.
Alt text:
“Unfortunately, SawStart is one-use-only. Once started, the blade cannot be stopped, and must be replaced with a fresh blade while the running one is carefully disposed of.”
That's title text, not alt text. AT describes the image for people with vision problems, something the author refuses to do despite many requests over the years.
yeah, IIRC, I did something really stupid. I had my crosscut fence in the wrong slot and the blade touched the aluminum and that's all she wrote. It's a great saw.
Oh: so the blade touched the fence and set it off? That's a bummer, but hopefully still worth the potential safety. I hope to acquire one some day . . .
I’m convinced my table saw could be used to chuck small satellites into orbit. Everyone has had that one piece of wood split, and get ejected at Mach 2.
I'm surprised Musk hasn't come out and condemned Sawstop yet as part of the woke mind virus.. also for those that don't know here is a video of how they work pretty damn cool.
Yh, I'd imagine people would be extra motivated with something chasing them, like imagine unleashing a bunch of predators on some runners, they'd break records
Time to invite Trump for a visit to our fair country. Include as part of his itinerary a row on the future Australian Olympic rowing course. Perhaps he can commission a before and after portrait to hang up in Colorado.
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So then, that should result in a much cleaner cut which would in turn be considerably less painful & with the added bonus of making it much easier to surgically reattach severed appendages than were the blade to remain spinning at its regular slowly sawing speed...
That's title text, not alt text. AT describes the image for people with vision problems, something the author refuses to do despite many requests over the years.
SawStop is actually a great feature. But, their attempts to force everyone to gave it on their saws is just rampant overreach. Makes me want to invest in SawStart.
Actually that would be XKCD’s video on how making a laser powerful enough will cause itself to become opaque, due to something something runaway particle-antiparticle generation.
Of course such a laser would be so energetic it would need to convert planets worth of matter into pure energy per second for that to happen even with a beam as small as a lightsaber.
I have seen the blade of a running concrete saw dispose of itself in the wall of a convenience store, right where some dude had been standing a few seconds earlier.
Title text: "Unfortunately, SawStart is one-use-only. Once started, the blade cannot be stopped, and must be replaced with a fresh blade while the running one is carefully disposed of."
In reality, most companies implement Saw for free, and then implement something like SawStart to "improve user experience." Then they release SawStop at a later date for a premium subscription price after users spend years cutting off their thumbs and wishing for something better.
Hell, you can slice your finger open on a stationary saw blade, especially if you reflexively pull back when it goes BANG!
“We’ve had some malfunctioning units that use the explosive to enact a emergency stop.”
this will guide them directly into the rotating knives.
Super interesting but still damn freaky and scary to see someone actually test it for real.
\end of pedantic joke, you are correct. The velocity of chainsaws is frightening.
If the deceleration is instant 100% to 0% at the the 0.5s mark, you'd be right. If the deceleration is linear, you divide speed by 2 and multiply it with the breaking time, giving 2.5m. Anywhere between 0m and 5m if it's on a curve.
And a router table will still keep everyone on their toes.
New product idea: RouterStop.
Next product idea: RouterGo.
“Unfortunately, SawStart is one-use-only. Once started, the blade cannot be stopped, and must be replaced with a fresh blade while the running one is carefully disposed of.”
I already got my husband the T-shirt w/, "My approach is useless here."
Now I'm gonna have to hang this is the shop.
You already have us laughing over everything else, NOW you're gonna make us lose a finger? 😆
3067 is ✨𝓹𝓻𝓲𝓶𝓮✨
Where evil-doers get more dungeon.
Love it!!
Pretty sure you need this
We get a lot of american and albertan visitors in my town
How time flies.
Any chance we can get the alt text under the image?
It’s called a SawStop? For 50 years I thought it was called a SawSah
Tighten that big nut, folks.
Alt text: https://explainxkcd.com/3067#Transcript